Tag: SDG

The Script for Transformation


Historic Kilauea Lighthouse. Kilauea Hawaii

Transitions leading to transformation continue to exceed imagined speeds, both globally, and locally. Sometimes it occurs like we are all collectively dancing the “Cha-Cha” or “Tango” going backwards to thrust forward, in a rhythm created by the tension of opposing forces, coming to one. A triune perspective, like the wholeness of the Yin-Yang symbol, helps temper the warming-heating contrast to go forward with momentum needed to better build movement and strengthen a collective consciousness of being in a myriad of crises, on this one Planet Earth.

Aligned in the depths of the mission and vision of what started as a Call for a “World Team” and morphed from Team World Corps, non-profit, and ultimately residing in our named registered; “World Team Now,” says the words of the visions’ priorities.  What if all in the world worked together as a team? Taking action together, teaming-up? The vision was to change the perspective of even divided hemispheres, the Global North against the Global South, but instead a real whole, World Team that united for our collective survival of all species in harmony with one another. Then what would be the goals?  WHO do we play against? What is the equivalent of a global race or game, that needs to be won for our future?  This movement is organically unfolding with little help from the mysterious ways that come from higher up.

Opening plenary, SDG Action Weekend 9/16/2023

The United Nations (UN) “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) — yes, in one’s brain the acronym tends to get confused with a contagious disease.  The UN speaks the language of acronyms, and this one gets a laugh or cry as we’ve learned when sharing about the goals publically most recently in Kauai, Hawaii USA. World Team Now’s systems solutions work on island resiliency and for the health of waters, especially the Ocean with a curriculum.

Bi-location is something many of us wanted to master, but now the team was growing to have at least one of us physically representing at the UN, and one on an island.  The beauty of these times is we can have a virtual and actual physical presence. Now there are so many people with the common vision each going forward in their own creative way at the United Nations and especially on islands to hold the light for a future.

The ironic laugh or cry in the corridors inside plenaries of the United Nations meeting rooms, on the home island of Manhattan is more about the seriousness of the situation we are in collectively with natural resources to be reprioritized. The Global Goals, targets and indicators to be achieved by 2030 are ambitious.  “Pie in the Sky,” is a remark I heard along the journey of World Team, too, but it is important to have values to aim for, however like regions of the world boundaries divided what divides us can limit us until the division is united by us people.

SDG Media Zone at the SDG Action Weekend & Summit

This Sustainable Development Goals Summit that preceded the 78th UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) was to take a look at our progress and set the tone for the work towards much needed transformation— action, beyond the bureaucratic siloed approach that has contributed to the crises we face, in the effort to aid. The perspective is what was called to check, at this half-time point since in 2015, and how to engage all people.  It is becoming more clear as what was falls away and becomes beyond the future we want, is the future that is Divinely inspired to become us all to remain being human here

Thankfully, these thoughts contemplated over 5 decades ago, are becoming a collective priority, expressed in myriads of diverse ways of action, played out creatively.  Next year more of the movement will play out in the public sphere to inspire all to participate. Out of the opposing tension of contrasting views, beliefs, and values in civil society, governments, corporations, and institutions, births an opportunity to see the light of peace collectively.

Especially prioritized in the hearts of youth today— peace in creative collective action is being demonstrated.  Youth armed with indigenous wisdom passed forward, innovative science and pioneering technology to lead with a Call for “All People”….

All People, those words remind of the lyrics of a beautiful song written by souls called “Voices of the World” gifted to us to use from brothers and sisters, a family of a common Call, as each individual made it to the Earth Summit / Global Forum in Rio Di Janiero for World Team decades ago that forged a bond over the years continuing to build on the collective movement.

Sunset North Shore Kauai

Here is where the Biodiversity Treaty, Law of the Sea, the annual Conference of the Parties COP, and other globally carved out efforts to meet and take on collective global environmental and social challenges rooted in the hearts. Many of these documents of global public policy roots were in those grounds of RIO or Rio+20, and now getting ready for COP28.  So many individuals committed to the long journey to show a resilient world with net zero energy and renewed systems coming back to respect an intimacy for nature-based solutions, for the next generation— for a regenerative future!

Although not from the present vantage point predictable, the 17 SDGs, aka the Global Goals, are for the higher possibility of what we each could be individually or together for the future transcending our past patterns and systems of organizing life on planet earth, ideally beyond one country.

In each breath, there is a choice to make a difference, in 24hrs/1Day, and/or a lifetime, sometimes we each have a choice of what to prioritize, and we all have in common a capacity to love. How do we make our place where love could be the priority for all by how we live?

