Category: environmental (Page 1 of 2)

The Script for Transformation


Historic Kilauea Lighthouse. Kilauea Hawaii

Transitions leading to transformation continue to exceed imagined speeds, both globally, and locally. Sometimes it occurs like we are all collectively dancing the “Cha-Cha” or “Tango” going backwards to thrust forward, in a rhythm created by the tension of opposing forces, coming to one. A triune perspective, like the wholeness of the Yin-Yang symbol, helps temper the warming-heating contrast to go forward with momentum needed to better build movement and strengthen a collective consciousness of being in a myriad of crises, on this one Planet Earth.

Aligned in the depths of the mission and vision of what started as a Call for a “World Team” and morphed from Team World Corps, non-profit, and ultimately residing in our named registered; “World Team Now,” says the words of the visions’ priorities.  What if all in the world worked together as a team? Taking action together, teaming-up? The vision was to change the perspective of even divided hemispheres, the Global North against the Global South, but instead a real whole, World Team that united for our collective survival of all species in harmony with one another. Then what would be the goals?  WHO do we play against? What is the equivalent of a global race or game, that needs to be won for our future?  This movement is organically unfolding with little help from the mysterious ways that come from higher up.

Opening plenary, SDG Action Weekend 9/16/2023

The United Nations (UN) “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) — yes, in one’s brain the acronym tends to get confused with a contagious disease.  The UN speaks the language of acronyms, and this one gets a laugh or cry as we’ve learned when sharing about the goals publically most recently in Kauai, Hawaii USA. World Team Now’s systems solutions work on island resiliency and for the health of waters, especially the Ocean with a curriculum.

Bi-location is something many of us wanted to master, but now the team was growing to have at least one of us physically representing at the UN, and one on an island.  The beauty of these times is we can have a virtual and actual physical presence. Now there are so many people with the common vision each going forward in their own creative way at the United Nations and especially on islands to hold the light for a future.

The ironic laugh or cry in the corridors inside plenaries of the United Nations meeting rooms, on the home island of Manhattan is more about the seriousness of the situation we are in collectively with natural resources to be reprioritized. The Global Goals, targets and indicators to be achieved by 2030 are ambitious.  “Pie in the Sky,” is a remark I heard along the journey of World Team, too, but it is important to have values to aim for, however like regions of the world boundaries divided what divides us can limit us until the division is united by us people.

SDG Media Zone at the SDG Action Weekend & Summit

This Sustainable Development Goals Summit that preceded the 78th UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) was to take a look at our progress and set the tone for the work towards much needed transformation— action, beyond the bureaucratic siloed approach that has contributed to the crises we face, in the effort to aid. The perspective is what was called to check, at this half-time point since in 2015, and how to engage all people.  It is becoming more clear as what was falls away and becomes beyond the future we want, is the future that is Divinely inspired to become us all to remain being human here

Thankfully, these thoughts contemplated over 5 decades ago, are becoming a collective priority, expressed in myriads of diverse ways of action, played out creatively.  Next year more of the movement will play out in the public sphere to inspire all to participate. Out of the opposing tension of contrasting views, beliefs, and values in civil society, governments, corporations, and institutions, births an opportunity to see the light of peace collectively.

Especially prioritized in the hearts of youth today— peace in creative collective action is being demonstrated.  Youth armed with indigenous wisdom passed forward, innovative science and pioneering technology to lead with a Call for “All People”….

All People, those words remind of the lyrics of a beautiful song written by souls called “Voices of the World” gifted to us to use from brothers and sisters, a family of a common Call, as each individual made it to the Earth Summit / Global Forum in Rio Di Janiero for World Team decades ago that forged a bond over the years continuing to build on the collective movement.

Sunset North Shore Kauai

Here is where the Biodiversity Treaty, Law of the Sea, the annual Conference of the Parties COP, and other globally carved out efforts to meet and take on collective global environmental and social challenges rooted in the hearts. Many of these documents of global public policy roots were in those grounds of RIO or Rio+20, and now getting ready for COP28.  So many individuals committed to the long journey to show a resilient world with net zero energy and renewed systems coming back to respect an intimacy for nature-based solutions, for the next generation— for a regenerative future!

