by Suzanne Maxx
Our World Team project has started casting! The journey is getting exciting and we have so many interesting candidates that we decided to have an election and a race for candidacy— where you will be able to vote for your favorite person who you want to see on World Team.
What is World Team?
World Team is a social and environmental experiment to see if we can “be the change we want to see” in the world.
World Team is a real time streaming journey, a multi-media project, plus a broadcast series that is interactive with global participation.
This is more than a reality-based television series that actually showcases people demonstrating transformation of the world. The team will takes on global environmental and social issues of consequence.
What we are creating is a global conversation through a multi-media platform that connects people, projects and the world. What we’re selling is a consciousness about change. We do that by showcasing socially and environmentally responsible projects that demonstrate how people can work together and play to transform the world.
Be part of a global multimedia project that goes into action on both social and environmental challenges. Join the team doing real projects in a community with renewable energy.
Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you care about the future of our planet?
Have you ever been frustrated by no action to address environmental concerns and want to do more, because you feel you have no tangible or measurable effect beyond signing a petition, donating money or making conscious choices in your own behavior or purchases?
Much of TV today is reality based, with a focus on making-over people, homes, restaurants, well, almost everything. What makes this programming entertaining are the individuals who choose to participate. Individuals often have self-serving reasons for participating: money, fame, a lucrative contract— we are looking for people who can, and are able to give of their T.ime, E.nergy. A.ction and help us raise M.oney. This is all part of our emergent media platform. The rewards for being a team member come in T.E.A.M.
What are we looking for?
Twelve Extraordinary Individuals
People from around the world who each come from a different culture and region of the world, to create a microcosm of the human race. Team members have diverse backgrounds, talents, and skills. They share a love of sports, and each brings an expertise that is essential for the team to succeed in its mission.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has. -Margaret Mead
Team members come from North America, South/Central America, Southern Africa, Northern Africa, Middle East, Northern Europe, Europe, Mediterranean, Eastern Block, North Asia, South Asia, Australia/ Oceania.
Candidate’s Qualifying Criteria
Requirements: Must be willing to travel 90 days at a time away from home, and have a passport. We ask only people that are single or have grown children apply. If there are pets in your household we ask that you are not the sole person responsible for them, if you are candidate.
Language: Fluent English, and one other language minimum. The ideal candidate has at least two other languages. Candidates have excellent diction and on camera presence.
Age: 21 – 65 years old. (We will make acceptations for the extraordinary candidates.)
Interests: Passionate about the world, humanitarian and environmental issues, volunteering, serving, and understands the urgency of the crossroads facing humanity.
Athletic Ability preferred: former Olympian, or exceptional skill and talent in a particular sport or activity: Karate, Pole-Vaulting, Skating, Skiing, Horseback Riding, Soccer, Scuba Diving, Kayaking, Mountain Climbing, Sky Diving, Kite Surfing, Dancing). We will also consider anyone with a disability. In other words, we are looking for people who appreciate and greatly value the ability of their body, and have worked on their bodies and physical skills.
Profession or Vocation: Leading groups, teams with commitment to service, think; Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther-King, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa— people who are emerging icons because of their commitment, wisdom, and passion for our collective resources. These individuals are known in their communities because of what they have done, and what they are trying to do is greater than “self” interest, or any kind of personal gain. Genuinely altruistic individuals and unstoppable forces who are determined to use their life for the highest good possible. Also a person might be someone who is pioneering in science and technology, but contributes by serving a societal need with their gifts of knowledge and wisdom.
Culture/Spiritual Ties: These individuals are active and knowledgeable about cultural heritage, active with family, and have a very strong commitment to their spiritual beliefs— these can be based in one or more religions, as long they are steeped in their country’s traditions. Ideally they are well versed in their own countries heritage, for example, Israeli/Judaism, Italian/Catholic, Saudi Arabian/Muslin— they at least have extremely strong roots, and they have a strong sense of their heritage.
One of the ways you can become a candidate is to log onto the casting website, and fill out as much information as you can, so we can get to know you virtually. Please create a user name and login here;
“Reality, if rightly interpreted, is grander than fiction.”
Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) Scottish essayist, historian
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