Tag: Tesla

Earth days? Or an Era of Conscious Choice About Climate

In these days, times, call them “sacred” days, or “Holy days”— named differently, depending on religion or region of our world, but commonly viewed as Holidays!  Regardless of yours, we are wishing you happy ones!

World Team Now is an organization that is part of the TckTckTck global climate action campaign

World Team Now® is an organization that is part of the TckTckTck global climate action campaign.

The days are going faster blurring into years, beyond decades— more like an Era. This Era is different.  The question of our species’ future existence here on planet earth is up.  If you think this statement is extreme, read, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just released groundbreaking report on the impacts of climate change.  We need to begin to take immediate #ClimateAction, as scientists have declared from now to 2040 “The Era of Climate Responsibility”

Urgent Climate Action is needed not just for global leaders who could ratify game changing public policy, but also for us each to choose to prioritize action now with our choices.Take Action Memes

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change just released a groundbreaking report on the impacts of climate change.

The report details the harsh realities of a warming planet, including increased food shortages, more floods, droughts and greater levels of poverty. Many of these impacts are already being felt around the world. U. N. ‘s IPCC report scientifically spells out the cause of the threat, also focuses on renewable energy solutions— calling  again for urgent Climate Action.  If you want some highlights of the of the IPCC report, check out WTN’s blog post on the IPCC report .

“Years of Living Dangerously,” a new television series that premiered this past Sunday, powerfully documents the real stories behind climate change and breaks through many myths that disrupt understanding about  humanity and earth’s reality.  It transcends usual bi-partisan and religious divides, which unfortunately are often associated with comprehension of Climate Change. If you missed it, or want to see it again the link to watch the Series Premiere is here. We think it is fabulous.

Blood Red Full Moon

Blood Red Full Moon
© World Team Now® (WTN) 2014. All rights reserved.

Recently many of us witnessed a Total Lunar Eclipse of the Blood Red Full Moon! Amazing is the grace of these natural cycles.  Clearly both the IPCC’s latest report and the television series deliver the same message in different ways, about the distinction between man’s choices and how we are indeed influencing natural cycles, yet have choice. World Team Now® looks at these times as a chance to exercise the wisdom we have in order to be better stewards of our planet.


The Beauty of Malibu

Reflecting on the Word Team Now®’s local campaign, the Natural Beauty of Malibu, and how we have a choice to use our world’s resources, are we, as humanity, individually doing our best, with our home planet?   Is the way we have organized our lives, in the context of the natural world, sustainable?   This is the driver behind the World Team Project— to show a different way.  For now, we have been working to demonstrate change by choosing renewable energy solutions to raise public awareness about one’s personal choice, and collectively, the responsibility we have, not only for the next generations, but also for our species at large.

It all becomes easier when it is a team effort.  World Team Now is teaming up with the local community in Malibu for another annual Earth Day event.   Come join us on April 27th— the details are here.  Click here to learn more about the history of Earth day, or find the nearest Earth day event for you, on the Earth Day Network.

World Team Now® understands that energy is a key, renewable energy wherever possible but especially in the transportation and the building sectors, plus teaming up to make it happen at the speed to meet the challenge.  The more renewable energy solutions that  we can find to combat the present sources of dirty extracted energy, the less chance of political unrest, civil war, famine, hunger, and drought, and other unthinkable extreme atrocities that can be brought on by Climate Change.

PV60 Event April 18th in Palo Alto, CA

PV60 Event April 18th in Palo Alto, CA

So days, like the one called “Earth Day” is  just like a birthday— it is what you make of it.  Celebratory and yet confronting, at least Earth day is a day for humanity to realize what the earth gives us. The promise of the Holidays associated with this time of year promise a resurrection, a passing over from one land into the next, a blooming— a coming to spring forward, fertility or ripe season— so are you ready for 100% Renewable Energy?  We are. What about a time of global transformation? Another step is we’re a supporting partner for the PV60 event in Silicon Valley’s Palo Alto, to celebrate 60 years of Solar Energy.  Go 100% Renewable Energy!

Solutions to the climate crisis are available now – a world powered by 100%  renewable energy is possible.  Aspen, Colorado is one of many towns, cities, businesses and other institutions  switching to 100% clean, renewable energy.  The solutions are here, now we just need leaders willing to take #ClimateAction.

Solutions to the climate crisis are available now – a world powered by 100% renewable energy is possible. Aspen, Colorado is one of many towns, cities, businesses and other institutions switching to 100% clean, renewable energy. The solutions are here, now we just need leaders willing to take #ClimateAction.