Although not from the present vantage point predictable, the 17 SDGs, aka the Global Goals, are for the higher possibility of what we each could be individually or together for the future transcending our past patterns and systems of organizing life on planet earth, ideally beyond one country.

In each breath, there is a choice to make a difference, in 24hrs/1Day, and/or a lifetime, sometimes we each have a choice of what to prioritize, and we all have in common a capacity to love. How do we make our place where love could be the priority for all by how we live?

SDG Digital, to accelerate the SDGs by digitization Sunday, Sept 17, 2023, UN SDG Action Weekend

With our roots in intercultural New York, state of mind, and at the UN SDG Summit, as world leaders have come together, and with our feet still in the sand, for resiliency in Kauai, Hawaii; bi-location would be of value, as we grow this team.

Holding the vision for World Team amidst a myriad of ways to “organize the world” through crises, allows for something organic to emerge. When not floating on the Ocean, teaching, advocating, and working on the curricula for certification we are virtually building out a World Team.  We hope to show you more soon.

Ocean Float

With the Ocean-Float Skate-Roll we are growing a way to represent and engage our communities in different places to experience more intimacy with the earth, land (A’aina) and Ocean waters (Moana, Kai). We are excited about the Ocean-Float curricula; clear the past out and join us in the Ocean, for the OCEAN, and YOU, and us all.

We have donated some sessions for Ocean-Float and Skate Roll to the auction now taking place virtually to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the legendary CK Chu Tai Chi, in New York, NY USA.  The studio has not only helped transform us, but the neighborhood, and the island of Manhattan.  It is remarkable to witness the energy contributed to Times Square, NYC, where Ck Chu Tai Chi is based, and all who Teamed-up for the transformation of the heart of the city.  Team-up for transformation is key. Hope you can join us in this next chapter of island Ocean advocacy works teaming-up for us as One Body starting with one body— or all parts of us.  Along with one’s mind and spirit and soul there in, we practice being one with all within and throughout.

North Shore Kauai with ideal ocean conditions for Ocean-Float

World Team Now’s approach to the Sustainable Development Goals is like a sampling of small-scale systems solutions organically coming from the island innovation discovered, that is nature-based and rooted in the heritage of indigenous culture‘s wisdom, augmented by technology to boost our capacity to scale.

We are working to pilot systems solutions, consciously chosen.  For example, with transportation, Bertrand Piccard of the Solar Impulse shares the overview of that system vision here.

The action-oriented Summit for the Future, comprising a chapeau and five chapters on sustainable development and financing for development; international peace and security; science, technology, and innovation and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance.

Specific measurable results with a “Common Agenda” for multilateralism are explained more here.

Together for environmental and social justice, as ONE, as in One People, ONE Ocean, One Body, One Earth. Teaming-up so literally, as the UN slogan goes so “no one gets left behind,” but we become one in the future.

SDG exhibit at the UN Sculpture lawn

Ocean “Day”, Ocean Decade- The Ocean Tide

May Ocean day, today, now become a tide of change.

A time of reflection, of new choices a season to rearrange

Can time be measured by counting merely one-day’s actions?

When it is a tide coming to change mass movement not small fractions

Is Doomsday the keeper of the ocean in humanity’s time?

United Nations Ocean Decade, judgement to be counted as sublime

Humanity’s peril existences blaring sound, sea level rising, revolt and alarm

To move beyond prioritizing fossil fuel habits, farmed fishing subsidies and geo-political harm

Oceans forgiving font of injustice abuses greedy power of humanity’s nuclear folly and plastic fears

Higher wisdom applied, timeless nature, transform age, enlightened minds stretch tides past years

Depths, resources, resiliency incomprehensible wealth amasses coming of a treasured tide

Could not all fall in love with the rich fluid, unchartered territory of wondrous loving waters to abide?

