Transitions leading to transformation continue to exceed imagined speeds, both globally, and locally. Sometimes it occurs like we are all collectively dancing the “Cha-Cha” or “Tango” going backwards to thrust forward, in a rhythm created by the tension of opposing forces, coming to one. A triune perspective, like the wholeness of the Yin-Yang symbol, helps temper the warming-heating contrast to go forward with momentum needed to better build movement and strengthen a collective consciousness of being in a myriad of crises, on this one Planet Earth.
Aligned in the depths of the mission and vision of what started as a Call for a “World Team” and morphed from Team World Corps, non-profit, and ultimately residing in our named registered; “World Team Now,” says the words of the visions’ priorities. What if all in the world worked together as a team? Taking action together, teaming-up? The vision was to change the perspective of even divided hemispheres, the Global North against the Global South, but instead a real whole, World Team that united for our collective survival of all species in harmony with one another. Then what would be the goals? WHO do we play against? What is the equivalent of a global race or game, that needs to be won for our future? This movement is organically unfolding with little help from the mysterious ways that come from higher up.
Opening plenary, SDG Action Weekend 9/16/2023
The United Nations (UN) “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) — yes, in one’s brain the acronym tends to get confused with a contagious disease. The UN speaks the language of acronyms, and this one gets a laugh or cry as we’ve learned when sharing about the goals publically most recently in Kauai, Hawaii USA. World Team Now’s systems solutions work on island resiliency and for the health of waters, especially the Ocean with a curriculum.
Bi-location is something many of us wanted to master, but now the team was growing to have at least one of us physically representing at the UN, and one on an island. The beauty of these times is we can have a virtual and actual physical presence. Now there are so many people with the common vision each going forward in their own creative way at the United Nations and especially on islands to hold the light for a future.
The ironic laugh or cry in the corridors inside plenaries of the United Nations meeting rooms, on the home island of Manhattan is more about the seriousness of the situation we are in collectively with natural resources to be reprioritized. The Global Goals, targets and indicators to be achieved by 2030 are ambitious. “Pie in the Sky,” is a remark I heard along the journey of World Team, too, but it is important to have values to aim for, however like regions of the world boundaries divided what divides us can limit us until the division is united by us people.
SDG Media Zone at the SDG Action Weekend & Summit
This Sustainable Development Goals Summit that preceded the 78th UNGA (United Nations General Assembly) was to take a look at our progress and set the tone for the work towards much needed transformation— action, beyond the bureaucratic siloed approach that has contributed to the crises we face, in the effort to aid. The perspective is what was called to check, at this half-time point since in 2015, and how to engage all people. It is becoming more clear as what was falls away and becomes beyond the future we want, is the future that is Divinely inspired to become us all to remain being human here
Thankfully, these thoughts contemplated over 5 decades ago, are becoming a collective priority, expressed in myriads of diverse ways of action, played out creatively. Next year more of the movement will play out in the public sphere to inspire all to participate. Out of the opposing tension of contrasting views, beliefs, and values in civil society, governments, corporations, and institutions, births an opportunity to see the light of peace collectively.
Especially prioritized in the hearts of youth today— peace in creative collective action is being demonstrated. Youth armed with indigenous wisdom passed forward, innovative science and pioneering technology to lead with a Call for “All People”….
All People, those words remind of the lyrics of a beautiful song written by souls called “Voices of the World” gifted to us to use from brothers and sisters, a family of a common Call, as each individual made it to the Earth Summit / Global Forum in Rio Di Janiero for World Team decades ago that forged a bond over the years continuing to build on the collective movement.
Sunset North Shore Kauai
Here is where the Biodiversity Treaty, Law of the Sea, the annual Conference of the Parties COP, and other globally carved out efforts to meet and take on collective global environmental and social challenges rooted in the hearts. Many of these documents of global public policy roots were in those grounds of RIO or Rio+20, and now getting ready for COP28. So many individuals committed to the long journey to show a resilient world with net zero energy and renewed systems coming back to respect an intimacy for nature-based solutions, for the next generation— for a regenerative future!
Although not from the present vantage point predictable, the 17 SDGs, aka the Global Goals, are for the higher possibility of what we each could be individually or together for the future transcending our past patterns and systems of organizing life on planet earth, ideally beyond one country.