World Team Now's Facebook Page

World Team Now®’s Facebook Page

Flying around the world in an all-solar-powered airplane like the Solar Impulse 2, net -zero buildings (where one can pick fresh grown vegetables from a vertical growing farm outside your apartment window),  drive across the country in the all electric Tesla and use their EV solar charging stations with DC fast chargers, imagine renewable energy microgrids powering whole islands… These are not pipe dreams, they are really happening now— check out World Team Now®’s FaceBook page.  Here is where we try to move to the fast paced rhythm of global transformation and it is happening.  See posts on these topics and more renewable energy solutions in action, from brilliant entrepreneurs that inspire to cities like Aspen, Austin  and Palo Alto with climate ambition taking action now.

Each year, like a birthday, Earth Day’s meaning has changed.  Like a centennial with full memory intact, of the 100 years they have lived in their body, knowing that each breath matters, a metaphor— for where we may be as a species?  Why not make every day be an Earth day and every breath a powerful choice for the day to create our next Era of Energy— let’s reevaluate how we choose to power our world.  Do we use the wisdom and knowledge we have gained, to responsibly focus on what’s the highest good for all?

UN Climate Summit in September 2014, New York.

UN Climate Summit in September 2014, New York.

External energy and consciousness are not dissimilar— they all rely on a source.  Do you feel good about how you choose to source your energy?  With the World Team Project we are so eager to launch our World Team Platform, so you can come along while we demonstrate how we source our energy to renewables.   We hope to have the full World Team of twelve in action, together in Paris for COP21.  We all need it to be a game changer this time; meanwhile if not one of these holidays, we hope to see you in September for the UN Climate Summit  in New York City. Or join World Team Now® for our annual event October 12th— please save the date!

© World Team Now® (WTN) 2014. All rights reserved.

The Solar Impulse— Living Dreams of Transformation

Across America 2013:Final leg from Washington DC. to New-York City. Final Approach © Solar Impulse |Revillard| Rezo.ch

Across America 2013:Final leg from Washington DC. to New-York City. Final Approach © Solar Impulse |Revillard| Rezo.ch

Pioneers Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg, the pilots for the all-solar plane, had the dream for The Solar Impulse— the first manned flight to fly both day and night. When we first met, it was a model plane and now it has made history.  There are few people who choose to live their lives by pioneering inspirational projects that prioritize the global dream of transformation; in that spirit we are united.  In this way, even when I met Bertrand Piccard and André Roschberg for the first time in Copenhagen, Denmark 2009 at the United Nations conference COP15, they shined the light through their eyes, with words and ultimately deeds of inspiration.

Bertrand Piccard and André' Roschberg of the SolarImpulse at The United Nation's Conference COP15 Copenhagen, Denmark 2009 when the SolarImpulse was a model and a dream.

Bertrand Piccard and André Borschberg of the Solar Impulse at The United Nations Conference COP15 Copenhagen, Denmark 2009 when the Solar Impulse was a model and a dream.

The Solar Impulse when it was a model at COP15 in 2009.

The Solar Impulse when it was just a model at COP15 in 2009. Now its mission has been accomplished — to demonstrate that flight can be done in a totally sustainable way. Now on to the second Solar Impulse airplane, the HB-S1B, in 2015!

Bertrand would say, “Life is not governed by chance, but by encounters”.  We shared about realizing dreams against seemingly impossible challenges; we shared visions, and together laughed louder than the chorus’ that sang songs of cynicism and doubt, and knew this was an important time for our planet.  A time where human’s challenge to live in balance with our natural resources needed demonstration. The Across America journey was then a distant dream.  From San Francisco to Texas to Arizona to St. Louis to Washington DC and ultimately to New York. The Solar Impulse the all-solar airplane follows in a rich tradition of risky aviation demonstrations from the Wright Brothers to Lindberg’s hop over the Atlantic. These pioneers used their flights to push the dream into reality, launching new industries by piloting courageous first flights for the public to witness.  Bertrand’s family has a lineage of this type of pioneering legacy as well, with a message. But it is more than the technology, it is a model for a path that is needed—and each major step is a metaphor not just for realizing aviation dreams but also for a demonstration project about renewable energy to combat climate change. It’s more than teaming-up unique pioneers like Bertrand and André. Herein, this project is a marriage of innovative technology and sustainability, both needed to come together for real change at a rapid rate with public adoption, for global transformation. We at World Team Now watched from afar as the plane became a reality, as it was tested and flown in different parts of the world—following, promoting to the public, sharing, blogging, tweeting and holding the light that we would unite, and all of our dreams would indeed be realized. We watched and followed the stream in real-time through the pilot’s journeys watching one major step after another.

In the tone of realizing dreams, and being an inspiration for the Wall Street financial world at REFF Wall Street our friends André and Bertrand, the Pilot's of the Solar Impulse airplane teamed-up for a game changing keynote speech.

In the tone of realizing dreams, and being an inspiration for the Wall Street financial world at REFF Wall Street our friends André and Bertrand, the Pilot’s of the Solar Impulse airplane teamed-up for a game-changing keynote speech.