How to see the ocean a new, from large ocean states perspective and view

Open hearts to remind there is so much to do, to keep ocean in focus and not go askew

Majesty knows no bounds body freely floating in the ocean

Breath of life aligned one primal penultimate flowing motion

Bringing life force through body, spirit and renewing mind

Calibrating to universal order priorities, beyond the world to find

Nexus in atmosphere unifying source of life for us all

Boundaries of no division open beyond one’s rule, laws or Call

Oh but the healing powers, the body effervescence, can we embrace the intimacy coming of life force

Rejuvenating spirit keeper of most reflective powers above and below growing humanity’s new course

To apply respect, scientific knowledge navigate a transformed way, led by nature and the ocean of life

The solutions, based within natural forces will present like a husband coming in union with fertile wife

None other can birth captivate like ocean’s infinite sparkle to cleanse and reflect

Sun’s golden rise, moon’s face on full life force sets sail universal truths to eject

Preservation of species, marine protected areas, renewed policy for sea and shore

Next gen to live love of ocean, youth in action to core lasting solutions evermore

© 2022 Suzanne Maxx

The Global Youth Climate Strike

By Suzanne Maxx ©

The social & environmental movement (“The Global Movement”) is gaining momentum from voices growing louder and right now it’s the Youth Movement’s time. As the youth around the world rise today March 15th, I am thankful for sixteen-year-old Swedish Greta Thunberg’s bold voice, courage and stand for our future– demanding action for the global climate crisis, and leading the next generation of activists.  Fridays for Future School Strike for Climate, became replicated by youth around the world, who agreed with the logic, why go to school and learn science, if the adults leading the government would not only just ignore science, but choose to deny the science applied to policy?  Youth are making the choice to protect their future and generations to come, by cutting classes for the day and instead they take part in demonstrating and demand action on climate change.  Hear it from their own voices in this article about their motivating story and more from Greta’s Ted Talk here. On the eve of the climate strike she tweeted; “Tomorrow we school strike for the climate in 1769 places in 112 countries around the world. And counting. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed. Let’s change history. And let’s never stop for as long as it takes. #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #climatestrike

Global Youth Climate Strike at Columbus Circle

The Youth movement rising is naturally programmed with a generation that seems to prioritize the well-being of the planet, and they also come in wired to embrace technology,  science, biodiversity, and nature. With the inner ability to respond to the urgency, the youth are not just adding their voice to the conversation of nature and humanity’s perceived extinction crisis; the youth have built a movement that is gaining momentum.  The youth movement’s motivation is clear; it’s their future, and they want a planet to call home.

The big story is only beginning.  Greta Thunberg’s recent Noble Peace Prize nomination comes as no surprise, after all, it’s been centuries since a teen, would be positioned to make history leading a revolution, and she just may do that– with a little teamwork.

All are welcome to attend the Climate Strike, adults included; check out the website for more details here.  Find a location near you here. Follow on Twitter to see the ongoing movement through Greta’s eyes here

Meet the youth leaders,  who are organizing the USA national movement for the Youth Climate Strike School Strike for climate and are teaming up globally for this potentially historic event.

With the climate crisis, youth are confronted with a future that their generation may not get a chance to see, living here on planet earth, unless we all make different choices.

This is the moment not only for world leaders to adopt bold progressive climate policy, commit to 100% renewable energy, but to really hear and take into heart all children’s future.  It is a time not just for governments alone but for all sectors of life to get into action and do everything possible for rapid transformation for the next generation.  The burden lives within each and every one of us to grow this movement and act.

I’ve watched the Youth Movement over the years, but last Fall 2018 they started to grow and gain momentum in the organization. With the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Meghan Markel as UN Youth Ambassadors, and the United Nations hosting a myriad of youth events  (more on that in an upcoming article) Certain celebrities, VIP, and leaders have contributed inside that framework. But what Greta did was organic and core and the very spark needed to ignite the movement lit up by her commitment.

