Category: World Team (Page 3 of 4)

Bird’s Eye View of the Climate Movement ©

By Suzanne Maxx

Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol - 100% Renewable 06.12.15 © Yann Arthus-Bertrand _ Spectral Q

A Message of Freedom and 100% Renewable Energy from Paris. Hundreds from around the world unite in a giant message of freedom, standing with the people of Paris and calling for 100% renewable energy, during the United Nations COP21 Climate Summit. Can you spot us? We from World Team Now made up the rays on the left side of the image. Photo by Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectral Q

COP21’s victory signals to the world that global transformation is in the works with adoption of the Paris Agreement by the United Nations.  It’s historical to have almost 200 nations agree to take action, “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” a UN goal.


COP21 Convention Space at Le Bourget.

Those of us breathing inside of the global climate movement over the years know this moment is a win— a valuable step and an important place to start.   At Le Bourget, the French Foreign Affairs Minister, Laurent Fabius brought his green gravel down to tears of joy and applause for the agreement exclaiming, “It’s a small gavel, but I think it has a big impact!” With the perspective getting diverse entities consisting of countries from different regions of the world to agree on anything is significant. We at least have set a course and direction together.  Many of the outcomes we considered in our prior blog post were covered in this agreement.  Here is the text of the Paris Agreement. Here it is made simple to digest. Here are some more of our favorite articles and speeches, that break this historic time of the Paris Agreement down to understand:

Within the global environmental movement, there are many people that have been on the journey for decades— each of us has a piece of this puzzle— that are core to who we are, and it lives outside the boundaries of a location, as it is for our earth, and all of humanity.  This consciousness is now becoming contagious, thankfully— as it will take teams of people, industries and many sectors of society for the transformation to take root.

The stage is set for our World Team project, and next year 2016, we plan to be public facing with our World Team platform.  World Team will be an interactive tool to entertain us while playfully engaged in transformative projects achieving the realization of our most ambitious and collective goals for humanity, and our planet earth. It is not only technology, innovation, policy and funding that will change the global game of our changing climate. The game starts to change when all people are aware of the power of human capability of choice. Change will occur when we choose to prioritize how we use both our internal and external energy.  When we prioritize living in better balance with our resources, we will then play the game to transform ourselves and our world.

The co-located Climate Generations Areas, open to all,  was a first for the COP meetings. In prior COPs, Civil Society had open side events  that were distant from the UN negotiations.

Even in celebration there is caution that clouds this historical time, which finally acknowledges humanity’s role in climate change, and sets forward a plan of action. If we can’t get to 1.5 degrees, stop destroying our forests, heating and acidifying our oceans and eliminate burning fossil fuel today we are writing ourselves a death sentence. The framework is now in place to start the journey to arrive there tomorrow— it was a successful negotiation.   As Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon said, “This a time when we need all hands on deck”.  Multiple sectors are taking active roles in also setting targets, and here is the key; team work, over time, with ALL of us in action. This thread was there at the events happening at COP21 during this time in Paris.

Akapusi Tuifagalele Director National Disaster Management of Fiji, a SIDS

Akapusi Tuifagalele, Director National Disaster Management of Fiji (SIDS), with Suzanne Maxx & Albert Boulanger of the World Team project.

It’s exciting when leaders of countries agree to take a stand, and actually strive for targets and a framework for an agreement.  Can we move to a firm 1.5 degrees quickly enough to reverse the damage of climate change?  When we will phase out fossil fuel?  Our oceans and forests, all species together in balance— how soon can we achieve rapid change? Will there be justice for the indigenous people, and those of small island developing states (SIDS) in the long run? Now we have some agreed upon goals.  Can we overcome the antiquated categorization of defining a country by developed, developing, and least developed? Will each country begin to support the other with sustainable development based on what they are able to contribute, as the reality takes hold of cliché, “we are all in this together”?

The seeds of reaching the answer to these questions in reality are planted. How quickly we can reach these targets, and more will be the long term success of the Paris Agreement.  All is not there in the Paris agreement yet, but it starts with the will— we celebrate these milestones even though the real work has just begun.


