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“Yes,” He Can–Executive Order

” Yes”, Obama can, and so he did, with the Executive Order for the US Federal Government.

“As the largest consumer of energy in the U.S. economy, the federal government can and should lead by example when it comes to creating innovative ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase energy efficiency, conserve water, reduce waste, and use environmentally-responsible products and technologies,” said President Obama.

Even though the US media paid little attention to President Obama’s Executive order on October 7th, that requires federal agencies to set a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for 2020 within 90 days it might have made up for indirectly by the international community with the reward of the Nobel Peace Prize announcement.  The Executive Order exerts Obama’s Presidential power and his commitment towards action when our bi-partisan Senate is stalled with passing the Energy Bill.  A timely action when the world is looking for an example from the USA, entering into COP15 this December.

“This Executive Order builds on the momentum of the Recovery Act to help create a clean energy economy and demonstrates the federal government’s commitment, over and above what is already being done, to reducing emissions and saving money,” he said.

The Executive Order goes beyond just cutting gree house gasses and addressing anthropogenic climate change it creates structure within the Federal Government to lessen it’s “King Kong” size carbon foot print within EPA, FEMA, HUD, DOE, DOT, and more.

President Obama requires agencies to meet a number of energy, water, and waste reduction targets, including in this Exec. Order:

  • 30 percent reduction in vehicle fleet petroleum use by 2020;
  • 26 percent improvement in water efficiency by 2020;
  • 50 percent recycling and waste diversion by 2015;
  • 95 percent of all applicable contracts will meet sustainability requirements;
  • Implementation of the 2030 net-zero-energy building requirement;
  • Implementation of the storm water provisions of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, section 438; and
  • Development of guidance for sustainable Federal building locations in alignment with the Livability Principles put forward by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

New measures call for all federal agencies to comply with new standards for net zero buildings, electric vehicle fleets, and energy- conscious office practices, and more, amongst the solid practices towards a fully sustainable path.  Integration of energy star appliances, lighting efficiency measures, water conservation, waste reduction and support of sustainable communities, are called for combined with a transparency for reporting specific measurable results, at a pace of response unprecedented in the USA federal government.

Integration via using the web is stressed as is a process of evaluating independent contractors that are awarded government contracts encourage a president of environmental practices.  This Exec Order is really comprehensive, click here to read.

This action reminds me of the story of the woman who asked the Budhist Monk to tell her son to not to eat sugar.  The Monk replied, “Have your son come back next week.”  That next week he told the son, as the mother requested, not to eat sugar.  Smiling, he said to the woman,” I couldn’t tell him last week while I was still eating sugar…”

Eco Fest’s 21st


World Team Now (WTN) joined the 21st Eco Fest in NYC’s Central Park, Oct. 4th

It was a beautiful day, sunny and warm and our new WTN board member Walter Andrews a charter member of EPA, lead the public outreach with Suzanne Maxx and Albert Boulanger.

There were over 25,00O people through the day.  A Solar Stage with people tap dancing for tap water and Pete Seeger belting out the classic environmental anthem “This Land is your Land..” The River Keeper, and teams of other non-profits, health food, and demo’s of alternative vehicle.

People were drawn to our table because of the skate wheels we were using as paper weights.  This allowed us launch into conversations about alternative forms of transportation, and share materials we had prepared on key links for the global pulse of the environmental movement.

Walter Andrews (EPA & WTN) and Suzanne Maxx (World Team WTN Founder & Exec Director) were invited to speak at the press conference at Tavern on the Green to Launch on October 2nd for the event launch.

United Nations-Specific Measurable Results?


By Suzanne Maxx ©

The UN is back in session, and the world looks for “Specific Measurable Results”  towards global transformation.

Yves de Boer, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, has said the key to the success of the Copenhagen conference – also known as COP15 – will be how much industrialized countries (Defined as “Developed”) are willing to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases and how much India and China (Defined as “Developing”) are willing to limit the growth of their emissions.

Perhaps there is a better way to define a country? To work with countries of our world within the framework of the words the UN has labeled as “Developed,” “Developing, and Least Developed”, has an orientation of values that may not be in the best interest of humanity’s future on this planet earth.

Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations, defined a developed country as follows. “A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment.”

Perceptions of freedom, safety and health can be relative.  It is important to consider that presently there is no established convention for the designation of “developed” and “developing” countries or areas in the United Nations system.

Do these words, defining how each country can play in the world game restrict our world?   Is there a better way to define countries that will inspire better co-operation, a more level playing field, so all countries can approach global treaties truly looking out for the benefit of humanity?  If we are going to use defining words, perhaps there could be an established convention for designation?  World Team Now seeks alternative definitions.

Freedom, Choice – Independence Day

Independence, Freedom, & Choice

"The Statue of Liberty"- photo by Suzanne Maxx

By Suzanne Maxx

I love celebrating “The Declaration of Independence” and this year, Independence has great meaning on 4th of July in NYC.  True independence is within our vision, now evidenced by the sweeping changes abound;

We have a new Energy Bill thanks to representatives Waxman & Markey’s; American Energy and Security Act (ACES). It  just made it through the House of Representatives(HR2454). This bill is a step towards the first law of its kind for the USA, which could help us on the path towards Energy Independence and allow the alternative sources like solar; wind, tidal, geothermal to grow.  Obama  seems to be in favor of it, although there werelast minute controversial changes.

Independence from Oil, now that would merit a big celebration, and fireworks.

With “Copenhagen” in December there is a true possibility of the first ever Global Environmental Treaty ratified for our world.  We have more countries than ever before attempting to work together to take on the Climate Crisis, that is significant.