The Youth, Women, Indigenous Peoples, The Asian/Pacific Islanders, and a multitude of people, are all voices that need to be heard. The global climate crisis is a reality which can no longer be ignored; it’s time for all people to find a role.

The Youth Movement began for me too, as a grade school student, and I have grown up inside the global social environmental movement with the journey to make the World Team project, and with the nonprofit World Team Now, I founded, along with many other NGO’s in the climate movement since 1989. In grade school, I wrote a letter to the President of the USA, because of my deep concern about the environment, and wanted to know what would happen when I grew up? I actually got a letter back which inspired me to believe that I too with one voice, could make a difference. More is written about the journey in World Team Now’s prior blogs, and in addition this is a differentblog here (and soon to be published in a book). That action was the beginning of many youth projects and events covered around the world.

Global Youth Climate Strike at Columbus Circle

The Vision for the Environment and EPA’s Leadership

By Suzanne Maxx © 

The Environment, our collective home and in the USA the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has undergone a much-needed change— Scott Pruitt has resigned. Read more here:

For me, this event touches both the personal and professional areas of my life. As I’ve shared in prior blogs “Growing Up With EPA” and “EPA in Action-Moving Forward” here:

Growing Up With EPA

EPA in Action-Moving Forward

The question I asked as a child under the age of 10 still remains unanswered, in honest. “Who is in charge of the Environment?” The answer brings up a huge inquiry that we are collectively beginning to prioritize and bear witness to—what role does humanity play with the environment? How important is the environment to humanity?

This controversy with the United States “Environmental Protection Agency” is serving to awaken more people to the challenge of how to manage governance of collective resources. Does it truly serve us all to have one agency that is influenced by national politics? We know that we humans can imagine better systems for our earth and our environment. We are so thankful more people are awakened to this issue, and unfortunately, it all too often takes a crisis or scandal, to arise to do better. Surely the investigation of the present EPA leadership will continue, and now the second in command will temporarily lead with the same mandate, but as the drama unfolds our hope is that more people will be engaged in understanding, participating and get into action to show respect for our common home.

Yet in contrast, on the other side of the planet in the Pacific Island Region, during the annual session of the Forum Fisheries Committee Ministers Meeting in Raratonga, Cook Islands, someone who brings knowledge and experience for the people and the environment was given an opportunity to serve. The next Director-General of the Forum Fisheries Agency was just awarded to a well-qualified dedicated professional woman, Dr Manumatavai Tupou-Roosen.  Secretary-General Dame Meg Taylor said, “I am very proud that a daughter of the Blue Pacific has been appointed Director General. The Forum Fisheries Agency plays an extremely important leadership role for our fisheries, one of the most important resources for our people.”

Our vision is that one day there will be a leader who can lead with the mandate of an agency like EPA—to protect the environment. Maybe they will even enroll others beyond country to follow. It brings to question, does it truly work to have our collective environment regulated by individual countries?

Perhaps there is a better model of a representative from each region of the world that could join together to address these collective challenges with our common oceans, sky, and earth.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are on a track to explore opportunities to unite beyond country through 2030. Can we address and organize quickly enough to respond to the changes happening in our environment through political structures?

Will people rise to explore what “We the People…” really means beyond country? What role will people play, with our environment ultimately?  These are questions our World Team project has been and continues to explore with our non-profit World Team Now, and in the future with World Team®.

Other blog postings that mention the EPA:

Coming of Age? – The United Nations UNFCC COP19

In Warsaw, Poland the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ) COP19 just wrapped up this past week end and in the extended final hours there was  action on much needed global climate policy. Here is a summary from the COP 19 U.N. website, the U.N.s’ point of view, including other U.N. COP 19 document resources, and the closing press release, excerpt:

“The Warsaw Climate Change Conference 2013 concluded successfully! Key decisions adopted at this conference include decisions on further advancing the Durban Platform, the Green Climate Fund and Long-Term Finance, the Warsaw Framework for REDD Plus, the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage and other decisions”

