Tag: renewable energy (Page 2 of 6)

BMW i, Malibu (Solar Carport Demo)

Solar carport charging BMW i8 PHEV sports car with World Team Now’s Founder Suzanne Maxx

BMW chose Malibu to be their backdrop venue to showcase the BMW i series replete with solar carport, charging hardware and software for their press day’s ride and drive; see full photo story through album here. I happened upon the festivities yesterday at Nikita Restaurant’s parking lot and met up with lead BMW team members. The new BMW i8 PHEV sports cars and the all-electric BMW i3 are vehicles being marketed with the big picture in mind of climate action with support for the gestalt of a completely green conscientious lifestyle.

Representatives from BMW Corporate: Wieland Bruch, Corporate Communications Manager BMWGroup Nadine Alice Carl, Product Management Automobiles and Aftersales Project e-Mobility

BMW manufactured with a supply chain consideration of a “cradle to cradle” intent to reduce carbon emissions, and ideally, optimize the choice to source “the charge” from all renewable energy.

Simultaneously creating carport shade and electricity from the solar glass roof supported by a steel frame, DesignWorks’ savvy approach to BMW’s solar carport uses sustainable bamboo-sourced carbon fiber, and the placement of SolarWatts’ high yielding solar panels in a grid with space between the panels allowing some light to shine through, while the rest of the light is captured by the solar panels.

BMW has put a lot of thought to handle many of the obstacles like range anxiety in the all-electric vehicle, which comes with options such as a trade-in for other BMW’s on long trips and a charging infrastructure tapping into all charger locations, with software that organizes and allows for a universal payment scheme through BMW.

The hardware and software connected to the charger allow for intelligent communication with one’s home as soon as the vehicle is plugged in to charge.  Programs to support these initiatives showcase the BMW’s service package 360° ELECTRIC electrically integrated concept and BMW’s various opportunities that came from partnerships with Schneider Electric and the Mobility House MyGekko provides the home automation platform that makes it all seamless. This integration supports what World Team Now refers to this as, “consciousness of energy usage systemically”— which is more than just the vehicle sales. BMW’s programs include i Wallbox Charging, maintenance, and other services, with the customizable intelligence to potentially turn on lights and other electrical devices, as soon as the vehicle plugs in the charge at your home or office.

There are many pluses, beside the vehicles themselves in the BMW i series, that could take advantage of the vehicle to grid connection with battery energy storage where the battery could be a back up for home/office energy. Ideally, based on time of day and peak load, you might have the option to charge entirely from solar or a mix with the energy (ideally renewable) coming from the grid.  In CA there is the option to arbitrage energy and sell energy back to the grid from the vehicle’s storage during peak hours, gaining the charge off-peak, and saving money by making energy from sunshine.


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To the Year of Renewable Energy 2014

As the New Year’s Eve Ball drops in Time Square, people will be the source of the energy made on bikes! A toast To the Year of Renewable Energy Demonstration! Wow, this is the best way we can think of to bring in the New Year.

World Team Now has been cycling to power the Ball that drops in Time Square on New Year’s Eve, so a billion people will see human-powered renewable energy demonstrated.

Did you realize that your average work out, could help to power the appliances you use, recharge your laptop, or charge up your cell phone? We name 2014, “The Year of Renewable Energy” with focus on the conscious choice, and awareness of the energy source and ideally swiftly transition into 100% renewable energy.

Energy… We use it every day; to turn on the lights and to power all of our electronic gadgets, to heat our homes, in the winter– cool them in the summer.  Did you think that your work out could literally add, or even be a source of actual power?  Now is a chance to try it out, head out to Times Square and hop on one of the stationary bikes that are connected to a generator that will power the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop into 2014..

Instead of going into the gym this evening and getting on a stationary bike, that does not store your energy, please go hop on a bike in Times Square, biking here will do some good for others too, and you will put your energy to good use by demonstrating human-powered renewable energy!

We are going to have to get creative to take advantage of all the natural ways to get energy and use innovation for energy storage.  Renewable energy is much more than solar, wind, geothermal, and tidal energy.  If we live a healthy lifestyle working out and moving can make more than your body healthy, it can make our planet healthier too.

Human sources energy is part of the game, whether it be from a bike, skates, a dance floor and there is more!  Ride a stationary bike with a generator and battery on 42nd St and 7th Ave until 9:00 pm tonight and add your energy the New Year’s Eve Ball for our world! Here is a brilliant way to celebrate with World Team Now!

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Act Locally, Act Globally – Think of Us All As Part of One


Join us next week and use this  20% Off Discount Code “SPT20WTN”

Change seems to be accelerating. Change, not just with our climate, but also with the “systems” humanity has created, spurred by Globalization.  Whether that be the legal system, political system, financial system, health care system, or educational system— the systems in place to provide the world’s basic needs.  Have we learned to scale our systems to meet Globalization’s challenges? Humanity can learn  from how nature scales to support the whole—  Biomimicry of man-made systems seems key to the stewardship of our earth and for an organically sustainable future.   

Global transformation is in the works, and is needed within all systems including those within our one global governing body – the United Nations. Friday ended the two week climate talks in Bonn, Germany. The disappointment was all too familiar as it seemed like yesterday, but it was a year ago when World Team Now produced the event as part of the UNFCC’s Rio+20, and also an event at The People’s Summit.  We went down to Rio once again with great expectations for more progress than what was able to be achieved inside the United Nations’ RIO+20 conference’s time. So now, it is distressing that there was a huge snag caused by foot dragging by Russia in a key entity, the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI). At least there was some progress in the overarching 2015 international climate action agreement. Why wait until disaster? We clearly need more projects that influence public perception. “To see is to believe” for most, so we need more examples to inspire the masses to embrace change.