In each breath, there is a choice to make a difference, in 24hrs/1Day, and/or a lifetime, sometimes we each have a choice of what to prioritize, and we all have in common a capacity to love. How do we make our place where love could be the priority for all by how we live?
SDG Digital, to accelerate the SDGs by digitization Sunday, Sept 17, 2023, UN SDG Action Weekend
With our roots in intercultural New York, state of mind, and at the UN SDG Summit, as world leaders have come together, and with our feet still in the sand, for resiliency in Kauai, Hawaii; bi-location would be of value, as we grow this team.
Holding the vision for World Team amidst a myriad of ways to “organize the world” through crises, allows for something organic to emerge. When not floating on the Ocean, teaching, advocating, and working on the curricula for certification we are virtually building out a World Team. We hope to show you more soon.
Ocean Float
With the Ocean-Float Skate-Roll we are growing a way to represent and engage our communities in different places to experience more intimacy with the earth, land (A’aina) and Ocean waters (Moana, Kai). We are excited about the Ocean-Float curricula; clear the past out and join us in the Ocean, for the OCEAN, and YOU, and us all.
We have donated some sessions for Ocean-Float and Skate Roll to the auction now taking place virtually to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the legendary CK Chu Tai Chi, in New York, NY USA. The studio has not only helped transform us, but the neighborhood, and the island of Manhattan. It is remarkable to witness the energy contributed to Times Square, NYC, where Ck Chu Tai Chi is based, and all who Teamed-up for the transformation of the heart of the city. Team-up for transformation is key. Hope you can join us in this next chapter of island Ocean advocacy works teaming-up for us as One Body starting with one body— or all parts of us. Along with one’s mind and spirit and soul there in, we practice being one with all within and throughout.
North Shore Kauai with ideal ocean conditions for Ocean-Float
World Team Now’s approach to the Sustainable Development Goals is like a sampling of small-scale systems solutions organically coming from the island innovation discovered, that is nature-based and rooted in the heritage of indigenous culture‘s wisdom, augmented by technology to boost our capacity to scale.
We are working to pilot systems solutions, consciously chosen. For example, with transportation, Bertrand Piccard of the Solar Impulse shares the overview of that system vision here.
The action-oriented Summit for the Future, comprising a chapeau and five chapters on sustainable development and financing for development; international peace and security; science, technology, and innovation and digital cooperation; youth and future generations; and transforming global governance.
Specific measurable results with a “Common Agenda” for multilateralism are explained more here.
Together for environmental and social justice, as ONE, as in One People, ONE Ocean, One Body, One Earth. Teaming-up so literally, as the UN slogan goes so “no one gets left behind,” but we become one in the future.
The social & environmental movement (“The Global Movement”) is gaining momentum from voices growing louder and right now it’s the Youth Movement’s time. As the youth around the world rise today March 15th, I am thankful for sixteen-year-old Swedish Greta Thunberg’s bold voice, courage and stand for our future– demanding action for the global climate crisis, and leading the next generation of activists. Fridays for Future School Strike for Climate, became replicated by youth around the world, who agreed with the logic, why go to school and learn science, if the adults leading the government would not only just ignore science, but choose to deny the science applied to policy? Youth are making the choice to protect their future and generations to come, by cutting classes for the day and instead they take part in demonstrating and demand action on climate change. Hear it from their own voices in this article about their motivating story and more from Greta’s Ted Talk here. On the eve of the climate strike she tweeted; “Tomorrow we school strike for the climate in 1769 places in 112 countries around the world. And counting. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed. Let’s change history. And let’s never stop for as long as it takes. #fridaysforfuture#schoolstrike4climate#climatestrike
Global Youth Climate Strike at Columbus Circle
The Youth movement rising is naturally programmed with a generation that seems to prioritize the well-being of the planet, and they also come in wired to embrace technology, science, biodiversity, and nature. With the inner ability to respond to the urgency, the youth are not just adding their voice to the conversation of nature and humanity’s perceived extinction crisis; the youth have built a movement that is gaining momentum. The youth movement’s motivation is clear; it’s their future, and they want a planet to call home.
