Tag: Inauguration

President’s Day – “Move Into Action”

© Copyright World Team Now

From the last three day weekend Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, and the Inauguration, the Green Movement is gaining momentum in the USA. On Wednesday, February 13th, 48 of our friends and allies made international news by risking arrest at the White House gates protesting the Keystone XL pipeline. The next day, two Senators introduced a powerful new climate bill with a path forward on climate. Now tomorrow, during President’s day weekend, the momentum continues with a historical march. It was great to jump-start this New Year and Presidential term by the Clean Energy and Environmental Ball in Washington, D.C.!  Here’s a souvenir album.

Congressman Ed Markey, World Team Now’s Suzanne Maxx, Chip Cummings of AREDAY at the Clean Energy and Environment Inaugural Ball, Washington, DC

The highlight was time with Congressman Ed Markey who we deeply respect as World Team Now stands in alignment with him on several energy, environment, and social issues.

It’s time for action.  To use our inherent wisdom to change the things we can, and we have a choice about our energy sources. President Obama said in his State of the Union Address:

“But for the sake of our children and our future, we must do more to combat climate change”. Yes, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is, the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15. Heatwaves, droughts, wildfires, and floods – all are now more frequent and intense. We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science – and act before it’s too late.

The good news is, we can make meaningful progress on this issue while driving strong economic growth. I urge this Congress to pursue a bipartisan, market-based solution to climate change, like the one John McCain and Joe Lieberman worked on together a few years ago. But if Congress won’t act soon to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive actions we can take, now and in the future, to reduce pollution, prepare our communities for the consequences of climate change, and speed the transition to more sustainable sources of energy.

Four years ago, other countries dominated the clean energy market and the jobs that came with it. We’ve begun to change that. Last year, wind energy added nearly half of all new power capacity in America. So let’s generate even more. Solar energy gets cheaper by the year – so let’s drive costs down even further. As long as countries like China keep going all-in on clean energy, so must we.”

To read the whole State of the Union Address, click here.

This President’s Day is the opportunity for action.    We are hoping that President Obama will leave an environmental legacy of true change. For him to do that, we have to do our part:  prove there is a large constituency of people who are demanding this change.  Then he will be able to answer with action. He has said numerous times, “push me”.  He is our leader and in a true Democracy, a leader will serve the needs of the people.  Not just some people, but all of the people.  We, the people, have to communicate and demonstrate our needs.  Especially in this grid-locked bi-partisan congress, where corporate lobbyists control the action or rather block action.  Let’s give President Obama a chance in this term where he can take action to leave a legacy of a leader, and do his job.  In the best interest of public welfare and safety, he can exercise his executive power.  It is President Obama’s job to answer the needs demonstrated by the people.  This is why we need you…


Tomorrow the environmental movement will rally to show its strength in numbers for the support of change, we haven’t seen organizing of this scale since Martin Luther King led the Civil Right March, and shared “I Have a Dream”.  Many of us have a dream now too:   a dream where energy is sourced from wind, solar and tidal and other renewable energy.

Calling all ROLLER SKATERS to join the movement

Calling all ROLLER SKATERS to join the movement

If you don’t know about the demand to stop the Keystone XL Pipeline, click here. To understand the implications, and risks to our water, air, and earth read on here.  The Keystone XL Pipeline which has started construction needs to be stopped, for our collective future and the safety of our public at large.  If you still want to go down to Washington, D.C.,  here are the details.  Our friends at the Sierra Club, 350.org, and the Hip Hop Caucus got some great sponsors and have teamed up with many other non-profit organizations as well.  They have over 130 buses coming from 28 states, and tens of thousands of people signed up for Sunday’s rally with the goal to make history.

World Team Now is calling all skaters to join the LA March tomorrow skaters join the LA March tomorrow February 17th — here are the details. Bring your wheels, we need to stand tall to show our movement and be counted. Here are some ideas for signs, click here for a sign kit.  Make your own, here are some suggestions for wording: “Rolling Forward  Go Solar!”, “Rolling Forward  Go Wind!” and “Rolling Forward  Go, Tidal Energy!”.