COP 19’s success depends on ones perspective. Many of us feel these baby steps seem too little, too late – especially in the face of another significant catastrophe like, Haiyan. As usual there was considerable tension at  the UNFCC conference, this year it was palpable with the Philippines chief negotiator, Yeb Sano’s, very enrolling heartfelt opening remarks, with a call to the United Nations for action on climate change now. Activism through the global community took root on Tuesday afternoon when Sano delivered a 590,000+ person campaign organized by Avaaz calling for climate action directly at these negotiations in Warsaw. The Polish Governments’ disturbingly comical choice to allow a World Coal Summit to happen simultaneously augmented the tensions of COP19. Midway through the conference NGO’s and Civil Society walked out – representing the voice of the people, and then continued to protest, “Stop Climate Madness”.  World Team Now is part of the TckTckTck a campaign named after the sound of the clock.  The 400 member campaign on Climate Action is a start for “teaming-up” as the timing is critical. How much this tension actually helps during the conference is debatable.

There seems to be a decrease of international press attendance at these United Nations COP conferences, to reach out to masses of people, at least by certain “Developed” country’s media to get the big news outlets to send reporters, to cover or at least write original content and not just rely on the associated press’s coverage.  The live feed from the UNFCCC has made it easier for all of us to at least follow the conference virtually.  Here are some of the articles to give you a more rounded perspective on COP19, from sources worth considering:


Left out of the U.N. statement is the internal tensions between  those who have resources, and those who do not.  The side action prevalent at the U.N. COPs continues to be protests growing, not just driven by the dissatisfaction of the slow pace of the talks, but truly based on the urgency we as a world face with climate change, and our ability to act:

  • Work plan for Paris 2015:  Nations reached a compromise on a new work plan to  get ready for the Paris Summit in 2015. A number of countries, including the US and EU, had been calling for a clearly defined timetable through to 2015 that would see countries make clear climate change “commitments” by a deadline of early 2015. However, China led a push back by a group of developing nations, arguing for more flexibility for poorer nations – a move that drew an angry response from the US who accused China of rolling back a previous agreement to ensure all nations make some form of commitments through the 2015 treaty. “I feel like I am going into a time warp. That is folly,” US lead negotiator Todd Stern was quoted as saying by Reuters.
  • Rich and poor tensions: The summit once again saw tensions between developed and developing nations laid bare, with poorer countries responding angrily to moves by Japan, Australia and Canada to water down previous climate commitments. There was also frustration at US opposition to the loss and damage mechanism and the failure of industrialized nations to make fresh emission reduction and climate financing commitments.
  • Not Enough Done: Green groups condemned the final agreement for failing to make sufficient progress towards an ambitious new climate treaty in Paris in 2015. There was a walkout or about 800 people Thursday 21 November included people from organizations including Greenpeace, WWF, Oxfam,, Friends of the Earth, the Confederation and ActionAid.

This political process with the UNFCCC will continue, with annual conferences and with key mile stones intending to be met.  COP19 had a “Cha, Cha” going on with two steps back and one forward.

It brings to question whether the action needed for our species to be more in balance with our planet can come through the organization of this process within the United Nations conferences.  The challenge of this governmental process and its bureaucratic structure may not be aligned to reflect the truth that serves all people.

Humanity has the gift of choice and to use wisdom taught though nature, and respect the science pointing to the fact it is important to understand the consequence of how anthropocentric gasses affect climate change.  If there is still not enough evidence based on witnessing these super storms, consider reading the leaked IPCC report (story here, report here), with alarming scientific facts about the state of our planet. Yeb Sano put a face on Climate Change, and may our world better understand the responsibility of humanity and use wisdom.

We are grateful there was global policy approved at COP19, and are eager for more actions to be taken, and disheartened at the present time, that our primary international structure uniting nations cannot do more. We hope the UNFCCC can ultimately be a path towards global transformation reflected in active international policy perhaps “coming of age” by COP21?

It is a challenge to trust this process and where we are in our world at this time.  May we be able to see clearly by 2020, and ideally much before.

© World Team Now (WTN) 2013. All rights reserved.

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