The big story is only beginning. Greta Thunberg’s recent Noble Peace Prize nomination comes as no surprise, after all, it’s been centuries since a teen, would be positioned to make history leading a revolution, and she just may do that– with a little teamwork.
Meet the youth leaders, who are organizing the USA national movement for the Youth Climate Strike School Strike for climate and are teaming up globally for this potentially historic event.
With the climate crisis, youth are confronted with a future that their generation may not get a chance to see, living here on planet earth, unless we all make different choices.
This is the moment not only for world leaders to adopt bold progressive climate policy, commit to 100% renewable energy, but to really hear and take into heart all children’s future. It is a time not just for governments alone but for all sectors of life to get into action and do everything possible for rapid transformation for the next generation. The burden lives within each and every one of us to grow this movement and act.
I’ve watched the Youth Movement over the years, but last Fall 2018 they started to grow and gain momentum in the organization. With the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Meghan Markel as UN Youth Ambassadors, and the United Nations hosting a myriad of youth events (more on that in an upcoming article) Certain celebrities, VIP, and leaders have contributed inside that framework. But what Greta did was organic and core and the very spark needed to ignite the movement lit up by her commitment.
The Youth, Women, Indigenous Peoples, The Asian/Pacific Islanders, and a multitude of people, are all voices that need to be heard. The global climate crisis is a reality which can no longer be ignored; it’s time for all people to find a role.
The Youth Movement began for me too, as a grade school student, and I have grown up inside the global social environmental movement with the journey to make the World Team project, and with the nonprofit World Team Now, I founded, along with many other NGO’s in the climate movement since 1989. In grade school, I wrote a letter to the President of the USA, because of my deep concern about the environment, and wanted to know what would happen when I grew up? I actually got a letter back which inspired me to believe that I too with one voice, could make a difference. More is written about the journey in World Team Now’s prior blogs, and in addition this is a differentblog here (and soon to be published in a book). That action was the beginning of many youth projects and events covered around the world.
The Pacific Island Region seemed to call, and last year I went on an adventure to the islands of Fiji and Samoa. In the past, we had looked for a location in the United States where our non-profit organization 501 (C) (3) World Team Now (WTN) could go a step beyond Sustainability and demonstrate a renewable future. The answer to the search came with an invitation from a representative of the Fiji Government to visit the islands of Fiji.
World Team Now’s goal was to apply the experience of our OrangetownGreen Microgrid entry in the New York Microgrid Prize and share the perspective gained from working on renewable energy and other related systems. World Team Now had previously succeeded with small alternative energy projects in our home state of California, such as helping the City of Malibu install Electric Vehicle Chargers in our EV Charging Campaign. In New York (where WTN is also registered), we did a net metering initiative that helped solar owners in Lake Placid, NY, finally get the right meters to profit from their solar installations. We were ready to do more.
Some colleagues referred to my experience in simultaneously seeking an island location for our World Team project as Dating Geography. What I discovered on this journey was surprising, and unexpected— and shocking that it took a year to assimilate. There are few words for the events that continued in this time of transformation.
Fiji and other Small Island Developing States (SIDS) may end up leapfrogging the developed nations and become the model for a sustainable future to benefit us all. In this region, ecology and economy can grow to scale and this new development may more appropriately be called Large Ocean Island States (LOIS) in the future.
Blending the two words ecology and economy, the Small Island Republic of Fiji has leading Eco Resorts that stretch beyond the imagination. These Fijian Eco Resorts are leading with an Eco prowess formula for sustainability, and it is not just for the tourists’ benefit, or for profit, but for the benefit of all who live there as well.
Fiji is one of the few naturally pristine island chains left in the world. Located in the Pacific Island Region, Fiji is one of the rare places that still has beautiful coral reefs, flora, and fauna, along with a crystal clear view of stars and starfish alike from the more than 333 Small Islands that make up the Republic of Fiji. Recently, Fiji ranked at the top of Google’s search engine after Fiji’s 7’s won the Olympic Gold in Rugby, but surprisingly Fiji is also searched for happiness and world peace.
