Category: Renewable Energy (Page 7 of 8)

The Round-the-World Solar Aircraft, Solar Impulse 2 is Launched

Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg launched Solar Impulse 2 today in Switzerland.

© Solar Impulse | Revillard |

© Solar Impulse | Revillard |

“A vision counts for nothing unless it is backed up by action. With 8 world records for Solar Impulse 1, the first solar aircraft capable of flying during the night, crossing two continents and flying over the United States, we have shown that clean technologies and renewable energies can accomplish the impossible,” said a delighted Bertrand Piccard, founder and Chairman of Solar Impulse.

“Now we need to go even further,” added André Borschberg, co-founder and CEO. “Solar Impulse 2 will have virtually unlimited autonomy, and now we need to make sure the pilot is as sustainable as his aircraft. This is why the round-the-world flight will be as much a human as a technological feat.”

Solar Impulse 2 Facts

  • single-seater aircraft made of carbon fiber
  • has a 72 meter wingspan (larger than that of the Boeing 747-8I)
  • weight of just 2,300 Kg, equivalent to that of a car.
  • 17,000 solar cells built into the wing
  • supply four electric motors (17.5 CV each)
  • solar cells recharge lithium batteries weighing 633 Kg (2077 lbs.)

© World Team Now (WTN) 2014. All rights reserved.

To the Year of Renewable Energy 2014

As the New Year’s Eve Ball drops in Time Square, people will be the source of the energy made on bikes! A toast To the Year of Renewable Energy Demonstration! Wow, this is the best way we can think of to bring in the New Year.

World Team Now has been cycling to power the Ball that drops in Time Square on New Year’s Eve, so a billion people will see human-powered renewable energy demonstrated.

Did you realize that your average work out, could help to power the appliances you use, recharge your laptop, or charge up your cell phone? We name 2014, “The Year of Renewable Energy” with focus on the conscious choice, and awareness of the energy source and ideally swiftly transition into 100% renewable energy.

Energy… We use it every day; to turn on the lights and to power all of our electronic gadgets, to heat our homes, in the winter– cool them in the summer.  Did you think that your work out could literally add, or even be a source of actual power?  Now is a chance to try it out, head out to Times Square and hop on one of the stationary bikes that are connected to a generator that will power the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop into 2014..

Instead of going into the gym this evening and getting on a stationary bike, that does not store your energy, please go hop on a bike in Times Square, biking here will do some good for others too, and you will put your energy to good use by demonstrating human-powered renewable energy!

We are going to have to get creative to take advantage of all the natural ways to get energy and use innovation for energy storage.  Renewable energy is much more than solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy.  If we live a healthy lifestyle working out and moving can make more than your body healthy, it can make our planet healthier too.

Human sources energy is part of the game, whether it be from a bike, skates, a dance floor and there is more!  Ride a stationary bike with a generator and battery on 42nd St and 7th Ave until 9:00 pm tonight and add your energy the New Year’s Eve Ball for our world! Here is a brilliant way to celebrate with World Team Now!


Focus On Our One Home: Earth

Join World Team Now for Earth Day, and find something just for you. Around the World Team Project Earth Day is every day.  It is a constant process to re-evaluate giving of your T.ime, Energy, A.ction, and M.oney- to live in better balance with our resources.

 “Energy” being a conscious life force of wellness in mind, body, and spirit. The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. “Energy” in our world meaning; available power– how we actually power our way of living in this electronic age.  The “cradle to cradle” use of physical form is a path of consciousness.

There are global and local events happening focused around this time which has expanded from an Earth Day to an Earth month…Here are some things that are happening now:

At The City of Malibu, today right NOW hosts a “Mega Re-cycling Event” 

World Team Now is teaming up for a local event in Malibu tomorrow;


In New York on Sunday the 21st, there will be a live panel discussion with climate scientist Dr. James Hansen, founder Bill McKibben and student activists Jacklyn Gil and Sophie Lasoff. The panel will be live-streamed to the hundreds of other screenings around the country, and with the goal to pack the house.


The Do the Math Movie! Screenings and House Parties
Join people around the country for the world premiere of Do the Math, a fast-paced movie that can help spark a movement!

Here are some more New York Earth Day events we think you might enjoy! Add your picture to “The Face of Climate Change“.