What a surprise to learn that both Bertrand and André Borschberg who I just followed virtually from St. Louis to Washington DC, would be the keynote speakers for Renewable Energy Financing Forum (REFF) -Wall Street. REFF-Wall Street, an event World Team Now participated in as a supporting organization is held in New York City, and they, us, and the event would all be in New York.  Their key note’s message to the extremely traditional Wall Street financial brokers was that “green” was not just good for the ecology; it was also good for the economy, stimulating new industries, and many green jobs.  The Solar Impulse’s approach to financing going beyond traditional methods was indeed an entrepreneurial approach with integrated marketing partners, branded with their technology and services within the Solar Impulse, patrons, angels, and other fundraising mechanisms. This all hit home harder when President Obama gave a speech on his plan to fight climate change which echoed similar sentiments that were spoken by the innovators of the Solar Impulse team. When we connected after the keynote, I learned of the challenges of the last leg to New York with what was then an exact unknown departure date and time; there were still formidable obstacles. To top it off, it was a surprise to see Bertrand and André again on the same day during NY Clean Energy Week’s event at the Tesla showroom celebrating along with other innovators. We at World Team Now worked diligently to find a way to support the last leg’s landing of the Across America from Washington to New York, and through our contacts at the Governor’s office were able to team-up people and bring in the Port Authority to participate and contribute to helping overcome some of the obstacles.

Visit our gallery of the Solar Impulse JFK Landing by clicking on the picture.

Visit our gallery of the Solar Impulse JFK Landing by clicking on the picture.

We were honored to participate in a slice of history and be present for the successful landing of the Solar Impulse at JFK on Saturday, July 6th 2013 at 11:09 pm. This “dream come true” moment was ineffable. To be in the presence of all who made the living dream of transformation a true reality, to share in the moment of completion of the Across America Journey with them and be there to see with one’s own eyes is an indelible moment that lives in many lives, besides mine. There was only a small group of us VIPs, journalists, and 50 lucky contest winners allowed to this special historic event. Not only was aviation history written in New York, but it was such a victorious event, as the plane continued to fly even after a rip in the fabric about 8 feet occurred in flight, forcing the plane to land early and modify their originally intended route and landing time. Had the plane crashed, instead of the one in San Francisco, of course, all eyes would have been on the Solar Impulse (a commentary about our society’s present values).  Those of us that bore witness to this historical moment were so elated; a spirit that was contagious with looks of awe in the silence and lack of noise, with clean fresh breathable air free of burned jet fuel, with a wingspan (208 ft / 63.4m)  a bit larger than a 747 ‘s  (195 ft 8 in / 59.6 m) when it landed a few feet in front of us on the tarmac where we waited.  We met others who were equally blown away by this moment and also captured it here in Roland Pabst’s blog.  The media impressions surpassed expectations with  8.3  billion thus far—which is significant, especially given the poor presence of traditional media sources at the New York landing. The public at large has had a hard time truly understanding the full potential of solar energy and other renewables as well as the importance of the change to a more balanced energy source.  So when people can see that the all-solar plane flies at night they begin to really understand the battery storage concept— the choice to be able to feed energy back into the electrical grid and/or store energy, and even sell it back to the grid or use it.  As Bertrand explained, “Our plane, Solar Impulse, was never designed to carry passengers, but to carry a message”. We learned more about the message at the press conference on Monday; events continued reaching the public like the opening of NASDAQ where Tom Werner from SunPower rang the bell with Bertrand and André.  Then the meeting at the U.N. where the Clean Tech flag was planted—hopefully, this will further inspire the U.N. towards a binding climate treaty— finally (especially after the horror of Copenhagen) —  we are long overdue for global action for collective energy and for our one environment, our one world.  The people of New York got other opportunities to share in the gift of the Solar Impulse at the various other community events hosted by sponsors, such as Schindler at the Intrepid.  We hope this inspires you to see for yourself and take advantage of the Solar Impulse’s Public Day.  If you miss the Solar Impulse this time, keep it on your radar, as they will return during their World Tour in 2015.  Say good-bye to this airplane yourself— it is for all people to see here in the USA at JFK now for the public, click here to find out more. Be an ambassador for our future, and go and see the beauty and possibility the Solar Impulse represents.

“LA Auto Show- Renewed” © World Team Now

By Suzanne Maxx and Albert Boulanger 

The 2012 LA Auto Show

The 2012 LA Auto Show’s new vehicles and the new Tesla all drive home the point that a car is more than a mode of transportation at this time in the history of the automobile.  It is evident that innovation counts, as well as efficiency.  One’s choice of vehicle (see our auto show album) requires not just a commitment to invest in a brand, but also requires consideration into the way a vehicle is powered (conventional or alternative fuel).  Now the actual intelligence of the vehicle itself, how it “calls home” and can network with you and other cars, with a variety of ways to customize it— all factors into the mix. There are 1,000 plus vehicles to navigate at the show, so Auto Shows by Cars.com mobile app (iPhone, Android) becomes a necessity. Click here to see our LA Auto Show Album with the Tesla Model S included.