On the world stage, The Republic of Fiji has moved into global leadership and action, not just by their first local team win in Rugby at the Olympics, but also because, in UN terms, Fiji represents leadership action globally.
Fiji was the first United Nations (UN) member to sign and ratify the Paris Agreement and the Kyoto Protocol. His Excellency, Peter Thomson of Fiji, led the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for the year through September 2017. His UNGA leadership was a historical first for an island state, with many successes.
H.E. Peter Thompson President of the General Assembly and Suzanne Maxx at the UN Ocean Conference photo by Tomas Pico /UN
As the President of the 71st General Assembly, Peter Thomson held a High-Level Event, titled “Climate Change and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Agenda,” in collaboration with the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). So many UN Member States wanted to participate that another day had to be added to the one-day event. On May 18, 2017, H.E. Peter Thomson facilitated the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on financing the SDGs’ future. Along with Sweden, Fiji organized the UN-Ocean Conference in New York, June 5–10,2017. World Team registered the UN Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Sustainable Solutions Ocean Opportunities on the Small Island States (SOS-IS) at the Ocean Conference. H.E. Thomson followed up the Ocean Conference with multi-stakeholder partners conference call on the Mangroves which we joined for the status update coming into his new role continuing with work for the Ocean. Watch the closing of the UNGA with the summary of H.E. Thomson’s accomplishments.
Fiji hosts the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCC’s COP23 from November 6–17, 2017 in Bonn, Germany (being held in Bonn, due to Fiji’s lack of capacity to host more than 20,000 guests in any one island area venue).
With a relatively new Constitution to govern the Republic, Fiji is in the process of petitioning to join the UN Council for Human Rights in 2018.
Of all the treasures Fiji boasts, the most valuable may be the welcoming character and loving (Bula) nature of the native people and their culture. Even industry, Fiji Airlines, for example, welcomes all in a BIG way.
The native culture’s hospitality yields care— coming from an organic, authentic lifestyle that lives close to nature and is intimate with the ocean. Like most island republics, the intimacy and relationship to the ocean are core and, like the breath inhales/exhales, ebbs and flows, the resources of fishing, eco-tourism, flora, and fauna provide what is needed for the people and the planet.
Yet, with the sea level rising, the increased frequency and scope of storms, ocean acidification, pollution, and climate change are all becoming intensified threats to the thriving natural existence of this paradise found. The region is highly susceptible to climate change— hit in 2016 with the record-breaking category 5 cyclone Winston, Fiji knows the ramifications of Climate Change. Living with and on the ocean becomes more challenging to the Fijian traditional way of organizing island life, and sustainable development becomes a necessity going forward. All these elements together make the Small Island Developing States more vulnerable.
This vulnerability of the Pacific Island Region is, however, becoming a leadership strength. They recognize that economy and ecology go hand in hand, and have prioritized sustainability in their development process that could set an example, and not just for island nations. The islands are fragile and vulnerable, yet because of their size and present state of development, they have the greatest opportunity to demonstrate true and lasting sustainability. The lessons learned from the industrially developed world, choosing to sacrifice living with the intimacy of nature in favor of profit, the Fijian sustainable development model is striving for a better balance.
This is a win/win for ecology and economy considering the future generation’s lives, and in terms of people, biodiversity, and our common home. Even within the rural locations in the developed world, the investment in antiquated infrastructure and a primary fossil-fuel-based electrical grid make the transition to renewable energy more expensive, slower, and harder, keeping the profits in the hands of the privileged and benefiting few. Fortunately, in the Small Island States, the policy, and regulatory structures are not now obstacles in the same way.
Since many small islands have been without water and electricity, it is both economically and ecologically beneficial to start with renewable energy systems. Fiji has embraced the changing times, planning for and allowing Climate Change refugees from neighboring islands in the Pacific Island Region, such as Kiribati, to arrive, and is welcoming them and other island natives to Fiji as their home.
Eco Resorts and Tourism’s business model seem to create a win-win-win for all— foreigners get to enjoy nature’s best in a peaceful, rich environment with cultural diversity. Natives benefit from the jobs created locally, and the economic and tax benefits for the republic end up building a more sustainable future.