Ban Ki-moon preparing to talk at the Earth to Paris Conference during COP21

Now to have all countries ratify the Paris Agreement so it becomes legal structure— whether that be a Treaty, Accord or Protocol.  The opportunity for world leaders to sign, and ratify the Paris Accord begins in New York on Earth Day April 22nd, 2016.   All leaders will have one year to endorse it, but early participation is being encouraged.  The plan looks to not just meet the deadline, but also to indeed demonstrate the will and understanding of urgency for all of us to keep the work moving fast forward.   The Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, is charged to organize the activities around the signing on Earth Day.

Basic CMYKWe will need more action over time, the government sector with public policy is needed, but the real change will require many other sectors, to jump into the action—and we will. It will be the collective cumulative action that matters most over time. World Team plans to officially announce our first team in 2016 and we
plan to officially begin our media platform.

There was a thread to all events happening at COP21 during this time in Paris. It’s exciting when leaders of countries agree to take a stand, and actually strive for targets and a framework for an agreement.

For decades we dreamed of this day when countries might all agree on action for our future.  It is a collective starting point to a commitment of an aligned global direction for humanity.  The Paris Agreement will need work but much of the direction we are going collectively has seeds that aligns with the vision that many of us hold in our hearts for a sustainable future. We are now challenged to follow the Golden Rule Principle too, as Pope Francis encouraged in his UNGA and USA Congress speeches. Now to unpack many of the principles of how we will realize the change for our common home, and integrate them throughout our policy, and ways of life— this is the challenge.  The challenge of not only of the Paris Agreement, but for humanity at this time on earth.


These “Trees of Hope” outside COP21 produce renewable energy by their leaves turning to generate sustainable wind energy turbines.

Our Energy on Earth: People of Power @ COP21 Paris Stepping Out Beyond Boundaries ©

By Suzanne Maxx

At the coming of age with the United Nation’s COP21, there was a climax from the collaboration, of not only nations, but also, with civil society.  The power of the people to deliver the messages creatively captured the true spirit of the renowned artistic and cultural mecca Paris, France.

The Paris terrorist attacks  happened literally the day the plans for the people’s climate march and other NGO activities’ press releases were set to hit the global media. All activities planned for this period of time in Paris were then colored by the darkness of fear.  Initially there was concern about what could actually take place under this “climate”.  Most of the outside public events for people, with venues in the streets were canceled, understandably with the security concerns of safety.  Security was heighten and restrictions were imposed.


Suzanne Maxx rolls on a plane to Paris

The initial activities that World Team Now planned, with our goal to launch “World Team” during this time, became impossible.  Quite frankly we, like many others, did not know we would be able to make it to Paris for COP21 at all, our efforts seemed thwarted, until it was all actually happening.   After finally making a plane to Paris, I was pleased to be able to board with my roller skates on, the most efficient way to travel through these long international airport terminals, demonstrating human powered renewable human energy for sustainable transportation.


We’re all getting used to rolling forward regardless of external circumstances of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  We were not alone—this was a common challenge to many others who have the understanding of what is at stake for our planet and humanity breathing through the core of their being.


The sunshine rays in the aerial art piece below. World team members were in one of them. The photo was shot by Suzanne in one ray viewing other rays and the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop and part of the aerial art design.

There are moments in life that live outside of time, which cut to the core and encapsulates a spirit.  With our bodies on the ground, sitting on the yellow strip of cloth on the sand to emulate a ray of sunshine, we became the font of the aerial art image captured in this photo which has become an icon of COP21 Paris.

Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol - 100% Renewable 06.12.15 © Yann Arthus-Bertrand _ Spectral Q

A Message of Freedom and 100% Renewable Energy from Paris. Hundreds from around the world unite in a giant message of freedom, standing with the people of Paris and calling for 100% renewable energy, during the United Nations COP21 Climate Summit. Photo by Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectral Q


Raising World Team’s hands in celebration of the Paris Climate Agreement at Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile

One of the more engaging conversations at the Earth to Paris Conference was with Andrian Grenler, Actor, Entrepreneur & Dell Social Good Advocate, Paul Bunje, Lead Energy and Environment XPrize , and John Wollard, VP of Energy Google

One of the more engaging conversations at the Earth to Paris Conference was with Andrian Grenler, Actor, Entrepreneur & Dell Social Good Advocate, Paul Bunje, Lead Energy and Environment XPrize , and John Wollard, VP of Energy Google

In many ways it was more than a reunion for many of us that began this journey in Rio de Janeiro for the Earth Summit/Global Forum in 1992, where the seeds of the UNFCC’s Conventions began. Paris COP21 was the opportunity to complete this long term collective goal. Back in 1992 at the first Earth Summit/ Global Forum, I don’t think any of us thought it would take this long to get an agreement for humanity and our environment, and after COP15 in Copenhagen many of us wondered about the possibility of the United Nations to agree on what matters most. Many of us were traumatized, as we headed home for the holidays confronted and bewildered with unmet expectations— this was a common theme over the 21 years, if not longer for some of us.  Back then, it was a relatively small team of us that journeyed, not because it was our job in a convention sense, but because the future of how humanity lives in balance with our resources was a central precept to each of us, at the core of our beings.


Secretary of State John Kerry was also one that attended the Earth Summit Global Forum in 1992

The first time I journeyed to a United Nation’s conference with the hope of global policy was for the Earth Summit Global Forum in 1992, where I stepped into an incredible opportunity to join presidential candidate Jerry Brown’s entourage.  Powerful people who were leader were all part of our group. Many of these people have gone on to become not only world leaders, but also leaders of what is referred to now as the global climate movement.  Some of those people that have been around the global climate movement and part of the personal journey with World Team which made it all more meaningful for us at Paris.


Earth to Paris, UNESCO’s Afternoon with Robert Redford

Meeting of indigenous people at one of the many side event in the Climate Generations Areas

Meeting of indigenous people at one of the many Civil Society side events in a Climate Generations Area

A mosaic of the people’s movement from Earth to Paris, UNESCO’s Afternoon with Robert Redford, and other civil society events helped to augment the action demonstrating the power of the people. Many groups, like the International New York Times produced events like their Energy for Tomorrow.   Many individuals and groups found ways to join together and creatively express their voices. With the world watching these events from many diverse sectors and groups of people succeeded.


Suzanne Maxx outside the COP21 Convention Space at Le Bourget.

What is truly remarkable is the capability of the human spirit to preserve and endure. While celebrating, the climate movement, I can personally attest that while we are now climbing to these heights of possibility, it was not easy-and we still have a long way to go to touch down to the ground. We have had some success in Paris with our casting initiative and look forward to being in action in 2016/

Finally, French authorities allowed a peaceful gathering of Climate Justice activists towards the end of COP21

Finally, French authorities allowed a peaceful gathering of Climate Justice activists towards the end of COP21

Breaking Global Climate Action

by Suzanne Maxx

The movement for global transformation, is building around the world.  Everyone is needed— as it’s our common future, in our one common home, so we all are being called to take action.

Join  an aerial art piece in Washington DC 4:00-6:00 AM, meeting at  7th and Jefferson.  This human font Aerial Art masterpiece will be created by artist John Quigley of Spectral Q and is sponsored by the Franciscan Action Network, with Earth Day on the Mall— as Pope Francis addresses the US Congress at 10:00 AM you can watch the speech with a transcript  here. A schedule of the pope’s visit to the US is here.

NYC Barbara's roof top sunset20150923_193258We’ll be  in New York to “Light the Way”, “Under One Sky” in the evening across the street from the United Nations at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 47th and 1st Avenue 4:30-5:30 a multi-faith Festival of Prayer and Music. You can participate wherever you are in the world tomorrow check to see if there is an event near you here.