“Eco” is clearly a priority this year; both “eco”nomy and “eco”ology are obviously considerations— “Green,” comes in a variety of shades, from most original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), like never before at this year’s first major North America show of the season.  Over three dozen alternative vehicles enforce this year’s trend.   Most importantly now there is the consideration of not just what kind of energy your vehicle uses, but also, where does your vehicle’s energy source come from, is it renewable?  Is the choice sustainable for your lifestyle and our future?  Here is a big-picture look but highly technical article dealing with the topic

It is not just the plethora of new vehicles powered by a variety of options that range from the choice of electric vehicles (EVs) to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and hybrids (which have seen a recent sales increase of 63.5 percent in the USA). It is the sudden availability of these vehicles in a variety of brands and models, which is the most significant change.  EV and PHEV leaders like Nissan with their all-electric Leaf and Toyota with the RAV4 EV and Prius now share the space with Audi, BMW, Chevrolet, Coda, Fiat, Fisker, Mitsubishi, and Smart. More than 50 models of vehicles are making their World Debut, North America Debut or LA Auto Show Debut (click here to see all 3 categories of debuts) but these alternative entries: Fiat 500e, Ford’s batch of new variations with the C Max plus the Fusion, and Honda’s plug-in Accord, prove this is more than a growing trend.

The OEMs’ and public’s awakening to realize that alternative vehicles can help achieve the goal of using our resources in a more sustainable way is a significant change.  Policy in the USA helped drive this change to alternative vehicles with, for example, the Nissan Leaf qualifying for a total of $10,000 in both state and federal rebates, in CA, click here to see your states’ laws and incentives including rebates in some states.   These rebates, plus the time savings from EV and PHEVs that now qualify (in CA) for the stickers that gain access to carpools lanes, are an immeasurable advantage too.  These changes prioritize stewardship of our planet— for future generations and make it possible for the public to affect our climate and future.

Even the OEMs that rely on the straight traditional internal combustion engines (ICE) which had difficulty making a change in the past are now motivated to be efficiently innovative by the USA’s new fuel efficiency standards.  Take Ford/Lincoln, for example, with a batch of new vehicles suddenly flooding the market— aiding the change of direction to achieve independence from foreign fossil fuel that threatens both national security and economics. We now finally see the internal combustion engine vehicles with alternative fuels trying to compete with the life cycle factoring cost of EVs, PHEVs, and Hybrids. There are a variety of modes of this transformation inspired by new fuel standards in the USA to use everything from  hybrid vehicles, EVs with range extenders (Volt and Fisker), to fuel-efficient EcoBoost ICE (Fords), plus many models that integrated a lighter weight design, like Land Rover’s Ranger Rover with a 39% improvement in weight, as their game-changer. There are also the “clean”-diesel vehicles, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and more.

The Test Drive at the LA Auto Show is a “must”, to test out these vehicles, and if you haven’t made it there yet, you have until December 9th.   There are alternative vehicles from OEMs available to be driven. However to drive this year’s Motor Trend Car of the Year, the Tesla Model S, a refundable deposit of $5,000 is needed, plus coordination with the store to schedule the test drive.  The LA Auto Show has it all, except the Tesla. The test drive and the visit to the new Topanga Tesla store the day before the LA Auto Show’s “Media Days” helped to round out our perspective of the new leading vehicles.

Tesla at the Topanga Showroom

Tesla’s Model S is a vehicle that is an EV game-changer if in the long run the company can produce and deliver the vehicles within a reasonable rate of both time and cost, but with Elon Musk’s entrepreneurial skill all is possible and Tesla’s success seems to become evident. The economics and affordability will naturally evolve as will Tesla’s production capabilities, especially after partnering with Toyota.  Since the vehicles are so customizable with just about every aspect from color to the interior to the battery being a choice, it may take time to get ahead of the vehicle demand.  It deservedly won Motor Trend Car of the Year Award with its EV battery’s choice of range with up to 300 miles on a charge. Their free solar charging infrastructure being developed and strategically placed to go the distance with DC fast chargers helps inspire early adoption too.  But the actual vehicle itself is outside the EV box with 0 to 70 in 3.8 seconds and the handling is arguably incomparable to others including high-end internal combustion engine vehicles.  The Tesla’s custom design options, with a variety of choices, support individuals needs.  All aspects of the design including the batteries well-integrative placement give Tesla a first mover’s advantage. Smart to have an autonomous marketing strategy that leaves out the traditional approaches as this vehicle is redefining the “box” in all ways, including the marketing.  Tesla stores give the public the opportunity to view, and their vehicle sales are done on-line. This cuts out the middle man aspect of dealerships.  Ideally, close communication with an OEM may better support the owner’s interests, but this marketing model is a threat to many in the automotive industry as it pushes the boundaries to look closer at the law. (Tesla won the first round of challenge in MA.) It’s no wonder internal combustion engine OEM’s may find it hard to complete, but time will answer this inquiry.