From Nadi, a seaplane will take you to Turtle Island, a pioneering romantic honeymoon Eco Resort, developed initially for couples. Many of Turtle Islands Eco-design systems can be seen from the Turtle Airways seaplane.
For small islands that have been without water and electricity, resorts like Turtle Island have found renewable energy systems to be sustainable.
Turtle Island Resort is one of the leaders in renewable energy systems and living by cradle-to-cradle principles— much more than a desalination resort, it is a paradise found in sustainability.
The 500-acre island is kept in line with nature preservation as they move towards their net-zero island goal for renewable energy. The solar farm that primarily powered The Turtle Island Resort at the time of my stay was 1.2 megawatts of solar energy with battery storage.
Upon arrival at Turtle Island, you are carried from the seaplane to the shore by natives serenading with a local song, and it seems the whole island’s population joyously celebrates your arrival like a holiday. The heartwarming welcome, Bula, exclaimed by natives who live and work on the island, brings on a feeling of home in its purest sense because love is present and freely offered and everything is set up for you and your partner’s comfortable participation in sharing island life.
Water is harvested from the natural environment, with both rainwater (catchment) and seawater taking the salt out of the sea (desalination), to make fresh water. The fresh water is collected in a reservoir and stored in water tanks. It is not just the beauty of the famous surrounding Blue Lagoon shores, it is also the way they work with and use water— beauty from what is put within and all around at this Eco-luxury Resort.
Turtle Island is the brainchild of Richard Evanson, and now his son Richard Evanson Junior (Jr) who continues to expand and implement the vision of this island to preserve the natural habitat and enhance the natural beauty of the island, prioritizing sustainability. They have preserved wildlife by bringing in species and creating the breeding ground for these species to thrive, like, for instance, the colorful wild collection of tropical birds in flocks that include parrots, cockatoos, and parakeets.
According to Richard Jr., who continues the family legacy of Turtle Island, “The Island boasts guava, papaya, passion fruit, soursop, and coconut trees, with more than 900,000 thousand trees planted,” since his father Richard Sr. envisioned Turtle Island.
Jr. explained, “Dad strategically planted 60–75 thousand Mahogany trees, not only to preserve the land and prevent devastation by being organic, natural fire-damage prevention, but also to increase the land value… the trees support ecological biodiversity, prevent soil erosion, create windbreaks, and help the reforestation of indigenous forests.” Their family’s philosophy, explained Richard Jr, is that “Decisions and developments must make financial sense, have environmental integrity, benefit the local people, and celebrate the heritage and culture of a place.”
The Kava ceremony and native traditional dance and songs augment the heartfelt sharing with staff and island entertainment in the evenings.
In every breath at Turtle Island, there is the opportunity for intimacy, not only with your partner, but with the orchids, the birds, and the ocean. Whether you want to kayak or do stand-up paddle boarding into the sunset, dive or snorkel, meditate on the colorful patterns of the fish you swim with, or go for a horseback ride, all are captivating ways to relate romantically to the island and ocean and one another.
Intimacy on Turtle Island is prioritized to have all honeymoon expectations met, catering to personal desires, like, for example, just for you and your loved one, your own special menu for private dining on your own floating table while watching the sunset on the ocean, or dining under the stars.
Or the option to create your own private beach excursion and picnic meals. Food Director and world-renowned chef, Jacques Reymond use wild-caught, fresh seafood right out of the ocean to create culinary art which feeds all the senses. Think Pacific green lobster, snapper, yellowfin tuna, wahoo, and prawns, integrated with fresh home-grown vegetables, coconuts from the trees, all combined together for culinary masterpieces, or look at the cuisine here. Each person’s dietary needs can be met, or custom made to the activity and the adventure or environment of the moment. It is more than the body that is fed, and the community-style meals bond hearts, with all else that is needed provided for in your Bure.
The 14 handcrafted native Bures are mostly constructed and carved from island-grown hardwoods. The Bures have an authentic Fijian design and are equipped with all the ideal creature comforts. In addition to having double showers, and bathrooms, tranquility reigns with the deck’s day bed by the ocean and the beachside hammock under the palm trees. The pristine pure scent of the tropical flowers, mixed with the salty ocean spray is intoxicating. The ocean and its bathwater temperature make each private Bure’s large sunken Jacuzzi just another version of the play in a warm water paradise.