SDG Digital, to accelerate the SDGs by digitization Sunday, Sept 17, 2023, UN SDG Action Weekend

With our roots in intercultural New York, state of mind, and at the UN SDG Summit, as world leaders have come together, and with our feet still in the sand, for resiliency in Kauai, Hawaii; bi-location would be of value, as we grow this team.

Holding the vision for World Team amidst a myriad of ways to “organize the world” through crises, allows for something organic to emerge. When not floating on the Ocean, teaching, advocating, and working on the curricula for certification we are virtually building out a World Team.  We hope to show you more soon.

Ocean Float

With the Ocean-Float Skate-Roll we are growing a way to represent and engage our communities in different places to experience more intimacy with the earth, land (A’aina) and Ocean waters (Moana, Kai). We are excited about the Ocean-Float curricula; clear the past out and join us in the Ocean, for the OCEAN, and YOU, and us all.

We have donated some sessions for Ocean-Float and Skate Roll to the auction now taking place virtually to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the legendary CK Chu Tai Chi, in New York, NY USA.  The studio has not only helped transform us, but the neighborhood, and the island of Manhattan.  It is remarkable to witness the energy contributed to Times Square, NYC, where Ck Chu Tai Chi is based, and all who Teamed-up for the transformation of the heart of the city.  Team-up for transformation is key. Hope you can join us in this next chapter of island Ocean advocacy works teaming-up for us as One Body starting with one body— or all parts of us.  Along with one’s mind and spirit and soul there in, we practice being one with all within and throughout.

North Shore Kauai with ideal ocean conditions for Ocean-Float

World Team Now’s approach to the Sustainable Development Goals is like a sampling of small-scale systems solutions organically coming from the island innovation discovered, that is nature-based and rooted in the heritage of indigenous culture‘s wisdom, augmented by technology to boost our capacity to scale.

We are working to pilot systems solutions, consciously chosen.  For example, with transportation, Bertrand Piccard of the Solar Impulse shares the overview of that system vision here.

The action-oriented Summit for the Future, comprising a chapeau and five chapters on sustainable development and financing for development; international peace and security; science, technology, and innovation and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance.

Specific measurable results with a “Common Agenda” for multilateralism are explained more here.

Together for environmental and social justice, as ONE, as in One People, ONE Ocean, One Body, One Earth. Teaming-up so literally, as the UN slogan goes so “no one gets left behind,” but we become one in the future.

SDG exhibit at the UN Sculpture lawn

Historical Earth Day-15 Ratify, 175 U.N. Members Signed the Paris Agreement ©

By Suzanne Maxx
© 2016 World Team Now

Inside the United Nations looking out- Photo Credit World Team Now/Suzanne Maxx

Inside the United Nations looking out- Photo Credit World Team Now/Suzanne Maxx


New York, New York USA Today at the United Nations 175 Countries signed the Paris Climate Agreement on opening day, Earth Day! Our World Team project is especially grateful for the leadership on the first 15 United Nations members that both signed and Ratified the Paris Agreement by Earth Day.  This is a critical step to have the legal governmental framework for the revolutionary work to move towards our “100% Renewable Energy” global vision.



Original design  © 2016 World Team Now


The most vulnerable Small Island Developing States (SIDS) know the reality of Climate Change, ironically they have to bare the most severe effects of the most developed regions actions.  Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moon’s request for “All hands on deck,” from all U.N. members, comes to relevance especially in places like Fiji.

Fiji’s Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama

Video: UN Web TV footage


Just recovering from Tropical Cyclone Winston, with another threat coming at them now, Fiji’s Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe (Frank) Bainimarama was front and center, contributing and bringing the gravel down to close the day’s session.  Republic of Palau’s President, Tommy Esang Remengesau Jr. captured the spirit of this time proclaiming,   “On days like this you feel like you are part of a team”.

World Team has been on a long journey and search for a location that is eager to make that renewable energy transition.  The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) need all the support we can give, and they hold the most promise for World Team project’s public work. SIDS are the most impacted and have the least. When we realize that over 62,000 people are displaced daily from climate or weather related events, it is stunning. Climate change refugees are growing. The funding coming from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) will help, but that support needs to have been there yesterday.

For the Paris Agreement to come into force, 55% of the UN’s members must sign and ratify it, and this must account for at least 55% of the global greenhouse gas emissions. All members have a year, until Earth Day 2017- but obviously, the sooner the better.

Each country created their own Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) for the Paris Agreement, their status is here. Next we need all the INDC to become Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). These contributions are required to be ambitious and progressive, to be updated, increased, and submitted to the U.N. every five years.

