Tag: REV

Breaking Global Climate Action

by Suzanne Maxx

The movement for global transformation, is building around the world.  Everyone is needed— as it’s our common future, in our one common home, so we all are being called to take action.

Join  an aerial art piece in Washington DC 4:00-6:00 AM, meeting at  7th and Jefferson.  This human font Aerial Art masterpiece will be created by artist John Quigley of Spectral Q and is sponsored by the Franciscan Action Network, with Earth Day on the Mall— as Pope Francis addresses the US Congress at 10:00 AM you can watch the speech with a transcript  here. A schedule of the pope’s visit to the US is here.

NYC Barbara's roof top sunset20150923_193258We’ll be  in New York to “Light the Way”, “Under One Sky” in the evening across the street from the United Nations at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 47th and 1st Avenue 4:30-5:30 a multi-faith Festival of Prayer and Music. You can participate wherever you are in the world tomorrow check to see if there is an event near you here.

Wherever you are you can watch New York’s leading conference, Reforming the Energy Vision, live. Tune in Thursday September 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET. Click here to see the live panel presentations.World Team Now’s renewable energy microgrid continues, but that is for another blog.  Here is a valuable article Power to the People

UN 2014 edit 20140922_132518Tomorrow, the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), has the Sustainability Summit through September 25th, you can watch it all on UN.TV here live.  We are optimistic that all world leaders will sign on to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals.  The deadline if adopted will be 2030, and although we need it to happen sooner, the first step is to tell everybody about the goals—spread the word to 7 billion in 7 days is the 1st goal.

Watch this fabulous video

Learn more about the 17 goals we like this video here.

Click for Global Goals herewww.globalgoals.org

See what Steven Hawkins has to say about the Global Goals here:


Global transformation does take everyone… So we need you. The Global Goals are something we all can get behind as a critical “to do list” to sustain our future.  What is your favorite goal?

Join the Global Citizens’ Festival and Concert: Great Lawn, Central Park, NYC Saturday the 26th https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/festival/2015/

It certainly helps that a team of individuals each with a big following are taking action, augmenting the efforts of the United Nations. Bill McGibben leader of the divest from fossil fuel movement and invest in renewable energy has specific measurable results to date over 2.6 trillion dollars of victory.  Leonardo Di Caprio made the news when he divested his organizations funds yesterday celebrity power in the movement helps, but what will change the game is all of us together. Although creative master minds like Richard Curtis can orchestrate global game changing efforts on many fronts.

What we are creating is a global conversation through a multi-media platform that connects people, projects and the world.  What we’re building a consciousness about change.  And we can do that by showcasing socially and environmentally responsible projects that demonstrate how people can work together and play to transform the world.

UN takes on “Climate Neutrality” check out what you can do right now in your home or business to offset; Check out this resourceful website Climate Neutral Now.  For more read the Press Release

IRENA puts out Global Atlas for renewable energy in your pocket, real time planning for solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and more!  We are so eager to test this one out with World Team. They have launched a contest;

Participation is easy.

  1. Download the Global Atlas pocket app (from Google play, Blackberry world, ITunes, Windows Phone stores)
  2. Open the app, navigate to the Main Menu search
  3. Add a layer of a renewable energy technology of your choice
  4. Share the map on Twitter
  5. Hashtag your country or region, the energy source, and add to the existing text in the share window. (Example: Mapping renewable energy potential around the world through @IRENA’s #GlobalAtlas #solar #mycountry

If you are in NYC this is Climate Week, check out the events here.

Here are some great articles, campaigns, events and related links we aggregated:

If you are wondering about the seriousness of the climate situation, and the timing of action– here is another article Why Waterworld Will Exist

On the Defense:  One way to change up the game; Youth under the age of 21 sue the state and federal governments for not taking action on Climate Change read more here;

For John Lennon’s Birthday in October; Yoko Ono is hosting one of the largest aerial art pieces in history.”Imagine Peace: GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® attempt Largest human peace sign”.  See you there? RSVP

 Want to go to COP21? Win a Trip to Paris?  Read more about  how your musical gift can get you there!

Remember World Team is Casting— read more here 

Orangetown Green Microgrid-World Team Now

by Suzanne Maxx


6760135001_14c59a1490_oWorld Team Now found a rare opportunity in New York State for our renewable energy demonstration project after exploring projects in California, Colorado, Hawaii, and other islands, for the whole World Team project’s development.   We searched for a project to team-up on, and lead with the goal to serve a local community to show a real big change. The project that is moving fast forward is rooted back in New York, in the town of Orangetown.  We have teamed up extraordinary partners and are now leading the community project the “Orangetown Green Microgrid”.

The NY Prize and more…

New York happens to be leading with very interesting and creative approaches to renewable energy policy, and public adoption with both the New York Prize and the efforts to Reforming the Energy Vision, (REV) – both of which are designed to be game changers for energy generation with utilities, and for communities. We were looking for the right opportunity to execute the plan to deploy multiple renewable energy distributed generation systems, and link them together within a community, to make a model for others around the world to replicate for greater energy independence.  Our goals happen to now coincide with numerous funding opportunities, such as the NY Prize for Microgrids, among other programs in New York State, and nationally.

World Team Now is planning to create a distributed energy community demonstration project, called a “microgrid”, that will be part of World Team’s pilot project to bring many potential benefits besides economic savings to the town of Orangetown.

