Hydrogen House Partner Update

Hydrogen House Partner Update

Announcement Date: August 1, 2019

Systems mentioned (big point: all systems are interrelated)

  1. Hydrogen House
    1. Low-pressure feed to High pressure 6000 PSI portable renewable-powered fueling station for hydrogen cars
    2. Mirai can power 60 Homes. No permit needed unlike Ballard = 114 KW output
    3. Powered a Tesla 40amp at 240 v with the Marai (Tesla rescue vehicle)
    4. Grid vehicle. Made an inverter for any hybrid (OEM agnostic). Turns vehicles into generators
    5. Fuel cell motorcycle
    6. 4×4 Utility Vehicle with a 100-mile range. Power of hydrogen generator 1KW fuel cell 1 kW solar array  48 volt DC 240v AC  inverter 15K capacity.  Just like Mirai. With inverter can do 18KWAC power- 220V
    7. Can take any electric vehicle (golf cart, in-building trucks) and add fuel cell. Fork Lifts are #1 use for fuel cells. Don’t need lead-acid batteries with 24 hr recharge (fill up in 55 minutes) so one forklift can replace 3.
    8. Water purification with waste to energy 2nd version  — 20 patents to be filed
    9. Vacuum Toilets use 1 quart of water instead of 1.6 gallons — 6 flushes to 1 flush impact on water conservation.
  2. H Cell Energy
    • Joule Box, Renewable Energy Holdings Hybrid, solar mounting systems, washer product,  hydro-cavitation-sewage to energy.
  3. Well, Manger, LLC
    • Company has a new well management product. Management for irrigation and water well column table balance flow. This product can be run by solar instead of grid-tied electric power.
  4. It’s Just Water, LLC Water Company
    • Ingredient business CBD and saline. Agricultural Water and product enhancements for human health benefits.
  5. Genmounts
    • New less expensive mounting system. Did a large microgrid (solar) in Princeton 200 Acre Property and 127KW. Lots of solar projects, rebates winding down in the next 2 years. Climate change being felt is also helping.

Demo sites and demos:

  1. Calamigos Ranch and new site near Pepperdine. Doing a microgrid in Malibu. Primarily to educate people.  Education is a prime goal for Hydrogen House
  2. Hydrogen house project in Malibu — waste to energy. Calamigos Ranch and landfill leaching project next.
  3. Doing a microgrid in Malibu at a site near Pepperdine