By Suzanne Maxx
How to Honor our Leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?
Reflect on the original, “I Have A Dream Speech” or read our USA’s President Obama’s Proclamation, stated here in;
“Dr. King devoted his life to serving others, his message transcends national borders. The devastating earthquake in Haiti, and the urgent need for humanitarian support, reminds us that our service and generosity of spirit must also extend beyond our immediate communities.”
Some of you may remember being at World Team Now’s 2008 event in Central Park to promote green jobs with CPDSA, when we wore the green ribbon while skating in the rain for our friends at “Green for All” . They have a great new green video/ song in our leader MLK’s honor.
Here is another creative hip hop, “I Have A Dream,” song & video, that powerfully communicates his words and spirit.
Look for World Team’s song/video in the near future; the last lines are:
“It takes believing in a team to change the conscious stream,
It’s now; it’s time to focus like a beam,
In summation the dedication, of the nations: education,
It’s time to make a change, and rearrange
A shift of power, now’s the hour
For peace, a big release
World Team, it’s a dream
And for Finality, in Actuality, be- “Reality”
The Universal dream, like a– World Team.” ©1991
For me, it was a dream to be at COP15, standing in the vision for World Team, as a journalist and an honor to participate in the global conversations about our future. I’m inspired to use my voice , use the word for global change.
May it be the greatest honor to use our life force to live the dream of freedom. May the spirit of MLK live on in our souls.
With the international emergency in Haiti President Obama asks all Americans who want to contribute to do so, through The White House’s website.
Let’s hold the vision of our collective dream for our world that lives within All.
Hi Suzanne, It is after a long absence. It passed from that for 20 years. I was able to come to your homepage today. I am glad to see you coming out to two pieces of photographs of you again with nostalgia. Please realize the dream that I watched 20 years ago from now on. From the aging doctor who was a director Kawanami Hospital of Fukuoka in those days.