For those who wonder what is a microgrid? The Department of Energy’s (DOE) defines a microgrid as;

“A group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources (DER) with clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid [and can] connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid connected or island mode.”

Visual example of a community microgrid courtesty of Innovations Toronto

Visual example of a community microgrid courtesy of Innovations Toronto

The community microgrid will band together facilities in the region to support one another’s energy capacity by creating connected electricity generation, energy systems, energy storage, and loads, so the interconnected group can team up to survive independently on its own, by disconnecting from the utility’s electrical power grid.  The microgrid is capable of operating continuously with a choice of both grid-connection and “island” mode. The resiliency of the microgrid is critical to society, for backup energy generation. This is particularly valuable to all stakeholders, especially during extreme weather events and emergencies, providing an option to disconnect and support vital public services and power to residential customers and critical operators such as hospitals, first responders and water treatment facilities when the utility’s grid is challenged.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), in partnership with the Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery (GOSR) has announced the availability of up to $40,000,000, under the three-stage NY Prize Community Grid Competition (NY Prize), to support the development of community microgrids. A community microgrid is where the interconnected set is in a community, like a town center.

Our Orangetown Green Microgrid

 World Team Now has assembled an outstanding team of electrical and mechanical engineers, construction firms, contractors, and best-of-breed microgrid technology suppliers.

The Orangetown Green Microgrid plans to be centered on the civic, police, fire department, water and sewage facilities, communication facilities, schools, colleges, commercial buildings, such as conference centers, shopping centers, large stores, hotels, companies, office parks, gas stations and data centers. The town’s properties are being evaluated in accordance with the considered development striving to bring the town additional revenue from land use with the potential for renewable energy generation. Existing backup generators will be considered as distributed generation or load reduction resources. Renewable energy technologies will be evaluated to replace existing systems or we will add new renewable energy generation facilities to reduce the carbon footprint of the overall microgrid and provide energy to balance demand. Energy efficiency technology will be evaluated for all participants to reduce demand. Energy storage will be evaluated in key locations to load shift to balance out load.  Interconnection cables, switchgear, power electronics, command and control equipment, data communication, control & optimization software will be added to tie the microgrid together, to operate, and make intelligent decisions in real time.

 World Team Now’s Journey on the Orangetown Green Microgrid

Early in the fall season of 2014, I remained in New York after our efforts with the People’s Climate March and the UN General Assembly, we found this opportunity for our World Team project. World Team Now’s VP and Director of Technical Strategy, Albert Boulanger’s work at Columbia University’s Center for Computational Learning Systems (CCLS) had their computer servers in Orangetown at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, where he worked prior.  Since our focus is energy efficiency, we saw an opportunity here to explore the concept of bringing a campus to net zero energy usage.  That processes lead us to Orangetown, New York as one initiative the Earth Observatory could do is to join a community microgrid.

The town of Orangetown had our community microgrid proposal on the Town Board meeting’s agenda up for a board vote on April 15th 2015. The first time we presented to the town of Orangetown the opportunity raised a lot of questions about this new concept of a community microgrid.

We got a sense of the community of Orangetown as the locals turn out had filled, not only the meeting auditorium, but the outside hall with people of all ages for core community issues at stake.  Our World Team project, with World Team Now in the lead for the NY prize was up for a board vote.

Representing World Team Now; Albert Boulanger, Suzanne Maxx, Sally Odin, John Bellicicco, Scott Frank

Representing World Team Now; Albert Boulanger, Suzanne Maxx, Sally Odland, John Bellicicco, Scott Frank

Scott Frank, John Bellacicco, Albert Boulanger and I spoke for power resiliency, savings, through our “Green” campaign with our community distributed energy microgrid.  Andy Stewart, the Town Supervisor, of Orangetown made the motion for our community microgrid – he truly has championed this project for the community.  We needed a majority vote out of the five board members. It was seconded, but then two board members, voted “No”, and the last board member to vote, who broke the tie, elaborated on his reservations, and at the end said, “Some other town will take the money if we don’t, so I vote, yes”.  We got the majority, a victory!  But it gives us a sense of the challenges ahead launching World Team here in Orangetown, and actually doing the project with the multiple renewable energy thrusts.  For now, we are doing the first stage – applying for the feasibility study and assessment proposal for the community microgrid.

Orange and Rockland Utility Inc., gave us a letter of support to proceed with the community microgrid after a successful meeting where we presented our team, and our Orangetown Green Microgrid concept.

At World Team Now’s core, we “Team-up” to demonstrate how our species can live in better balance with our resources. We go at projects using the principle of building leading teams, joining up leading companies, individuals, communities and entities for a  more holistic approach to a project.  World Team Now is using its expansive network of renewable energy expert advisers to help shape its execution team along with our Honorary, Emeritus, and Advisory Board Members – our website soon will reflect many of the people on board.

The World Team project has a quarter of a century of development, which includes a team of leading thinkers connected to innovative renewable energy technology, Intellectual Property and our media platform.  We plan to make our Green microgrid economic and ecological, “ECO” friendly. The countdown to World Team’s media platform and pilot has started! Our goal, to actually tell-a-vision, could be a model for many other communities, and ideally our whole world. But the reality is you all, who have helped us to preserve over the years, the team that has believed in the vision—is to who we owe deep gratitude.  Thank you for being able to see the possibility of our World Team project, which is indeed what makes T.E.A.M. work; vision and action together. Thank you! Journey on…





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