Tag: Kauai

Join Us For Ocean-Float Skate-Roll Clinics!


© 2023 Suzanne Maxx All Rights Reserved

Here in Kauai, Hawaii, the Ocean Tide is coming in for us collectively with organizing our summer Ocean Float and Skate-Roll Clinics and curricula.  The tide is augmented with UN’s World Ocean Day, Coral Triangle Day, UNESCO Decade of Ocean— all on the heels of World Environment Day moving into Solstice June 21st. “Gratitude” is still our font for the OCEAN!

We have some exciting news to share about the summer clinics, “Ocean-Float” and “Skate-Roll,” also with private custom experiences we are inviting you to join us in Hawaii this summer for a Clinic, Private/Group “Experience” or Certification.

These two themes of the blue on World Ocean Day and the green every day and from World Environment Day, are very close to our hearts as World Team Now grows. The idea of everyone altogether beyond the confines of time, distance, borders, or even days; yields the spirit’s freedom in each breath…

With the Ocean-Float, Skate-Roll Campaign we are training, and coaching to build out “movement” of people loving nature, and living in action with more intimacy of the Ocean and Land. We offer certification for in-line, and roller skating on already paved or surfaced land. A certification to teach the original Ocean-Float therapeutic whole-being workout is offered, to do more than reset your vagal nerve for a somatic approach to healing.

The Ocean Float Sessions are in calm waters either past the Ocean’s break or in a cove.  The entire 1-3 hr. session is done on one’s back.  While floating one’s spine lies directly on the healing Ocean’s surface of the water. This therapeutic modality is being studied closely for neurological healing, as an anti-inflammatory modality, and potential healing of autoimmune conditions, diseases, and more.

During the Ocean Float, we balance between floating in postures for relaxation and whole-being workout of each of the human body’s systems from cardiovascular to metabolic. The Ocean-Atmosphere nexus, the native culture indigenous traditions, physics, and biodiversity are all part of the session’s curricula, too. We also offer a certification, for Ocean-Float, so more people will come to love being intimate stewards of the living Ocean.

By building communities of practice, we play to transform ourselves and the world around us. By growing greater awareness of life on land and in the ocean, we come into better balance of giving back and receiving nature’s gifts. As we learn about the local indigenous culture and the truest sense of Aloha in, the spirit of “Mālama ka ‘aina,” (Hawaiian words meaning, “giving back to the land and the sea”).

By learning from the water’s flow, and adapting to change, we gain flexibility. Outside of rigid structures, there is a freedom beyond measurement that helps us go beyond the expectations of time bounds and other constraints, and embrace a world of possibilities. One’s presence is realized as a gift, breathing life force, “present” by giving and receiving in equal balance. Breathwork, in movement, where one’s body is moving at a different rate from the skate’s roll, or the Ocean’s float through currents; yields greater consciousness, and a somatic healing experience.

The healing of the Earth’s body and ocean has made significant strides this year with a global piece of policy finally on The Law of the Sea, a campaign we’ve been active with since 1992 prior to the start-up of WTN.

The weather and climate are changing, and together we respond to the changes that come up, and we work to embrace what is present. For example, if it is storming we will weave in other experiences that make the most of the moment, flexible, committed yet unattached to the way your flow experience comes…

The Adventure we are inviting you to create is custom-made to be a memorable experience that calibrates us all to be truly present in the moment, on the island, and in the Ocean. We cater to support your journey to be unique and bring a wealth of experience to share.

If you were one of the many people who have given to World Team Now and the World Team project with your time, talent, or treasure over the years, we would like to give back to you. Come join us in clean air surrounded by one of the lushest tropical environments imaginable.

Click here to join us and learn more about our Ocean-Flat and Skate-Roll curricula.

Water! The United Nations Water Conference 2023

By Suzanne Maxx

Water, Water, Water… Water! Can WE all be joyously singing those words?  Will we be able to celebrate Water & what we can all do together by 2030, or 2050?

The United Nations World Water Conference is happening now beginning today, World Water Day 2023, and going three days, March 22nd – 24th, 


You can join Virtually and Watch the LIVE UN Events Here: https://media.un.org/en/webtv/schedule

The UN Media Zone (An entertaining/educational talk show format of UN Events);

United Nations Headquarter Photo Courtesy of Albert Boulanger

The Water Conference is co-hosted by the Governments of Tajikistan and the Netherlands with an overflowing schedule of events coming in with the rising tide for collective action. As the increase in water-related disasters, not just drought and flood continue make the case for urgent immediate action, by us all.  To learn, “Every $1 invested in making infrastructure disaster-resilient saves $4 in reconstruction. (UNDRR, 2021) “ was one of the many surprising facts and figures, or read the latest UN report.