Check out a one of EPA’s podcast’s here to take action on-line action. Or if you just feel like staying home and to watch a “little” of the big picture consider Go 100% Renewable’s International Conference.

You can find an Earth Day event anywhere in the world here!

Let’s make Earth Day, Every Day!

These below are tools for action to help us grow.  It takes a team, thank you for being on it;
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CA Innovation Leads with EVs, Renewable Energy Policy and Law

By Suzanne Maxx 

Up the coast at the Informational Hearing on Renewable Energy at California State University, Channel Islands (CSU-CI) and down at The City of Santa Monica’s annual AltCar Expo, the opportunities to test drive numerous EVs were abundant— read more from a young WTN intern’s perspective here.

These events and others set the stage for some much-needed support, policy, and action from the Nation’s leading state of clean energy. Together these events contribute to the public education and adoption that is now needed for renewable energy sources, energy storage, electric vehicles and charging infrastructure for the public.

Senator Fran Pavley and Senator Lou Correa at the Special Hearing for Energy Security

California is the largest clean energy economy in the nation. Sustainable energy and security transcend partisanship and State Senator Fran Pavley, who chairs the Select Committee on the Environment, the Economy, and Climate and Senator Lou Correa, who chairs the Committee on Veteran Affairs, mingled with some of the key stakeholders of renewable energy projects outside on CSU-CI’s campus where we were among the many alternative vehicles; including hybrids, hydrogen fuel cells, and electric vehicles (EVs)  such as;  Nissan’s Leaf, Chevy’s Volt, Mitsubishi’s iMi-EV, BMW’s Active E and more that were available to test drive prior to the Informational Hearing titled “Energy Security: California, Business and Military Partnerships”. Video of the hearing is here.

Tesla’s Model X SUV

A significant contribution of much-needed jobs has been created by innovative automotive electric vehicle manufacturers that established their headquarters and manufacturing plants in the State of California such as;  Tesla (who alone brought in more than 1500 new jobs), Coda and Fisker.  So significant of an impact that, just yesterday, the California Energy Commission (CEC) agreed to grant Tesla 10 million dollars  so they will be able to hire an additional 500-700 workers and manufacture not just a sports vehicle or the sedan (Model S), but also this SUV (Model X) with all of their vehicles touting a 250 mile battery range. Tesla committed to providing $50.2 million for the project and adding the jobs to qualify for the grant that’s funded by vehicle registration and smog fees. Tesla’s Gen 3 vehicle which is expected to sell for around $30,000, will help meet the company’s goals to provide electric vehicles to the masses by making it not just “eco”-logically friendly but also “eco”-nomically friendly. This may be one of the game changers needed for EVs (besides improved battery technology and charging infrastructure) that will also affect the big picture of air quality and public health— benefiting not just some people, but potentially us all.

The senators asked the panel on Building an Energy Secure Economy; Creating Jobs, which included Diarmuid O’Connell Tesla’s VP of Business Development, Dave Barthmuss of GM, and others, what they can to do for the OEM’s to forward the EV movement and public adoption.  All agreed the popular carpool sticker now given to EVs, which saves time, has incentivized many— but the challenge was still public education, which seemed to be the common thread all discussed, and public perception. From the panelists’ point of view, the biggest challenge now is many people don’t know the vehicles are out there, that the infrastructure is ramping up with public and private charging stations plus simple things like the fact that you can charge your vehicle to any household outlet with the cord that comes with your car.  People tend not to know about the total $7,500 in rebates, nor do they consider the freedom from the cost of maintenance of the lifetime of the vehicle— compared to a standard fossil fuel combustion engine. However they do seem to understand that value of not paying for gas, and some people care about the implications for our next generation and energy security from independence on foreign oil.

During the public comment, and also privately with the senators, I was able to ask, “What about taking the rebate off of the sticker price at the dealership to lower the cost immediately?”  I also was able to inquire into DC fast charging plus some of the other renewable energy policy questions regarding wind and tidal energy that World Team Now supports. Fran Pavely is renowned for really listening to and interacting well with her public constituency and for that we are pleased.