The fundamental step of putting the governmental framework into place is happening; the nations are coming up with determined commitments for our species and our planet to help tackle the climate change challenge.  Although what was started in Paris in 2015 is growing with efforts like the Renewable Energy Innovation Plan for Africa; the 70 Initiatives to find a broader solutions; Mission Innovation for Green Technology, and the Carbon Pricing Leadership.  We all realize that this cannot be done by nations alone.

It will take many sectors to build to the change that is sustainable. The action of the signing sends signals to all markets. Some illuminating information was announced and shared over the course of the day. “Taking climate action to the next level: Realizing the vision of the Paris Agreement” was the title for the afternoon.

Key financial and business pledges are being made by entities teaming up to further the global goals of the Paris Agreement.  Anne Stausboll, representing CalPERS, the largest U.S. public pension fund with almost 300 billion dollars in assets gave the update; watch here. She shared that Ceres, a nonprofit organization leading adoption of sustainable business practices, has joined forces with the CalPERS pension fund, the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, and the Global Investor Coalition on Climate Change. To mobilize the Paris Agreement, 400 investors with 24 trillion dollars in assets have been enrolled. “To achieve the goals of the Agreement, we know the world must invest at least one trillion dollars a year in clean energy for several decades,” she explained, “The Agreement has unleashed an unprecedented opportunity for institutional investors worldwide – a powerful global green light to shape tomorrow’s low-carbon economy.”

The Green Climate Fund which came out of the Paris Agreement is targeted to 100 billion a year in aid to developing countries. President Obama has pledged $3 billion to the GCF over four years. The first $500 million of that pledged amount was transferred. Countries are all together rising to action.  The efforts of the two biggest emitters USA/China is supported by their agreement to one another.

Canada addresses the Opening Ceremony of the High-Level Event for the Signature of the Paris Agreement

Canada addresses the Opening Ceremony of the High-Level Event for the Signature of the Paris Agreement
Credit: UN Photo


Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, explained his country is committed to helping developing countries, “Since they should not be punished for a problem they did not create.” Canada’s  $2.56  Billion (USD) pledge is good kindling to ignite a fire of support to assist developing countries to grow to be cleaner, and more sustainable.

Hoesung Lee from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shared about how they have accepted the task to integrate science into implementation phase and submit mission reports on “Climate Change and Land Use,” plus reports on “Ocean and Ice”.  In two years they will turn in a report that studies whether emissions targets of 1.5 degrees is the magic number that could halt the growing catastrophic effects of climate change, to see if that is indeed enough action. Private, public, businesses, NGOs financial sectors, and all citizens are all needed to team up, as people come to realize prompt action needs to begin now.

CEO of Unilever Paul Polman highlighted how the business and financial sector are lining up to address climate change:

A report by the New Climate Economy stated 90 trillion will be going to be made over the next 15 years in addressing urbanization and population growth issues and 13.5 trillion is already pledged for clean energy investments, which he said is a “good direction”.

The business and financial sector is making progress with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Unilever’s CEO emphasized that climate change is key to 13 of the 17 SDGs. Now to “level” (pun intended) the playing field with energy sectors.  Positive price signals are needed and a subsidy is a negative price signal. We love that the sentiment from Unilever’s leader who said, “That is a negative price on carbon when we need a positive price.” That statement was echoed throughout Earth Day from many speakers. The message to cut fossil fuel subsides, and create a carbon market was clear, and consistently delivered throughout all sectors on Earth Day.

Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and renowned campaigner of human rights and climate justice. It was lovely to see most speakers wearing the pin with the logo of the colorful SDGs.

Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and renowned campaigner of human rights and climate justice. It was lovely to see most speakers wearing the pin with the logo of the colorful SDGs. Picture: Captured from UN Web TV footage


Mary Robinson declared, “The world must target for 1.5 degrees or below rise and that requires carbon neutrality at, or before 2050. She was empathetic on pointing out that with the Paris Agreement, developing countries now have more responsibility in addressing climate change as each nation has to evaluate their NDCs— the annex 1 or annex 2 countries distinction made in the past is no longer …

Climate Opening

Opening ceremony of Paris Agreement signing
Credit: UN Photo


This year’s Earth Day had many events leading up to the big focus of 24 hours of U.N. festivities in New York.  Once again, there were powerful contributions from many of the people instrumental through the World Team journey— champions of the environmental movement over the many years coming together: especially California Gov. Jerry Brown, former US Vice President Al Gore, and even our friend Bertrand Piccard via live web stream from the cockpit of SolarImpulse2  in flight to San Francisco-the next leg of the around the world flight in the solar airplane!  Bertrand said, “More than protecting the environment, it’s the clean technology revolution, the solar airplane is like a smart grid with distributed energy”.  He encouraged leaders saying in the webstream, “Be pioneers for solutions, don’t let resistance take over…”

at the Waldof Astroia during REFF Wall Street in 2013, Andre and Bertrand with World Team Now's Suzanne Maxx.