Tesla has both the advantage and disadvantage of being new to the game of manufacturing but may end up changing the game.  An OEM’s history is becoming more significant though these times, however.  We have to applaud a company like Nissan that was able to preserve through significant events like Fukushima.  An OEM’s brand is much like our own personalities— varied, different, and mechanical history and how each come faces challenges counts.  One key element is the marketing strategy for public adoption. Most of the OEM’s new vehicles are described well in this press release on the LA Car Show media-only green advanced technology ride and drive event.  As the plurality of life exist for our differences, so too will drivers have varied vehicle preferences.

Nissan Shift_ Campaign at the LA Auto Show

Nissan indeed has led the EV “SHIFT”.  The launch of Nissan’s Leaf in 2010 gave it the advantage of the first mover, is the leading innovator of the EV with the Leaf as the top-selling EV in the world. The Nissan Leaf is not only affordable and a fun, clean drive— it is a great car.  Take it from me and others who have driven the Leaf over time, and love the vehicle, or check out their impeccable engineering and innovative design with a safety record nothing short of amazing. There have been absolutely no recalls ever in any years of the manufacturing Nissan’s Leaf. The Leaf gets media instead for prestigious awards, like the World Car of the Year.

2012 Leaf Charging

2012 Leaf Charging

The only challenge with the 2012 Leaf is the battery’s range, which is improved in the 2013 model. This range issue is not really a problem for the average person who drives less than 100 miles a day.  If Nissan were to swap out their batteries overtime for longer range batteries as they are developed, there would be no stopping the widespread success of the Leaf.

Nissan’s High Cross Concept Auto

At the LA Auto, the buzz was around Nissan’s High Cross Concept  (photos courtesy of Nissan here) which may fill the niche of integrating a hybrid model for either one of their famous lines like the Pathfinder— perhaps lighter weight— with an impeccable design. Nissan doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel with new models as their old ones, like the Pathfinder, transcend time and who knows this may even be where the cross over technology comes to market as a PHEV.  This brand’s concept vehicles often come into form, as this company is a grounded pacesetter, so it is exciting to see the battery life being tackled for a longer range of sustainable EV driving.  I still have memories of being Monaco in the early ’90s where I interviewed key designers and asked about their plans of an EV.  At that time, they said in Japanese that it would be at least a decade away, but they were working on it then.  Obviously, Nissan took it’s time to make sure the safety issues and the many problems that occur with a new car were addressed prior to the game-changing launch of their EV.

In the foreground is the Ford C Max Hybrid along with Suzanne Maxx

Ford/Lincoln: We have to applaud the ambitious efforts of Ford with their intent to blitz the market with eight new vehicles offering more than 40pmg, by the end of the year— plus their bold efforts to give the customer the choice of the kind of energy to use to power their vehicle.  The choices go beyond choosing between a hybrid version an EV or and PHEV, to various engine size and EcoBoost /Duratec internal combustion engine choices.  I’m driving the C Max right now and am impressed by its handling, mileage, and design.  The Ford’s C Max was nominated for the Green Car of the Year, but unfortunately, the judges were still most impressed with the Fusion’s five versions were both its wining attribute branded by the choice of engine‘s power, and yet that became a potential weakness. David Mondragon Ford’s general marketing manager explained like this, “From EcoBoost to hybrid and plug-in hybrid offerings, the new Fusion is delivering the best-in-class fuel economy wrapped in one dynamic package”.  The Ford Fusion won Green Car Journal’s Car of the Year 2013 at the LA Auto Show.  This week Ford has issued a recall of the Fusions with the 1.6 liter EcoBoost engine, as well as the Escape. Perhaps this was due in part to the diversion of focus on so many power plant choices, but surely they will persist. The Fusion’s unique use of steel helps ensure safety as it is the first vehicle to use this steel technology. The C Max series seems to have legs in the hybrid, PHEV and its all-electric C Max Energi EV— perhaps this is the winning line.

Toyota: The Rav4 EV was the first crossover “Recreational Active Vehicle” with 4-wheel drive in the USA. Actor Ed Begley is a good example of one the many owners of the original millennium-vintage Rav4 who have had their vehicles almost maintenance free (windshield wipers and tires still count) for more than a decade, and still rave about the vehicle. Now the new RAV4 EV, a groundbreaking electric vehicle at 76 MPGe that is the result of a collaboration with Tesla Motors, the Prius Plug-in, a next-generation hybrid that allows all-electric driving at speeds up to 60 mph and advanced safety technology including a Pre-Collision System; and the FCHV-adv, a fuel cell hybrid concept vehicle demonstrating breakthrough hydrogen cell technology that can take a vehicle over 500 miles on a single fill-up, but the challenge with hydrogen fuel cell remains the large amount of energy it takes to make the fuel cell.