Wherever you are you can watch New York’s leading conference, Reforming the Energy Vision, live. Tune in Thursday September 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET. Click here to see the live panel presentations.World Team Now’s renewable energy microgrid continues, but that is for another blog.  Here is a valuable article Power to the People

UN 2014 edit 20140922_132518Tomorrow, the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), has the Sustainability Summit through September 25th, you can watch it all on UN.TV here live.  We are optimistic that all world leaders will sign on to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals.  The deadline if adopted will be 2030, and although we need it to happen sooner, the first step is to tell everybody about the goals—spread the word to 7 billion in 7 days is the 1st goal.

Watch this fabulous video

Learn more about the 17 goals we like this video here.

Click for Global Goals

See what Steven Hawkins has to say about the Global Goals here:


Global transformation does take everyone… So we need you. The Global Goals are something we all can get behind as a critical “to do list” to sustain our future.  What is your favorite goal?

Join the Global Citizens’ Festival and Concert: Great Lawn, Central Park, NYC Saturday the 26th

It certainly helps that a team of individuals each with a big following are taking action, augmenting the efforts of the United Nations. Bill McGibben leader of the divest from fossil fuel movement and invest in renewable energy has specific measurable results to date over 2.6 trillion dollars of victory.  Leonardo Di Caprio made the news when he divested his organizations funds yesterday celebrity power in the movement helps, but what will change the game is all of us together. Although creative master minds like Richard Curtis can orchestrate global game changing efforts on many fronts.

What we are creating is a global conversation through a multi-media platform that connects people, projects and the world.  What we’re building a consciousness about change.  And we can do that by showcasing socially and environmentally responsible projects that demonstrate how people can work together and play to transform the world.

UN takes on “Climate Neutrality” check out what you can do right now in your home or business to offset; Check out this resourceful website Climate Neutral Now.  For more read the Press Release

IRENA puts out Global Atlas for renewable energy in your pocket, real time planning for solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and more!  We are so eager to test this one out with World Team. They have launched a contest;

Participation is easy.

  1. Download the Global Atlas pocket app (from Google play, Blackberry world, ITunes, Windows Phone stores)
  2. Open the app, navigate to the Main Menu search
  3. Add a layer of a renewable energy technology of your choice
  4. Share the map on Twitter
  5. Hashtag your country or region, the energy source, and add to the existing text in the share window. (Example: Mapping renewable energy potential around the world through @IRENA’s #GlobalAtlas #solar #mycountry

If you are in NYC this is Climate Week, check out the events here.

Here are some great articles, campaigns, events and related links we aggregated:

If you are wondering about the seriousness of the climate situation, and the timing of action– here is another article Why Waterworld Will Exist

On the Defense:  One way to change up the game; Youth under the age of 21 sue the state and federal governments for not taking action on Climate Change read more here;

For John Lennon’s Birthday in October; Yoko Ono is hosting one of the largest aerial art pieces in history.”Imagine Peace: GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® attempt Largest human peace sign”.  See you there? RSVP

 Want to go to COP21? Win a Trip to Paris?  Read more about  how your musical gift can get you there!

Remember World Team is Casting— read more here 

World Team’s Universal Declaration

by Suzanne Maxx

Our World Team project’s Universal Declaration are words shared for everyone on this International Peace Day!

WT Declaration Color Page2

The Universal Declaration is for both our World Team media platform (now casting), and our Non-profit World Team Now;

The 70th Session on the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is underway. Great speeches that also touched on the 7oth Anniversary of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombs–calling for nuclear disarmament.  If you missed the UNGA live than you can watch some great speeches from Dr. Jane Goodall, Michael Douglas, Herbie Hancock, and many others here; watch now.


World Team is Casting

by Suzanne Maxx 

wt-casting-3Our World Team project has started casting!  The journey is getting exciting and we have so many interesting candidates that we decided to have an election and a race for candidacy— where you will be able to vote for your favorite person who you want to see on World Team.

What is World Team?

World Team is a social and environmental experiment to see if we can “be the change we want to see” in the world.