At World Team Now, we are growing, and eager to see the change that happens once our non-profit World Team Now can be supported by our World Team multi-media platform, and broadcast.  Our World Team project too needs to be demonstrated to be fully understood, and to that end our development of our pilot project continues.  While we are working to have this World Team model up in full scale, we have been occupied with events.  In California, for example what we did in Malibu with Earth Day (photo album here), with our “Ride & Drive”, and “The Circle-Up  Around Renewable Energy”.  We owe a shout-out to all of those who showed up to participate or volunteer, and for the support of Nissan of Thousand Oaks, and Edwards/Wildman.  We hope to be sharing some of the edited footage soon at WTN’s upcoming event September 26 and 27.   Another example is what World Team Now is doing in NY to support ACORE’s Renewable Energy Financing Forum (REFF)-Wall Street. Join us and get 20% off registration by using this code “SPT20WTN”. REFF is the perfect activity, included with more than 20 Energy Industry Events for New York City’s Energy Week, June 24th-28th.

Please save the dates for World Team Now’s upcoming annual event in Malibu September 27th & 28th, 2013. Watch World Team Now’s Event’s page for more details about the timing.

Speaking of timing, two great renewable energy demonstration projects born in Switzerland also have “New York” as a destination.  PlanetSolar, is the world’s largest solar boat, and it includes an interesting research component with the project it just arrived in New York.  The soaring approach to change done state by state has value. The Solar Impulse is a renewable energy demonstration project with great potential. You can take flight and  follow in real time on their final segment of the “Across America” trip, and join the history in the making as they land in New York early July.

Planet Solar is in New York

PlanetSolar reaches New York, the second american stopover of its 2013 campaign

The two states where World Team Now is based are proudly taking leadership positions in the environmental transformation needed to address climate change— let’s hear it for California and New York, especially Mayor Bloomberg’s action plan to address the affects of climate change .  The water situation and the issue of drought is rapidly becoming more serious, due to climate change.  Often, to execute solutions at a scale needed to address the affects of climate change, bonds are created.  California is taking the lead with creating a Water Bond.  World Team Now was present when Senator Fran Pavley, Chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee, hosted the Hearing; “Encouraging Regional Water Solutions: Implications for a Statewide Water Bond” at Pepperdine University.  Californians are set to vote on the $11.1 billion water bond in November, 2014.

More action needs to be able to take place on a state level and even city level, which gives more weight to the “Think globally, act locally” mantra—  but not to preclude think global act global actions which are needed as well— the local can catalyze the global.    It is a huge victory to finally permanently close the troubled San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in California, not just for the immediate risk of radiation, but also in respect of the long term issue of what to do with the radioactive rods which are byproducts of nuclear reactors. With no safe disposal protocol for these rods, even closed plants will continue to pose risks to the public and our planet forever The pressure is on for Southern California Edison to strive towards truly renewable energy— the kind with no radioactive byproducts to threaten public safety. It is time for us citizens to spearhead energy independence, be active in supplying a diversity of local renewable energy resources (supporting grid stability as a benefit), and to learn how to responsibly use energy.

But it is time for the whole of us in society to consider “Act locally, Act globally- Think of us all as part of ONE”.


Renewable Energy Financing Forum-NYC

REFF-Wall-Street-960x157-banner-3Join us in New York City for ACORE’s Renewable Energy Finance Forum.  World Team Now is a supporting organization of  American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) and we team-up on renewable energy events. The Renewable Energy Finance Forum REFF-Wall Street will address the rapidly changing state of renewable energy finance, and give insights about the path ahead.  Renewable energy projects are the solutions for transforming the present energy models that are based on the past. The past is no longer prologue to the future of this market, and a new path is emergent, evidence from the presentations and discussions at REFF-Wall Street.   Often the scale of renewable energy projects can seem daunting to approach. The Renewable Energy Finance Forum is an opportunity to gain the valuable resources to undertake your plan, or simply understand the tremendous long-term growth potential, the renewable energy markets hold.    Use 20% Off Discount Code “SPT20WTN” and Register now.

Focus On Our One Home: Earth

Join World Team Now for Earth Day, and find something just for you. Around the World Team Project Earth Day is every day.  It is a constant process to re-evaluate giving of your T.ime, Energy, A.ction, and M.oney- to live in better balance with our resources.

 “Energy” being a conscious life force of wellness in mind, body, and spirit. The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. “Energy” in our world meaning; available power– how we actually power our way of living in this electronic age.  The “cradle to cradle” use of physical form is a path of consciousness.

There are global and local events happening focused around this time which has expanded from an Earth Day to an Earth month…Here are some things that are happening now:

At The City of Malibu, today right NOW hosts a “Mega Re-cycling Event” 

World Team Now is teaming up for a local event in Malibu tomorrow;


In New York on Sunday the 21st, there will be a live panel discussion with climate scientist Dr. James Hansen, 350.org founder Bill McKibben and student activists Jacklyn Gil and Sophie Lasoff. The panel will be live-streamed to the hundreds of other screenings around the country, and with the goal to pack the house.


The Do the Math Movie! Screenings and House Parties act.350.org
Join people around the country for the world premiere of Do the Math, a fast-paced movie that can help spark a movement!

Here are some more New York Earth Day events we think you might enjoy! Add your picture to “The Face of Climate Change“.

Check out a one of EPA’s podcast’s here to take action on-line action. Or if you just feel like staying home and to watch a “little” of the big picture consider Go 100% Renewable’s International Conference.

You can find an Earth Day event anywhere in the world here!

Let’s make Earth Day, Every Day!

These below are tools for action to help us grow.  It takes a team, thank you for being on it;
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