Tag: Kid’s Ocean Day

World Ocean Day


Video of Kids Ocean Day

Team effort by Micheal Klubock  with Aerial Artist John Quigley’s direction, the video here was produced by Golden Dolphin Films and Leslie Morova for Kid’s World Ocean Day  and the Malibu Foundation.

There were so many events for World Oceans Day, but in proportion to the destruction we have done we need many more, every day.

In World Team Now‘s home base in Malibu there was a “Paddle for Peace”

Breakthroughs, Launches and Warnings is a good article  by Environment News Service (ENS) on the U.N.’s Annual World Oceans Day.

In World Team Now’s other base, New York- the iconic Empire State Building was purple, blue and white honoring the United Nations World Oceans Day.

Peace Paddle 2011 included 230 participants off the coast of Paradise Cove Credit Craig Schmitman/NRDC

Disneyland claims to be the “happiest place on earth,” I have always felt that the happiest place on earth was in the ocean.  I focus on the beauty, remembering swimming with the dolphins in the wild.  When I would go out and float past the break they would come to me like a magnet, almost daily for more than ten years at Zuma, Beach in Malibu, sometimes on The Big Island of Hawaii too.

Thanks to all who showed up for these and other events from our communities in California and New York.  Click here to read more about the Peace Paddle in The Malibu Patch and event for the NRDC.

We have to focus on the positive for World Oceans Day, even though the global environmental situation is unfathomable.

Our Ocean, Fun Science- Beyond Radiation

"Ocean" Photo by Suzanne Maxx

The nuclear situation at Fukushima with radiation is not promising, but here are some things that are;


Focus on the positive things that are being done helps, like Germany’s choice to lead the transition to renewable energy. G8 re-thinking nuclear energy last week.

Think about Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), which gives hope for renewable energy on the global level, too.

Check out a blue goo called DeCon Gel, an innovative way to clean up radiation.

Watch the dynamic duo team, Bill Clinton & Mike Bloomberg, go to Brazil to tackle Climate Change with innovation and capital at hand to focus on cities.

Kids Ocean Day courtesy of The Malibu Foundation


On the local level, if you are part of World Team Now’s (WTN) California constituency, will you please consider being a volunteer for Kids Ocean Day?  Join in tomorrow with the youth to clean up the beach, and help deliver a message with aerial art about the oceans. Kid’s Ocean Day is an event World Team Now  loves because it makes a difference!

If you are part of WTN’s New York constituency, consider the World Science Festival Events starting tonight until the 6th throughout NYC. Here you can indulge in events: Biorhythm: Music and the Body, The Radical New Science of Longevity,  to the timely event that the nuclear industry might benefit from: Illusion of Certainty: Risk, Probability and Chance.  You can watch live events where ever you are in the world, so really it can be local– to you.


On the universal level, NASA has “From Earth to the Solar System” (FETTSS).  A continuation of the well-received International Year of Astronomy 2009 From Earth to the Universe program, and here perspective can be broadened to consider universal possibilities with this collection of powerful images.

SPACE WEATHER: What is a storm on the Sun like? Most of the time when we talk about “the weather,” we are referring to the state of Earth’s atmosphere that gives us rain, wind, and temperature changes. The “space weather” produced by the Sun extends deep into the Solar System. It drives some of the greatest changes in our local space environment—affecting our magnetosphere, ionosphere, atmosphere, and potentially our climate. The Sun contains very powerful magnetic fields and they can become twisted and tangled, storing enormous amounts of energy. Luckily, Earth’s magnetosphere acts as a shield, and its atmosphere absorbs the dangerous radiation, protecting us.. Image Credit: NASA/ESA/SOHO

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