World Team is a real time streaming journey, a multi-media project, plus a broadcast series that is interactive with global participation.

This is more than a reality-based television series that actually showcases people demonstrating transformation of the world. The team will takes on global environmental and social issues of consequence.

306290_353043494741860_1571098981_nWhat we are creating is a global conversation through a multi-media platform that connects people, projects and the world. What we’re selling is a consciousness about change. We do that by showcasing socially and environmentally responsible projects that demonstrate how people can work together and play to transform the world.

Be part of a global multimedia project that goes into action on both social and environmental challenges. Join the team doing real projects in a community with renewable energy. 

 Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you care about the future of our planet?

Have you ever been frustrated by no action to address environmental concerns and want to do more, because you feel you have no tangible or measurable effect beyond signing a petition, donating money or making conscious choices in your own behavior or purchases?

imagine-wtMuch of TV today is reality based, with a focus on making-over people, homes, restaurants, well, almost everything. What makes this programming entertaining are the individuals who choose to participate.  Individuals often have self-serving reasons for participating: money, fame, a lucrative contract— we are looking for people who can, and are able to give of their T.ime, E.nergy. A.ction and help us raise M.oney.  This is all part of our emergent media platform.  The rewards for being a team member come in T.E.A.M.

What are we looking for?

Twelve Extraordinary Individuals 

wt-people2,People from around the world who each come from a different culture and region of the world, to create a microcosm of the human race. Team members have diverse backgrounds, talents, and skills. They share a love of sports, and each brings an expertise that is essential for the team to succeed in its mission.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.      -Margaret Mead

Team members come from North America, South/Central America, Southern Africa, Northern Africa, Middle East, Northern Europe, Europe, Mediterranean, Eastern Block, North Asia, South Asia, Australia/ Oceania.

Candidate’s Qualifying Criteria

Requirements: Must be willing to travel 90 days at a time away from home, and have a passport.  We ask only people that are single or have grown children apply.  If there are pets in your household we ask that you are not the sole person responsible for them, if you are candidate.

Language: Fluent English, and one other language minimum.  The ideal candidate has at least two other languages.  Candidates have excellent diction and on camera presence.

Age: 21 – 65 years old. (We will make acceptations for the extraordinary candidates.)

Interests: Passionate about the world, humanitarian and environmental issues, volunteering, serving, and understands the urgency of the crossroads facing humanity.

Athletic Ability preferred: former Olympian, or exceptional skill and talent in a particular sport or activity: Karate, Pole-Vaulting, Skating, Skiing, Horseback Riding, Soccer, Scuba Diving, Kayaking, Mountain Climbing, Sky Diving, Kite Surfing, Dancing).  We will also consider anyone with a disability. In other words, we are looking for people who appreciate and greatly value the ability of their body, and have worked on their bodies and physical skills.

Profession or Vocation: Leading groups, teams with commitment to service, think; Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther-King, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa— people who are emerging icons because of their commitment, wisdom, and passion for our collective resources.  These individuals are known in their communities because of what they have done, and what they are trying to do is greater than “self” interest, or any kind of personal gain.  Genuinely altruistic individuals and unstoppable forces who are determined to use their life for the highest good possible. Also a person might be someone who is pioneering in science and technology, but contributes by serving a societal need with their gifts of knowledge and wisdom.

Culture/Spiritual Ties: These individuals are active and knowledgeable about cultural heritage, active with family, and have a very strong commitment to their spiritual beliefs— these can be based in one or more religions, as long they are steeped in their country’s traditions.  Ideally they are well versed in their own countries heritage, for example, Israeli/Judaism, Italian/Catholic, Saudi Arabian/Muslin— they at least have extremely strong roots, and they have a strong sense of their heritage.  

One of the ways you can become a candidate is to log onto the casting website, and fill out as much information as you can, so we can get to know you virtually.  Please create a user name and login here;

“Reality, if rightly interpreted, is grander than fiction.”

Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) Scottish essayist, historian

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