Photo Courtesy of Suzanne Maxx

Water not just to place a greater value and understanding on Water (yes, intentionally capitalized), but also, to ensure all have equal access to Water.  Water and Air and the way they live through us changing states, solid, liquid and gas, not easily seen as a vapor, gas—yet like love, Water is more than a most precious resource; of ineffable value. To have love of the other, oneself, and the Divine within and throughout, love as a commodity that is immeasurable like the value of Water.  Now to prioritize Water given for all, being within and making up a large percentage of our bodies, and our common home, on planet earth, and raising consciousness.

Water is not only a resource, but also, a human right. International human rights law obliges States to work to achieve universal access to water and sanitation for all, without any discrimination, while prioritizing those who need water most.  If we can mind the Water gap working together across borders for our common home and not merely for profit, but for public benefit is that not a higher good for all?

There we many seeds planted, that bloomed with ideas brought forth to the collective World Water Day, the Biodiversity Treaty, Law of the Sea, that are now finally getting some movement after being introduced in 1992 during the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. The UN Earth Summit/Global Forum, was where I came to better interact with the United Nations.

It’s a watershed moment today with World Water Day, UN Water Conference, Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) to “Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Goal #6 is one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals created officially inside the Paris Accord established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. Although we are way behind the Global Goals being achieved, Clean water and sanitation for all, may have a better chance to flow as a reality with coordinated watershed moments with the Decade of Water” 2018-2028, plus the Decade of the Ocean 2021-2030. Hopefully, this “Rip Tide” of trajectories with both Decades related to Water also overlapping, with World Water Day, will pull us out of this mess, and into the deeper Water of collective consciousness.

Albert Boulanger United Nations, New York Photo Courtesy of Brigid Tucker

We have a team registered at The United Nations Water Conference representing World Team Now at United Nations in New York.  World Team Now is being represented for this Water Conference at UN Headquarters by VP and Director of Technical Strategy, Albert Boulanger and Youth Leader Advocate, Brigid Tucker, in her junior year attending my Alma Mater,  Sarah Lawrence College. Her voice, regarding the Water Conference, is something we can all look forward to hearing with her first UN experience…Walter Andrews, WTN Director of Water, Energy and the Environment for WTN, along with others are grateful to have the choice to participate virtually.

Ha’ena where the fresh Water meets the Ocean’s salt Water-Photo Courtesy of Suzanne Maxx

I’m learning again and again, the clichéd, the change starts within– getting that glass water thermos, filling it with fresh water that came down from the mountains and up through lava. I haven’t been able to test the water yet, but legend Aunties, Elders, Nature, and Science say, it is as good as I may get in the USA, now.  I’m committed to kicking the plastic bottled water habit, when I’m not in Fiji, and can get Water from a reliable natural source.  “Be the change you want to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi.

I have remained on the small Island where we have been working on resiliency with small scale systems solutions, and Ocean projects locally on the island of Kauai, Hawaii, (it’s still World Water Day here, HST). The projects we are working on are in a flood zone which often is cut off from power, with also unique Ocean conditions. The Sports and play aspect build on physical movement: that might better build collective MOVEMENT!  One by one, hearts are opened, minds are inspired to learn more, and bodies move in action!

World Team Now is organizing an educational approach to socialize and demonstrate cutting-edge solutions.  Our goals include advocating to meet Water challenges on a small local scale, on islands.  We are beginning with one section of an island community. We plan to address challenges related to drought, flooding Water as a resource related to policy, purification, mitigation, energy, catchment, and wastewater up-cycling and best practice of sustained use. The ineffable mysterious territory, the consciousness of Water, will be explored through World Team Now’s upcoming Open Ocean Educational Curricula. The Tide is coming in for transforming our future, and that means the chance for each of us to choose to prioritize rising!

Water, Water, Water… Water! Again, can WE all joyously sing those words?  Instead of the “mean green” lyrics of the song Money? “Money, Money, Money…  Money!” May we be singing; “Let them Come to the Water”.








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