Tag: #The World Team project

Join Us For Ocean-Float Skate-Roll Clinics!


© 2023 Suzanne Maxx All Rights Reserved

Here in Kauai, Hawaii, the Ocean Tide is coming in for us collectively with organizing our summer Ocean Float and Skate-Roll Clinics and curricula.  The tide is augmented with UN’s World Ocean Day, Coral Triangle Day, UNESCO Decade of Ocean— all on the heels of World Environment Day moving into Solstice June 21st. “Gratitude” is still our font for the OCEAN!

We have some exciting news to share about the summer clinics, “Ocean-Float” and “Skate-Roll,” also with private custom experiences we are inviting you to join us in Hawaii this summer for a Clinic, Private/Group “Experience” or Certification.

These two themes of the blue on World Ocean Day and the green every day and from World Environment Day, are very close to our hearts as World Team Now grows. The idea of everyone altogether beyond the confines of time, distance, borders, or even days; yields the spirit’s freedom in each breath…

With the Ocean-Float, Skate-Roll Campaign we are training, and coaching to build out “movement” of people loving nature, and living in action with more intimacy of the Ocean and Land. We offer certification for in-line, and roller skating on already paved or surfaced land. A certification to teach the original Ocean-Float therapeutic whole-being workout is offered, to do more than reset your vagal nerve for a somatic approach to healing.

The Ocean Float Sessions are in calm waters either past the Ocean’s break or in a cove.  The entire 1-3 hr. session is done on one’s back.  While floating one’s spine lies directly on the healing Ocean’s surface of the water. This therapeutic modality is being studied closely for neurological healing, as an anti-inflammatory modality, and potential healing of autoimmune conditions, diseases, and more.

During the Ocean Float, we balance between floating in postures for relaxation and whole-being workout of each of the human body’s systems from cardiovascular to metabolic. The Ocean-Atmosphere nexus, the native culture indigenous traditions, physics, and biodiversity are all part of the session’s curricula, too. We also offer a certification, for Ocean-Float, so more people will come to love being intimate stewards of the living Ocean.

By building communities of practice, we play to transform ourselves and the world around us. By growing greater awareness of life on land and in the ocean, we come into better balance of giving back and receiving nature’s gifts. As we learn about the local indigenous culture and the truest sense of Aloha in, the spirit of “Mālama ka ‘aina,” (Hawaiian words meaning, “giving back to the land and the sea”).

By learning from the water’s flow, and adapting to change, we gain flexibility. Outside of rigid structures, there is a freedom beyond measurement that helps us go beyond the expectations of time bounds and other constraints, and embrace a world of possibilities. One’s presence is realized as a gift, breathing life force, “present” by giving and receiving in equal balance. Breathwork, in movement, where one’s body is moving at a different rate from the skate’s roll, or the Ocean’s float through currents; yields greater consciousness, and a somatic healing experience.

The healing of the Earth’s body and ocean has made significant strides this year with a global piece of policy finally on The Law of the Sea, a campaign we’ve been active with since 1992 prior to the start-up of WTN.

The weather and climate are changing, and together we respond to the changes that come up, and we work to embrace what is present. For example, if it is storming we will weave in other experiences that make the most of the moment, flexible, committed yet unattached to the way your flow experience comes…

The Adventure we are inviting you to create is custom-made to be a memorable experience that calibrates us all to be truly present in the moment, on the island, and in the Ocean. We cater to support your journey to be unique and bring a wealth of experience to share.

If you were one of the many people who have given to World Team Now and the World Team project with your time, talent, or treasure over the years, we would like to give back to you. Come join us in clean air surrounded by one of the lushest tropical environments imaginable.

Click here to join us and learn more about our Ocean-Flat and Skate-Roll curricula.

An Ocean of Thanks, Giving to Islands

Thank you! Yes, YOU! An ocean of thanks with your kind thoughts, willingness to listen and share over the years with our World Team project, especially with our 501 c3 nonprofit World Team Now.  We appreciate all who volunteer as we embark on the ocean,  atmosphere nexus and giving to islands.   The seeds planted the past decades have  landed in fertile ground, are watered,  and we’ve started to see the change embraced with growth.

Photo shot in Central Park, an example of a Heat Island, temperatures are warmer and the leaves are on trees. in late November now.

I am not only referring only to Climate Change, but the severity of the situation with social and environmental tension climaxing.  May these crises ultimately build greater health  for our world.  There is evidence that humanity is finally considering nature to be a greater priority, and it is about time.

At this “giving” time we are in a flood— yes of Noah’s time’s proportion— of not only information and data, but also incredible organizations all vying for resources.  We are encouraging the prioritization of your own well- being first and to consider where you can make a small change to live more intimately with nature, and plant more seeds of change.

We at World Team Now prioritized small islands in the Global South, as they seemed to have the “least,” in terms of development and yet  are “most’ vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. We have realized that when it comes to nature we have much to learn from natural based solutions, to live intimately with the ocean, and in better balance collectively.   Now with the ocean, we all can support resiliency as a priority and together share the resources needed to meet the crises with opportunities.

The ocean reaches us all, and we found ourselves starting at home first these past two years.  If you have resources to give, know they will go to one of our campaigns: our ocean experiential educational curricula, barrier islands, nature-based and renewable systems solutions, our alternative energy and transportation projects, planting seeds, net zero buildings, heat islands programs and biodiversity, beginning with the ocean, and with what floats ( like the mangrove seed). The cheerleader in us says, “give us a T. E.A.M.” T.ime, E.nergy, A.ction or Money, it takes TEAMwork for the clichéd dream to work. We appreciate it if you are able to participate.