The sexiest looking EV was the Fisker Karma at 2012 LA Auto Show

Fisker’s advantage is it is the sexiest looking EV with a range extender on the market, replete with a solar roof and every part chosen with kid gloves.  It is a vehicle available now selling to a sports luxury market.  It is the first luxury EV, featuring an electric motor delivering 959 ft. lbs. of torque paired with a range-extending four-cylinder engine/generator. The surprising advantage of the Fisker is that the range extender on board generator has enough capacity to be able to help power your home if there is an electrical outage and potentially sustain an energy source with either the fuel or electric component. The Fisker Karma was listed among the “Green Design 100” of 2009 by Time magazine. Also, Time listed the Karma among the “The 50 Best Inventions” of 2011. In November 2011 the Fisker Karma won Automobile Magazine’s 2012 Design of the Year Award. In December 2011, Karma was chosen as “Luxury Car of The Year” by Top Gear Magazine, and “Car of The Year”

Suzanne Maxx at the Chevy Volt display

Chevy Volt is the affordable version of a Fisker with the same advantages except for the high-end angle— this is a move to be a competitor of the plug-in Prius, and fortunately in 2013 they changed their start button’s design will no longer pose a risk to be put in service mode while driving and also elimination of the redundant  front console buttons. The Chevy Spark EV is powered by a nanophosphate lithium-ion battery pack and an 85kW electric motor.  This will be GM’s first EV since their controversial leading EV1 was recalled.

Lincoln MKZ Hybrid

Porshe’s PHEV & Lincoln’s MKZ Hybrid kings of the sports & premium luxury traditional OEMs go Hybrid and PHEV respectively by this year’s end.

BMWi8 Spyder concept car

BMWi8 Spyder (photo here) (a concept car making its North America debut) planned for 2015 is a topless plug-in hybrid with a three-cylinder turbo diesel engine with fuel economy expected to be around 70mpg.

Some vehicles seem to just be for the fun, like BMW’s X1 compact cross over that partnered with  K-2  for the Powder Ride—this SUV is only available in winter months, this deal includes new skis, a ski luggage box, and the snowboard design on the vehicle.

What is also in consideration of the big picture are resources used not just in each vehicle itself, but also the choice of the way each vehicle integrates and combines onsite power sources, and where/how the energy the vehicle uses is actually sourced.

EVs, PHEVs, and Hybrids truly are only are clean as the way their energy is sourced and stored and (all the way through their life cycle— cradle to cradle) from a whole systems perspective of usage— that depends on the car being grid-tied, or independent.  Generally, electricity bought through the electrical grid from a utility is subject to a carbon footprint game of roulette— depending on one’s location in the USA, you or the utility’s choices of purchasing power. It would be most ideal if a large portion of the USA got their energy from solar power, but unfortunately, energy generation is often still sourced by coal— it is truly a case-by-case situation depending on the region. Click here to determine how clean your EV is now based on your state’s generation mix.  Ideally, each owner of an EV or PHEV would generate their own onsite power from a renewable energy source, on or nearby one’s home, office or any location in route, or by a destination. As a reference, in the article Vehicle Electrification: Status and Issues, the V2G model (refer to the article’s Fig 7) of vehicle to grid can make your EV more than just a battery, needing a power source to charge. With the smart grid and various applications, one would have the choice to arbitrage energy by buying energy at off-peak demand and selling energy from one’s battery to be put back into the grid at peak demand.

Besides the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for communities, in California, there is also the Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) — that gives power to the people by allowing communities and other entities to unite and choose the source of their energy production.  The CCA can supply their own energy from renewable sources, and set their own pay rates for the public.

EV chargers sourced from wind energy are starting to take hold in the USA after years of success in countries such as Denmark where the country spent 100 million on EV infrastructure including charge points and battery swap stations supplied by wind power.  The first wind EV charger installation in the USA was in Chicago, in 2010.  But the partnerships with OEMs for wind installations has yet to take force, unlike the solar partnerships.

Solar Carports and EVs synergize

Teaming up is more than the way to achieve energy efficiency, as it allows for the magic of synergy, evidenced by OEM’s that are team up with solar manufacturers.  Both Nissan and Ford have teamed up with solar giant SunPowerNissan’s program is geared to public education with how a Sun Power residential system can reduce CO2 while controlling the cost of driving the Leaf with an on-line video tutorial and free home assessment.  Ford’s “Drive Green for Life” program offers high efficiency 2.5 kW solar roof systems to owners of the Focus EV, but also works for the C-Max Energi and Fusion Energi PHEV.

Tesla Motors is putting in a Fast Charging system with Solar City’s-built carports in strategic location across the country. It is said just a half-hour at one of these chargers will provide 3 hours of driving at 60 mph.

