World Team Now is 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded in 2005 with a mission to encourage local and global community involvement and implement sustainable solutions to environmental and social issues of consequence. We use a T.E.A.M. methodology to demonstrate a process of valuing the resources of T.ime, E.nergy, A.ction and M.oney. We seek 100% renewable energy solutions, bring in the technology, experts, and team with a platform to inspire others to play to transform ourselves, and our world. Showing that T.ogether, E.verybody, A.chieves, M.ore!

A vision for all people to join in and continuously transform the world and ourselves; communicated by action, promoted and facilitated by our project, World Team. World Team's goal is a consciousness, where our world works like a team.

- Identify, mediate and resolve issues; and bring to the attention of public and governmental bodies, problems in the environment and in our world wide society, which are detrimental to the maintenance of peace, or constitute a danger to existence of our collective environmental resources;
- Inspire higher education, innovation and genius by awarding teams that present the most promising ideas, or concepts with plans to seek solutions to environmental and social issues through our annual World Team "Challenge".
- Build and maintain a think-tank of experts to judge the "Challenge" and further research and develop the winning solution.
- Form a Volunteer Corps from many nations and races who will become part of the team, within a community, that implements the solutions to environmental and social issues of consequence around the world.
- Have a platform to research, develop and/or showcase alternative and new sustainable energies and technologies.
- Organize and host conferences discussing solutions for global transformation. Seeking humanity's balance with our selves and nature, generate inter-faith and ecumenical dialogue about the connections between science, spirituality and reality, to raise consciousness by using media and technology for interactivity.
- Participate with other public and governmental bodies that attempt to mediate and resolve issues, problems, and disputes affecting worldwide society, the environment, and disputes that may lead to violence or destruction of important environmental assets.
- Encourage the protection of sites of natural or historical beauty and inspiration such as the Pyramids of Giza, Machu Picchu, Ankor Wat, and Lalibela Rock Churches. Help identify and clarify various ways of preservation of these landmark spots globally, and strive to discover new sites of wonder.
- Demonstrate multiuse facilities that fulfill both community and environmental needs. Build and transform building structures of shelter, to show case the use of new and sustainable materials and technologies e.g.; the World Team home bases, offices that will use a combination of wind, solar, hydro, and other means to generate power.
- Promote alternative methods of transportation; vehicles; cars, planes, and boats. Advocate clean ways to exploit the wheel e.g.; bikes, skates etc.….
- Through various forms of media, including television, films, music, books, and the web, build public support, gather resources, raise awareness and funds, by promoting and developing all of the above.
In addition, this corporation is formed for the purposes of performing all things incidental or appropriate to the achievement of the foregoing specific and primary purposes.
World Team Now has several components that support this mission that will operate as a non-profit charitable organization under section 501(C3) of the IRS tax code.