Yesterday CEC decision to invest $20 million which will also contribute towards 5,000 charging stations, and more for local governments’ planning for EVs, and  projects like The Bay Area’s “eTaxi” Program using Better Place’s model to swap out batteries in all-electric taxi cabs, while funding  “switch” stations in key places (like the airports) to ultimately achieve unlimited range. The all-electric motorcycle, “Zero” is also a beneficiary of the CECs’ support as they moved their manufacturing plant from Asia to California.   Progress was made not just for EVs but also for energy storage, statewide charging infrastructure and other renewable energy projects in general, for more read the CEC’s press release here.

The Informational Hearing provided more than the panel’s two agendas.   National security and renewable energy had a boost with the public who seemed to be pleasantly surprised to hear more about the active stand the military now takes to demonstrate and deploy renewable energy and environmentally sustainable actions— such as the installation of LED street lights on the 3 local military bases and in Ventura County (VC).  It was encouraging to learn veterans are leaving the military with trained skills and technical expertise in the installation of renewable energy systems such as solar.  We were overwhelmed by the depth of military adoption of renewable energy in VC bases with projects ranging from wind to concentrated solar energy, along with energy storage technology.  Renewable energy plays a powerful role in the game of security, with both offensive and defensive operations in the military.

Senator Pavley was able to share the morning’s news— the bill, SB1409, she wrote which was passed by all parties unanimously in the Senate, and was signed by Governor Jerry Brown on September 27th, 2012, and became The Energy Security Coordination Act of 2013.

This bill supports the state and the federal military to work together on renewable energy research, development, and planning, not only for efficiency but also for security.  It supports the work of the Department of Defense (DOD) with VC and helps to ensure the permanence of the military bases and thus the jobs in the local economy.  Coverage of the military’s local renewable energy initiatives, plus the panel discussion on the “DOD’s Clean Energy Achievements in CA,” will be continued in an upcoming blog post.

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2012-A Parable in The Rose…Parade

For Valentine’s Day give a gift that expresses your love, and supports WTN, click here

The 123rd annual Rose Bowl Parade forecasted a historical year of transition and change for 2012 with the theme titled “Just Imagine” — a valuable prescription given the state of our world now. This light hearted, feel-good all-American tradition to bring in the New Year focused on the roses, with floats that creatively augment the authentic beauty of nature showcasing how to decorate with the font of real natural materials.  This might be considered more than a parable for us all— especially with what is up for us all regarding energy, sustainability and use of our natural resources.  This year the float’s themes together told a potentially prophetic story for humanity up against time.  Within this theme, was the ever prevalent aspect of time woven through the parade whether it was the subtle reference to the Doomsday clock or the Mayan prophecies for 2012 of the possibility of humanity being extinct. Click here to get the panoramic visuals from The LATimes or see the slide show from Channel 9, or the parade video from KTLA channel 5.

The American New Year’s Day tradition, as classic as apple pie, ice cream, and lemonade, did not happen “classically” on New Year’s Day.  It was postponed a day— due to the “Never on a Sunday” rule, with respect for a day of rest and prayer being a good old fashion virtue.  Lovely that such a celebrated event respects a day of rest resisting the “7/11’” franchise that now could be renamed 24/7.   However the representatives of ‘We are the 99%” who trailed the parade from the Occupy Movement, did not get an official permit to be part of the parade itself, and the coveted traditional broadcast media with estimated 40 million viewers would not cover their action as an official part of the parade.  Those of the Occupy Movement marching were still visible in association with this “normal” American tradition.


This “norming” vs. the “storming’ of traditional protest action helped to preserve freedom.  Like the reality of the thorn, it is meant to prick, yes, but it is there by nature’s design to protect the plant’s natural beauty and is perhaps a new paradigm for our world.

Instead of a float, the Occupy Movement marched with a blowup80-foot long Constitution  of the United States with the words, “We the People” and “We the Corporations,” signed by members from the Occupy Movement.  A group named “The Billionaires” were singing and waving fake money given to the public.

The visibility of the Occupy Movement marching with official support to be able to “unofficially follow,” the parade’s end is a coup.  Not just to those who witnessed it, but in the way it was extended through social media outlets on the web whose broad global reach can dwarf the traditional sources, and where the quality of the content isn’t compromised and constrained by the “news” deadlines and corporate sponsors timelines and the broadcast network’s ad buys.