The USA is manufacturing electric vehicles and the automotive industry is transforming. is one example of how Service, Contribution, Integrity and Environmental Responsibility are being valued as a commodity and the world of business is being reformed.

The Web, social networks, streaming media, multiple channels of TV:  withviewer “Independence” and so much choice, the entertainment industry is transformed.

EPA declares Greenhouse Gases pose threat to public health–and a greater accountability from polluters is born.

The ARRA creates green jobs, and funds the kind of projects that will insure our independent future, and asks for a smarter electrical grid, and Utilities are being transformed.   Solutions are born.

Let us celebrate our greatest gift we have in this country-freedom.  It is so exciting to live in a time of change, where the possibility of creating a future independent from the past is real.

World Team’s green building (that intends to have the option to function independent of the electrical grid is closer to reality)—and a new for profit Delaware corporation ;  “World Team –Building LLC” that will contribute to World Team Now, is born.

In truth we are all dependent on the love that we need from one another and more that is ineffable: the air we breathe, water, food and something bigger and beyond each us— some call it “nature,” I say “God” (call it what you will, but let’s answer the call with reverence and respect).

May you realize the greatest gift that grows from Independence; Freedom

Freedom gives choice—how do you choose to use your resources; Time, Energy, Action and Money?

A twist of irony–to celebrate independence at a time where there is “dependence” on the Team of people who are all working on our growing World Team Now.    Thank you All— and we welcome All!

Copenhagan-The Big Picture


Courtesy of NASA

Courtesy of NASA

Think Global: Act Local  Act for ALL 

By Suzanne Maxx

The reality of one home and shared resources for us all is starting to take priority for many who had been previously concerned only about personal survival or achievement.    Global philanthropy is an at all time high —  ironically this comes at a time when personal survival is challenged and despite these times many people seem to  continue to seek the bigger picture, beyond their own challenges.  Regardless of country, we are all dealing with the world now, and our potential future.  We all have a need for air, water, earth, and energy.  Our collective resources are shared and how we use them regardless of where we are, affects us all.  An emergent question is how we put a value or “price” on responsibility to these elements.  What can that replace or transform our present monetary structures and support the global “eco”mony/ology ?  This is what humanity is beginning to awaken to with our global environmental movement.  How do we live on earth in balance with our resources?
Growth is challenging.  Is there a higher reason we all are being called to look at the way we have structured the game of life in our world now? Here’s to human evolution, and global transformation.

This is an exciting time for those of living inside the environmental and social movement for two decades or more…. Our time is now — people, like you are listening, and want to participate, as we are all stake holders in our children’s home.  With perseverance, the battles to convince people of the existence of environmental and social challenges facing the planet are not over, but we have succeeded to begin to educate the masses.  Multi-media telecommunications have shrunk the world, and some powerful leaders (without countries) have emerged on the global scene — thank you, Yvo de Boer, Al Gore, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and Bono. Now the challenge lies in doing the work to create the change in enough time for the change to take hold so humanity has more options.  The speed at which we are able to move now is exhilarating, if not overwhelming.  Just when I’m ready to post about G20”, or “solar energy”, something changes or the technology advances — it is a challenge to keep pace with accuracy with the speed at which the transformation is happening.  Please forgive me if by the time you are reading this the information is obsolete.

For the future direction of humanity and our global environment, one thing is clear; there is a lot riding on the potential of the upcoming United Nation’s Conference in Copenhagen.   The possibility of a global treaty that is enforceable and honored by the world for our world — could be a global game changer or life transformer.  One of the challenges with the U.N. model is the way the world is divided, described, and regulated — by the concepts of categorizing countries by their “development”.  Is there a more powerful framework to view with the world?  Does it serve us to label the USA as “developed” and China and India as “developing” nations?  We have to at least try to work within the U.N.’s global framework as it is the only global framework we have now.  Just like we have to work within our challenged systems like our legal, educational, political, monetary and healthcare systems, as that is what we have now.  How can the “systems” better serve humanity, and what role can the machine play in the transformation?

The outcome of a powerful Global Treaty could be like what The Constitution is for the USA, or like what the Declaration of Human Rights distinguishes for the world. Personally I have been following this dream of a global treaty for our environment, since Rio De Janeiro 1992, when I was there where it all began in the global community, at The Earth Summit/Global Forum.  Then the treaty was just emerging as the “The Climate Change Treaty” or more formally; “The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC or FCCC), with more nations ratifying this global document than any other in the history of our world — for our environment. The idea behind the climate treaty is aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent change in our climate system.  It became The Kyoto Protocol, after a rocky history of trying to get the USA to ratify, but the distinctions between developing and developed countries made the playing field questionable, when developing giants like China and India would not have to play by the same rules as the USA, for more history click here.  The UNFCCC or FCCC roots grew back to The Earth Summit /Global Forum, formerly The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The acronym “UNCED” remained the joke that many told which summed up a strong underlying truth, of the outcome for many with the frustration of what was “UN-SAID” in the United Nations’ conferences. We believe at World Team Now name’s are significant.  What about a new name for what could become “The Copenhagen Treaty” (It would be nice if we could evolve past the place it was created, and call it something that could have meaning for all in the World;  like “The World’s Action Treaty for Environmental  Resources and Sustainability”, with the acronym; “WATERS”…. This name is more encompassing as it could allow the off set, trading game to apply to more than Climate Change but also to other environmental contaminants that affect our earth and humanity offing a reward for the clean up, and cost to pay for those who chose to take our collective resources.






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