BMW and Real Goods offer ActiveE owners that live in the states of CA, NJ, NY, MA, and CT with the option to charge their EVs at home with a solar system discounted at 35% and this includes a turnkey system from design to install.

Chevy is creating “Green Zones” for Volt and other emergent EVs like the Spark, at dealerships where up to twelve vehicles will be able to charge from Sunlogics’ panels, the surplus energy will be used for the dealership.

Then there are Solar providers working to help the public adoption of renewable energy with demonstration projects. Solar-panel manufacturer SolarWorld partnered with CALSTART to supply a solar carport paired with EV charging stations at its U.S. headquarters. CALSTART is a member of the Plug-in Electric Vehicle Collaborative, a group of auto manufacturers, suppliers and government agencies working to facilitate deployment of electric vehicle charging stations in the U.S.

Green is the color nature paints with, and it represents natural growth, it also happens to be the color of USA’s currency.  2012 saw more green car choices, as we saw at the 2012 LA Auto Show,  2013 promises to usher in a new wave of cars but now with more teaming-up to supply the missing links in the energy delivery chain to truly begin to earn the moniker Green and earnestly reduce the carbon footprint for transportation. The LA Auto Show and the automobile industry are seeing remarkable changes and growth with different priorities- a reflection of what is true for our country and our planet at this time.

Time for the “Charge,” The City of Malibu’s Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

The world is starting to wake up to transformation.  Renewable energy is up front and center.   The U.N. Security Council lead by Germany issued a declaration to world governments declaring Climate Change a real threat to our collective national security and calling leaders to be accountable to protect their citizens.  The severity of Fukushima, and other global catastrophes are accumulating.   We are all challenged to focus on positive action while being wide awake to the consequences of the choices humanity has set up to live within for the most important game we play, life.  How do we each live an, exemplary, existence during these times?

World Team Now succeeded to team up The City of Malibu, with Clipper Creek, for three new and upgraded electric vehicle (EV) chargers! This local effort hopes to be an example for the world as our city’s government is taking action for change, and one of the first to be recipients of the grant from the California Energy Commission. WTN’s journey with the Malibu Chargers is the beginning for the World Team pilot project.  To read the World Team Now’s press release click here. The charger installation will happen this week, along with a ribbon cutting ceremony of July 29th at 11:00 at the Civic Center in Malibu, so please join us.  To read the City of Malibu’s press release click here.

WTN plans to have some of the latest electric vehicles in Malibu courtesy of Hertz, which is bringing some of their EVs: the Tesla, Leaf and Smart for 2.  Some local celebrities will be there to drive and share their own vehicles.  World Team Now’s founder Suzanne Maxx will be driving the all-electric Nissan Leaf from the leading environmentally aware rental company, Hertz.   The goal is to raise public awareness with this installation and local event to inspire more electric vehicles to be purchased or just simply driven and support the accessibility of EV charging.  WTN encourages the EV chargers to get their energy from renewable energy resources, such as solar energy that ties to the grid for commoditization renewable energy sources.

World Team Now’s charging initiative is happening at time when the EV wave is breaking.  Check out these current EV events: Plug-In 2011 July 18-21, 2011, Raleigh, North Carolina that just happened and the IEEE Power & Energy Society 2011 General Meeting July 24-28, Detroit, Michigan whose theme this year is “The Electrification of Transportation & the Grid of the Future” and is happening now! Want more on EVs? Click on the following words: for our article, paper, newsletter, or blog.  Want to know about some new EVs? Click here.  To being electric, and charged with consciousness and action!

Copenhagen ‘E-Race’ Erases CO2 Plus Other Civil Society Adventures

This article was published originally in ENS and distributed by World-Wire–with Courtesy here below;

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By Suzanne Maxx

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, December 15, 2009 (ENS) – The CO2 E-Race was among the many extraordinary events in Copenhagen this week intended to wake up the world to a low-carbon reality. It was held Saturday to remind the public that the automotive industry is growing without fossil-fueled internal combustion engines. Electric vehicles are here, now – this time to stay.

Facilitated by the Danish Cultural Institute, the CO2 E-Race featured 70 cars. Most were electric, and there were some fueled by second generation ethanol made from straw, and one vehicle driving on air.

The vehicles drove a route through the streets of Copenhagen designed to make aerial art of the letters and number that spell out “CO2,” the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide, the chief greenhouse gas.

Electric car in the CO2 E-Race (Photo © Thomas Mortensen)

People did not need to be airborne and viewing the CO2 E-Race from above to have seen this glowing display, the race organizers explained. The race was shown on large monitors at the Bright Green Expo, in the Klimaforum09 and on the globe monitor at City Hall Square where each color-coded GPS point was digitally displayed on a map of Copenhagen.

Photographers of the race vehicles were all encouraged to upload their pictures to Google Maps/Earth.