But this wasn’t the only way history was made this year— the parade also introduced several new sponsors with floats to celebrate centennials.  Time being up was celebrated by those who have stood the test over a hundred years of existence.  The parade honored people more for their personal sacrifice then their fame or celebrity stardom, also a welcome change shifting from popular culture to people celebrated because they are truly respect.

It was also the first time in over 30 years that HIV/Aids was acknowledged in memory of those who died and advocates with a float in honor of the late Elizabeth Taylor and her foundation.  This was an act demonstrating a huge transformation of inclusion vs. the disruptive protest for ignoring HIV/Aids in 1991.

Although the Rose Bowl is not The International Grand Prix or the World Cup, it still attracts an estimated 40 million American viewers and captures the attention of people of all ages.

The all-natural-ingredients stricture for the floats’ decorations were broken or appealed for amendment this year twice— to allow plastic— once with permission with a waiver for the glass that the extraterrestrials used to make their lemonade, and then again with recycled plastic that made up the plastic octopus for the Occupy protestors.  [youtube=]

It is an interesting commentary of our times to allow and embrace plastic.  To recycled plastic, and reuse the old, is a way of bio-mimicry of nature  in that recycling is more than a sustainable theme, it is natural.

LATimes  nice piece about the history and makings of the parade and one float

Floats such as Occupy Los Angeles’ people-powered Occupy Octopus, a 100 foot in diameter octopus (to symbolize corporate greed) with many arms— made completely from recycled plastic bags took part in the parade.  The day was a success even though the broadcast media funded by corporations cut off the parade’s coverage after the last float. 100,000 spectators or more lined the streets and filled seats. The voices of the 99% were heard. The procession marched a few blocks off the end of the parade route to end at the Pasadena City Hall where many gathered to hear moving speeches from many representatives of different Occupy cities.  Although some were disturbed by the lack of beauty and feel good marketing from the Occupiers, others found the inclusion of the protesters refreshed the parade with relevance addressing what many people are feeling at this time which brought in a more serious audience for the parade, which they say is otherwise mostly a feel-good marketing campaign for corporations, chambers of commerce, and civic groups.

The floats themsleves are almost like topic sentences in the paragraphs to describe humanity’s evolution;

“Idea Factory” — takes ideas and magically turns them into reality (won the theme trophy). Here is how it works:  a series of clocks and gears drive a conveyor belt of ideas, and it converts them into the real thing!  It presents new technology that might transform our future, like the electric vehicle extended batteries.

“Dream Machine
“Sweet Dreams”- with Kenny G
“Just Imagine”-Wells Fargo
“If Pigs Could Fly”
“Fighting Evil Machines”-PowerRangers-core values of teamwork, friendship and fitness
“Enchanted Paradise”
“Surf’s Up”-Malibu classic with dogs surfing!
“One More Day” The family of Christina-Taylor Green, the 9-year-old girl killed in the mass shooting that injured U.S. Rep Gabrielle Giffords last year, on the Donate Life float honoring organ donors. The Greens donated their daughter’s corneas.  Clocks measuring time representatives of recipients of organ donors showed life is to precious not even waste one minute.
“Spirit of Prosperity and Harmony” the year of the Dragon–China Airlines celebrating the Chinese New Years

“The Garden of Imagination” shineshine daydream yellow rose—brothers’ astronaut, rose care expert 5 million miles later after a rose went to the space station

“You are the controller” X-box 360 Microsoft Kinect ; bringing sports like skiing, surfing and dancing to the interactive youth viewer that makes a once costly only accessible to the few, and experience many can virtually enjoy in their home—2011 most popular song that inspired flash mobs like the one I was in, Usher, DJ’s Got us falling in love again”

Best  display of fantasy and Imagination– Plastic (special waiver) everything is supposed to  covered with something live but got waiver-Lemonade-aliens space ship

“When Life Gives you Lemons,” where extraterrestrial entrepreneurs crash into a lemon tress in Pasadena.  The float reminded me of this article– best display of fantasy and imagination,a nd the B-52 style of music brought it even more down to earth..