Islands also include the “Heat island” phenomena that we are experiencing in large cities, like in New York City. As temperatures rise the quality of life, on the island of Manhattan related to nature; water, air and food, and the amount of pollution and waste to combat, is considerable.  We are a long way from  sustainable development, the SDGs and reaching  global goals. ‘Islanding” can also be caused by power outages, fires, mudslides, floods like we experienced in California and this includes barrier islands too, where we have also been based.  We feel obligated to give back especially knowing the history and the legacy of how land, and many forms of “ownership”  has played out through “civil society”  in his-story, and we all realize it is time for a new story, our story– each story,  us all together.

Purple Phalaenopsis, by Suzanne Maxx

We are still gathering the larger scale resources to use media to tell-a-vision, and we are so thankful to experience the myriad  of options to connect us virtually.   The format of media with advertising, that is used in social media, is what we have to work with now. We are eager for the change and using social media at the request of others. For this campaign we chose a modest amount, in proportion to building World Team to scale. We will be reaching out here more going forward.

More people  are prioritizing these collective challenges, just take a look at the youth moving into action, and indigenous people.

Embracing this conscious change for systems change moves us closer to both the personal and collective transformation needed for the future we want. Yet it will take the whole world to be together as a team to play to transform our selves, and the world.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed, fulfilling, and peaceful Thanksgiving.




The Vision for the Environment and EPA’s Leadership

By Suzanne Maxx © 

The Environment, our collective home and in the USA the leadership of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has undergone a much-needed change— Scott Pruitt has resigned. Read more here:

For me, this event touches both the personal and professional areas of my life. As I’ve shared in prior blogs “Growing Up With EPA” and “EPA in Action-Moving Forward” here:

Growing Up With EPA

EPA in Action-Moving Forward

The question I asked as a child under the age of 10 still remains unanswered, in honest. “Who is in charge of the Environment?” The answer brings up a huge inquiry that we are collectively beginning to prioritize and bear witness to—what role does humanity play with the environment? How important is the environment to humanity?

This controversy with the United States “Environmental Protection Agency” is serving to awaken more people to the challenge of how to manage governance of collective resources. Does it truly serve us all to have one agency that is influenced by national politics? We know that we humans can imagine better systems for our earth and our environment. We are so thankful more people are awakened to this issue, and unfortunately, it all too often takes a crisis or scandal, to arise to do better. Surely the investigation of the present EPA leadership will continue, and now the second in command will temporarily lead with the same mandate, but as the drama unfolds our hope is that more people will be engaged in understanding, participating and get into action to show respect for our common home.

Yet in contrast, on the other side of the planet in the Pacific Island Region, during the annual session of the Forum Fisheries Committee Ministers Meeting in Raratonga, Cook Islands, someone who brings knowledge and experience for the people and the environment was given an opportunity to serve. The next Director-General of the Forum Fisheries Agency was just awarded to a well-qualified dedicated professional woman, Dr Manumatavai Tupou-Roosen.  Secretary-General Dame Meg Taylor said, “I am very proud that a daughter of the Blue Pacific has been appointed Director General. The Forum Fisheries Agency plays an extremely important leadership role for our fisheries, one of the most important resources for our people.”

Our vision is that one day there will be a leader who can lead with the mandate of an agency like EPA—to protect the environment. Maybe they will even enroll others beyond country to follow. It brings to question, does it truly work to have our collective environment regulated by individual countries?

Perhaps there is a better model of a representative from each region of the world that could join together to address these collective challenges with our common oceans, sky, and earth.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are on a track to explore opportunities to unite beyond country through 2030. Can we address and organize quickly enough to respond to the changes happening in our environment through political structures?

Will people rise to explore what “We the People…” really means beyond country? What role will people play, with our environment ultimately?  These are questions our World Team project has been and continues to explore with our non-profit World Team Now, and in the future with World Team®.

Other blog postings that mention the EPA:

Feet in the Sand, to Transform Life on an Island in Fiji ©

By Suzanne Maxx 

While Fiji is leading the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) @COP23 in Bonn, GermanyWorld Team Now has our feet in the sand on an outer island in Fiji.

This island is a strong candidate to begin our World Team pilot project.   We are creating life systems that renew an island, build a resilient village that will be a small-scale experiment of an idealistic utopian island, putting the interconnected global goals into action.  This island will be designed to organically be a place that optimizes systems of life that show what is best for human innovation and includes an eco-resort that will do more than using tidal energy.

For those who want to dive into the knowledge of ocean energy, The International Tidal Energy Summit is happening in London tomorrow.

With the USA being the only country to withdraw from the global Paris Agreement,  and as the rest of the world comes together,  our non-profit World Team Now decided it is best to start and be in action on an island, to “be the change you wish to see in the world,” as  Gandhi exclaimed.  We are pleased that our two home states California and New York were represented by true leaders in action, with Governor Jerry Brown, Michael Bloomberg, Arnold Schwartzenegger and a  team of others in Germany at COP23.

This is the first time Fiji, a small island nation (Republic) leads the UNFCCC, and we hope with the innovation on entrepreneurial mechanisms Fiji will lead not just the UN, but actually the people of the world for a more balanced future.  We at World Team Now are starting small hereon an island in Fiji, now.

Here is a little video of our journey to meet with the villagers, made by Ramanu,  from Koro Sun Resort.

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