The political system needs the voices of the people to truly affect policy.  We need to demonstrate the change, we all know it is a fragile time in our world, and the choices we make will create our future home for our children.  So how do we leave a legacy to inherit an earth with clean water, air, and clean energy sources?  Take action, do your part, as Gandhi once declared, “Be the change we want to see in the world”.  Want to be part of the team?

Forward on Climate

If you can’t be there now for this one, in LA or Washington,  D.C., please at least schedule a post to Twitter or Facebook with Thunderclap: www.thunderclap.it/projects/1189-move-america-forwardonclimate

The “Green” Inaugural Weekend with World Team Now

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. who is also celebrated this week end declared, “I Have a Dream”….  His dream changed the world with his words, inspiration and “Call’. This Inauguration we are hopeful that President Obama will use his term to achieve some much needed milestones for our environment,  and our people in this nation.

However it is unreasonable to expect any politician with the present political system to change the nation alone,  but with all of our help, transformation of the world is possible. We only ask that President Obama can live into his greatest potential, and realize a higher Call.

Regardless of party or partisanship, here we are, and we have choices about the kind of earth we want the future generations to inherit.  We have some serious issues up in our nation and our world; There are things to change in defense for our earth in the USA that others in the environmental movement are focused on like; “The Keystone EXL Pipeline,” “The Nuclear Waste Situation”, the “Nuclear Power Safety” issue, “Natural Gas Fracking”, ‘Granting Permits for Drilling Oil in Wildlife Refuges”, and places like the Antarctic, “Farm Fisheries” and “GMO Food”.  Teaming up together is the key.

World Team Now is primarily focused on the issues to stand up for— we are on the offense— like “Protecting Clean Air”, “Clean Water”, and “Permitting of Large Scale Renewable Energy Projects” such as “Tidal’, “Wind”, “Solar”, and “Geothermal ” energy campaigns, demonstration projects, and educating the public. Let’s help fulfill the “Electric Vehicle” goal set out last term, and fast-track “Charging Infrastructure” and “Energy Storage”.   World Team Now supports “Clean Transportation”, “Net Zero Buildings” with demonstration projects that use fewer resources, for more efficiency, and ideally are designed with natural resources in mind. Let’s stand together for protecting “Endangered Species,” and loving all.  Let’s include the whales and dolphins and different species, and people in different parts of world.  We can be a World Team Now.

The change needed is daunting, we need both offense and defense– but here is where we plan to start this weekend.

Our three day week end kicks off with Beach Clean Up at Zuma Beach, Malibu CA for the National Day of Service (sign up here to RSVP and for more details)

National Day of Service

Join us in honor of this National Day of Service at our local Zuma Beach, Malibu! Meet up at the main Life Guard Headquarters (near Morning View). Bring comfortable shoes, bags and gloves.

All wheels are welcome— skates, blades, boards, and bikes! Let’s clean up the beach and demonstrate clean transportation! Come to the beach in a clean mode of transportation please— EV, hybrid, walk, or bike— if you can!

After this, there is another LA event that goes much of the day and into the evening  to encourage President Obama to make it a “Green Term”.   Find a local event to participate in the National Day of Service.

Environment & Clean Energy Ball

Pull out the formal wear, and grab your dancing shoes… If  you would like to be rather spontaneous and join for the Environmental and Clean Energy Inaugural Ball, in Washington D.C., here is the invite.    World Team Now was invited to co-host this Environmental and Clean Energy Inaugural Ball that is a bipartisan event.

Green BallYes, there is another “Green” Inaugural Ball on Sunday night that if we gather enough of a team of friends, we are considering.

One must be very present to move on this one with short notice, contact us at info@worldteamnow.org ASAP if interested.  (We get a group discounted rate.)

Wondering how to pull a Cinderella?  So are we! The gowns-to-go concept might help a little with runway rentals— regardless it is a good find, as you are. Thanks for being part of this team and taking the time to read what we are up to and hopefully join in— to “Teaming Up” on a wing and a prayer!  If nothing else keep up with us on Facebook—”liking us” helps us grow.

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