Cal Poly Universities-“To the Rescue” woman super heroes by buildings Catastrophe intervention by superheroes to the rescue; stretch guy, strong guy, fly girl– building collapse, and train wreck

Larger than Bible “He who believe in Jesus shall never die but have Eternal Life” John 3:36

The float “The Unimaginable,” another words engineering for the “Black Swan”—from guess who? Farmers Insurance, who is invested in keeping us–… afraid, I mean safe, and protected…It demonstrates how one small mishaps can balloon into a major disaster, we know about that in 2011 but Fukushima is better described as catastrophic, and San Onofre’s recent closure and the status of the nuclear plant is something the NRC is looking into now.  Thank you, California Senator Barbara Boxer for the appeal and your letter to the NRC in an attempt for accountability.

The Grand Marshal’s Trophy for most creative concept and design again went to the Discover Card float, “The Dream Believers,” which broke down! “The Dream Believers” by Discover Card, had a little problem with their float and had to be towed during the parade by AAA. There ironic theme; if you dream it and believe you can achieve it, was broken.. Laughter was unstoppable, to see this floats message which encourages the American process of borrow before you have the means to pay by using a credit card is not dissimilar to the situation with our bank loans for mortgages, the foreclosures, etc. The float’s break down ended up mocking it originally intended message “Preserving Paradise”-Dole

“Look Back, Move Forward”-City of Torrence

California Clock Company- Sports wheels skateboards on and off the float with swing dancing 50’s juke box

“The World at Peace”

“Dinosaurs at LA’s Backyard”—City of LA  La Brea Tar Pits, reminds us of the possibility at this time of humanity’s extinction

“Everybody Walk”-Kielbasi

The US Marine Corps. Mounted Color Guard-an equestrian team that works out of Bartstow, Causing wild mustangs from the “adopt a horse program” trained by inmates of Carson Nevada prison in a 90 day program and then boot camp for horses..

Sign of the times when sponsors of floats are the Trader Joes, (won the craftsmanship award)  Microsoft and Paramount Pictures for the first time celebrating 3 cententials100 years in Hollywood- Universities like Loyola Marymount for there 100; Learn, Lead, Serve-City of Torrance, Roy Rodgers 100-preserved Trigger and Bullet

Not missed was the advertisement for alcohol, but the famous Clydesdales of Annheiser Busch after almost 60 years of being a sponsor were a sign of the times…

Numerous charity’s works are celebrated; for homeless women, Shriner’s Children’s Hospital admits regardless of the patients ability to pay, what a concept! The Rotary International to eradicate polio– inch worm showed progress inching long. Liz Taylor’s stand for Aids Foundation, Kwanis, Girl Scouts, Lions Club and the City of Hope.

Through rose colored lenses— perhaps keeping our eyes focused on the beauty we can better embrace the thorns as an essential part of the rose.  It is important to just imagine the possibilities and at the same time deal with the facts of reality. Fukushima is not over, neither is Chernobyl— the effects of radiation live on.  Just last week we had a local encounter at the San Onofre nuclear power plant, which remains closed, due to the radiation leak, and faulty steam tubes.  While we’ve begun to re-license nuclear power plants built to the tune of billions without the proper reflection on lessons learned from Fukushima. It is indeed a curious time. We still have to figure out how to dispose of nuclear waste safely if we will continue to use nuclear power.  More countries are growing their uranium enrichment programs, so as long as we have nuclear power there will be an excuse to advance towards nuclear weapons. With countries fighting one another over resources, it becomes too easy to push a button that will dramatically alter humanity’s path on earth.  Is this the only way we can ingrain in all people to reconsider our priorities? Both radiation, and love are only seen by their effects.  Is this what it takes to transform the way our world uses resources and shift our priorities? Is this the only way to reinvent how we do live life globally— to awaken what we all know to be true?

Will the UN’s Earth Summit Rio+20 awaken the possibility of a global energy policy that is enforceable and will override divided grid-locked countries’ abilities to act— like the USA, with our divided congress?  Will we be forced to consider sustainable solutions that are for all people?  Like John Lennon said, “Imagine,” and the resolution– the parade suggests this year is to “Just Imagine” — a good idea. Ideas with human ingenuity from a spiritual font may be one of our greatest gifts, lets unwrap the “present”.  The theme of the rose carries through to Valentine’s Day, and you can support World Team Now’s work and give to someone in your heart, with roses, click here! Please spread the love, it’s what is needed.



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