Andre and Bertrand, pilots of Solar Impulse, with World Team Now’s Suzanne Maxx.


Actor, Activist and U.N. Messenger of Peace, Leonardo Di Caprio reminded leaders of their power in choice quoting President Lincoln, “Our case is new, so we must think a new, and act anew.”  He drew the parallel analogy of the defining issue of our time, between being free of fossil fuel, to the past, in being free from slavery. He explained, “Everyone knew it had to end, but no one had the political will to stop it.”  In regards to bold Climate action he exclaimed, “You will either be lauded by future generations, or vilified by them…”

Leonardo Di Caprio inspires leaders to create power for just action.
Video: UN Web TV footage


In addition to U.N. member states, states like California are taking significant action on their own. Once again, World Team Now based in New York and California was excited to hear from our Gov. Jerry Brown who spoke about some of the key steps that California has taken and will take— including their own cap and trade program that is also connected with Quebec and Ontario. Al Gore, in comments he made after the afternoon panel Jerry was on, pointed out that California’s leadership under Jerry is from a position of influence— he explained, “If California was a country it would be the 5th largest economy in the world.”

Governor Jerry Brown of California speaks at the Paris Agreement at signing at the United Nations on Earth Day April 22nd.
Video: UN Web TV footage


Some of the highlights from New York Mayor de Blasio’s speech shared the commitment to having every new car in New York’s City’s fleet being an electric with the goal of an electric fleet by the year 2025. Retrofits are required in both public and now private buildings and new buildings will have to be 60-80% more efficient than existing buildings.

In India, every light bulb is required to be LED, with the program launched by the government they have driven the cost down for the bulbs by economic demand, and now they are cheaper than other kinds of light bulbs, now priced about 80 cents and about 100 million have been installed  Germany plans to be fossil fuel free by 2050.

President Barack Obama welcomed the signing of the climate agreement and said it will allow all of “our children to inherit a cleaner, healthier, and safer planet.” He said in a statement on Earth Day, “As the world’s second-largest source of  climate pollution, America has a responsibility to act. The stakes are enormous — our planet, our children, our future.

John Kerry Signs Paris Agreement With Granddaughter on Lap High-Level Event for the Signature of the Paris Agreement

John Kerry Signs Paris Agreement With Granddaughter on Lap
High-Level Event for the Signature of the Paris Agreement
Credit: UN Photo


U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, signed the historical agreement, ensuring it be witnessed by future generations by having his 2-year-old granddaughter Isabelle on his lap. Kerry followed up on President Obama’s Announcement which proclaims that the United States “looks forward to formally joining this agreement this year.”

The two largest carbon emitters, China and US have a plan, and together they look to be turning the tide to insure positive change . Regardless of USA domestic politics both countries have signed and plan to ratify the Paris Agreement.

It has been many years of attending these United Nations Climate events (COPs) dreaming that we could come to an agreement, sign it, and move into action. That day has come, it is here. World Team has been active with Earth Day for decades, but this was the first Earth Day that the distant dream for the global action by world leaders is being realized.

What an action packed period of time, this time has been, with record breaking action from countries around the world, and it’s about time. The pace is set we need for climate action, and the global renewable energy revolution, and it is happening, and it can’t happen quick enough. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are all interrelated and helpful to have delineated. 


Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki Moons called for all hands on deck to: "Turn Aspiration Into Action" - Countries Sign Paris Climate Agreement.
Video: UN Web TV footage


It was lovely to see most speakers wearing the pin with the logo of the colorful SDGs. We are enthusiastic about the platform World Team will offer for all people as tool for engagement.  We can see this renewable energy revolution is happening, but it will take a team, all of us. We have much to celebrate, yet much to do for humanity to live in balance with our resources and one another here on earth.

United Nations - "Protecting our Planet and Combatting Climate Change" is part of a UN short film series "The Story You are Shaping" produced by HUMAN, which premiered at the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015.
Video: UN Web TV footage


Photo highlights of of the UN High-Level Signature Ceremony for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change can be found here and a text highlights of the ceremony can be found here. Below are some selected UN videos of the Ceremony:

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