Present/Ongoing Campaigns
- World Team Challenge (WTC)
- Trinity Think Tank (TTT)
- Team Volunteer Corps (TVC)
- Platform Launching Alternative & New Energy & Technology (PLANET)
- “Reverence of Nature’s Beauty,” our Malibu Campaign, also had photos in The Malibu Chamber of Commerce 2014 Directory.
“WTN Raises Awareness” – public beneficiary educational and information PR campaigns about renewable energy and technology and related intercultural entrepreneurship through Social Media: WTN’s FB, Blog, Twitter and our Newsletter (ongoing).
Participate in Earth Day (annual).
Produce WTN Fundraiser (annual).
Renewable Energy Transportation Campaign
- ”Solar Carport Project” – Seek to find recipient with a location for installation of donated solar carport – continue diligence with the potential recipient.
- Campaign for Electric Vehicle (EVs) and Plug-in Electric Vehicle (PHEVs) public adoption (ongoing).
- Renewable Energy Demonstration Pilot Project: Secure land for candidate location Maui, Hawaii USA.
- “Go Home with WTN” Campaign – all cultures share the same planet and all need use our diversity to save it – social issues.
Work with California legislators (ongoing).
“Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood”-Malibu, CA coordinate beach homes to demonstrate a deeper shade of green.
Officially Launch the Pioneers for our PLANET Award.
Produce WT Pilot and develop initial World Team platform to promote and support WTN.
Big Data for Public Awareness Campaign – conduct research to use data for scientific issues globally.
- Net-Zero Building Campaign for base location.
Past WTN Campaigns
The National Day of Service – Zuma Beach Clean Up; World Team Now on January 19th.
The Green Inaugural Ball – representing World Team Now in Washington DC, network building for alternative energy policy, January 21st.
“Reverence of Nature’s Beauty,” our Malibu Campaign was the photo contest winner for The Malibu Chamber of Commerce 2013 Directory.
Circle-Up on Renewable Energy, Electric Vehicle Ride and Drive was an event produced by World Team Now that was part of the local community Earth Day Celebration, Malibu, CA.
“Connecting the Dots” with renewable energy, transportation, and leading thinkers. Had a role in the Solar Impulse’s all solar aircraft’s landing at JFK — WTN helped to raise public awareness and demonstrated solutions. Worked with NYS Governor’s Office. Began the concept of Pioneers for the Planet” award and campaign.
World Team Now “Teamed-Up” with ACORE again to be a supporting partner for the Renewable Energy Financing Forum-Wall Street at the Waldorf Astoria in New York.
Renewable Energy Networking – Participated in a series of meetings and events including Elon Musk at NASDAQ, and Tesla’s Showroom as part of Bloomberg’s Clean Energy Week, New York.
“EV Charge Campaign”-Vehicle Electrification – Helped many people go a deeper shade of green with our coverage of auto shows by writing articles and sharing with the public to adopt through social media:
Tidal Energy Campaign – We were sponsors of the Tidal Wave Energy Summit in London.
Climate Action Campaign, a partner in the global Climate Change International Campaign of TckTckTck:
- Contributed to the International Hearing on Renewable Energy
- Contributed to the Panel on Electrification and Renewable Energy
Teamed up with TckTckTck on COP19 – here is our summary of the United Nations ‘Framework on Climate Change Conference in Warsaw.
Worked to find California legislators we can move forward with on renewable energy initiatives – vet local policy to adopt.
“Bike for Billions” showed the deployment of human energy as a renewable energy source by riding a stationary bike that powered the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop in Times Square with viewers from around the world watching renewable energy work.