An alternative energy project in more ways than one, the CO2 E-Race project came to life without any money involved. Instead, collaborators Jacob Fuglsang Mikkelsen, a photographer and a self proclaimed relational artist, and Michael Wolffhechel, a lawyer and environmental activist, worked together to produce the event.

Mikkelsen said, “The meaning of relational art is that carrying it out is as much a work of art as the art itself. I had an idea in my mind for two years, knowing it is impossible to make it happen, but still continuing against all odds, without any money – no budget, and now look it happened.”

“Especially in the climate issue, as an individual I can do something by leading by example,” Mikkelsen said.

Finn Andersen, secretary-general of the Danish Cultural Institute assisted the project by giving Mikkelsen and Wolffhechel an office where they conducted the preparation and coordination of the CO2 E–Race.

Bus driver Thorkild Nielsen with a new hybrid bus (Photo © Thomas Mortensen)

The electric vehicles are charged by renewable and alternative energy – here in Copenhagen it comes from wind power – there is no fossil fuel used, and the vehicles move without emitting a sound or any exhaust gases. There were the sexy Teslas, mini electric Hummers, EV scooters and electric buses.

A bus driver since 1975, Thorkild Nielsen resigned his job because he was was tired of breathing diesel exhaust and compromising his health to keep driving. He explained, “I was number 29 in the parade, should be last one, as I was the last one on to drive the actual route. Almost a year ago I had resigned.”

But now a new generation of fuel efficient and environmentally friendly Volvo Hybrid buses is operated by Arriva, the largest private bus operator in Denmark. This recent transformation from diesel to electric has turned Nielsen back into a bus driver who loves his work.

The public is just beginning to realize that electric vehicles are here, they’re on the market, practical and fun, and can be charged by alternative energy sources.

Many other innovative solutions were on display at the Bright Green Expo, hosted by the Confederation of Danish Industry, the largest parallel event during the United Nations climate summit.

Held December 12 and 13 at Forum Copenhagen, the Bright Green Expo featured exhibits by more than 170 companies from 19 countries showing their cutting-edge products. “There is no need to wait for the technological revolution that will provide the remedies to climate problems. It is already here, and it is bright and green,” said Thomas Bustrup, deputy director general of Danish Industry.

The Bright Green Expo featured speeches by political leaders, the Danish Crown Prince and climate experts. Cities, Energy, Business and Living were the four exhibition themes. Visitors enjoyed the Energy Aware House, the test track for Segway personal transporters, a Rocking Silver physics experiments show, and a Water to Life 3D movie.

An overview of Bright Green Expo (Photo by Claus Petersen)

Swedish exhibitor Green & Cool produces environmental friendly and energy efficient ready-to-go refrigeration units and systems that use ordinary CO2 as a refrigerant, turning the greenhouse gas from an environmental burden to a replacement for ozone-destroying refrigerant gases.

Among the speakers at the Bright Green Expo were Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu and U.S. Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and American entrepreneur Dean Kamen.

The Confederation of Danish Industry today signed a cooperation agreement with the National Confederation of Industry of Brazil at the Bella Center, in the exhibition hall of Climate Consortium Denmark.

“We enter into this collaboration agreement because our two business sectors have a lot to offer each other – both in the technological and commercial fields,” said Thomas Bustrup, deputy director general of Danish Industry. “We as business representatives stand together behind a comprehensive, global and binding agreement here at COP15.”

Green Party leaders were onstage this weekend at Klimaforum09, the alternative climate summit, the global civil society counterpart of the official UN conference taking place in the Bella Center.

Australian Green Senator Christine Milne (Photo courtesy Office of the Senator)

Leaders of the Green Party came together at KlimaForum09. They included: Marina Silva of Brazil, Nobel Peace Laureate Wangari Maathai of Kenya, MEP Jose Bove of France, Senator Christine Milne of Australia, Elizabeth May of Canada and MEP Rebecca Harms of Germany, co-president of the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance. The event was the only time they have shared a stage, outlining their views on what a meaningful climate agreement is and how it can be achieved.

“The Global Greens are concerned that rich nations are building loopholes into the official agreement to give the appearance of strong targets without the reality,” said Senator Milne.

“Land-use and forestry in particular are being used as let-out clauses to avoid actual emission reductions,” she said.

“Copenhagen is up against real deadline, not just those set by international diplomats,” said Elizabeth May leader of the Green Party of Canada. “The real deadlines are in the risk of run-away global warming.”

“The atmosphere is not negotiating with humanity,” said May. “To save ourselves and future generations, greenhouse gas levels globally must stop rising no later than 2016. Copenhagen cannot be allowed to fail.”

While the official UN climate conference ends Friday, December 18, Klimaforum09 continues through December 20. The last two days are reserved for movement building, with the ambition to build the foundation for a new global climate movement capable of taking the struggle for a socially just, sustainable future into the 21th century.

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