There is a full-service Spa on the island— Vonu Spa’s four hands, two masseurs for one body, Lomi Lomi massage experience, with all-natural Pure Fiji, is to live for. Turtle Island is an exclusive paradise, with the perfect amount of luxury and openness to what is natural. Activities are optional, flexible, and can be tailored to your need, and they range from learning the Fijian language to native culinary delights, or Zen and the Art of Opening Coconuts.
Turtle Island not only looks like a turtle but is also a breeding and nesting ground for sea turtles, where turtles come onshore to lay their eggs at night. Turtle Island’s conservation program is in partnership with World Wildlife Fund, and you can learn more about their Sea Turtle Program here.
Paradise Found comes with also facing the reality of duality— nothing in form is perfect, or rather perfection lies in embracing imperfection, as well as the constant aspect of change. This includes the paradise found on Turtle Island Resort too. It is indeed the will to keep doing better, growing and improving that counts. Willingness to change is a quality that World Team Now embraces, as we have learned this makes for the extraordinary and is a key to the transformation of an island. Solutions that we suggested seemed welcomed in the intimacy of Turtle Island. It was a joy to see Monica Laurence, the niece of Richard Sr., embrace the suggestion to have the Farm to Table fresh home-grown food be Organic or even Bio. This happened because I had met a Fijian woman, Vitila Vuniwaqa of Vee’s Farm, with deep roots and contacts in the organic farm community, and introduced her to Monica. By now Turtle Island could be well on their way to being Organic Farm to Table. And we hope that, in the process, they have found a plant-based solution to approaching insects.
When the solar energy scales up further, and perhaps when hydrogen and other storage and energy sources we discussed are added, Turtle Island will reach the 100% renewable goal, operating 100% of the time. I had an island tour in one of the electric golf carts, which was one of the first alternative vehicles used on the island. With other alternative vehicles suggested, like electric and hydrogen fuel cell, cars, trucks, and trackers, all could be further integrated into the island’s transportation modes. Once these become economical to import, islanders will ultimately no longer need the diesel gas used; meanwhile, we discussed the possibility of biodiesel down the road. Fossil Fuel freedom is on the horizon for these islands that have developed by being in tune with nature.
It seems the goal of everyone on Turtle Island is to make each and every person feel like family and attend to their every need with a genuine kindness, not because it is their job, but because this is who the Fijian people are— happy, so they want to spread what makes them feel good. A family member died during my stay, and the support and kindness extended to me by the locals and the Evanson family made it possible for me to go forward there. Monica Laurence has carried the Turtle Island bond forward into future generations with Turtle Talks (watch here).
Turtle Island’s Bula spirit gives back to the communities and supports the education of islanders and some special programs that include island rugby. Turtle Island’s motto is “Ask for anything” within the sustainable resort experience. Turtle Island prioritizes a balance between the environment and culture, with the emphasis on couples, family legacy, and the willingness to give back to local communities with programs from rugby to education.
It’s Groundhog Day! Today the Groundhog has not seen his shadow, so we can “SPRING” past winter! This is according to Punxsutawney Phil, and a team of other Groundhogs, in different locations.
Today, the energy sector mirrors the Groundhog Day’s dynamic, not seeing the shadow, overcome by light! Fossil fuel drops further, till #100%RenewableEnergy is global. This is the kind of global Groundhog Day that deserves repeating!
“The energy sector reflects #GroundhogDay dynamic, shadow-fossil fuel shares drop, light #100%RenewableEnergy grows!” WorldTeam1 wrote on Twitter. Does it sounds like we said this before? Well, “Yes.”–it’s Groundhog Day, and we will repeat! May this reality repeat.
“Groundhog Day” lives now not just as a weather, or community ritual to predict when the winter ends and spring comes. Groundhog Day has grown into a collective expression. The expression “Groundhog Day” refers to a situation that repeats until it changes.
We reflect on the core stages of awareness with the movie Groundhog Day. Each time when the situation repeats, there is growth. When the situation stops repeating altogether, then there is total transformation, and freedom from the past. Sound familiar? Watch to see hedonism transcended or uncover many religious, moral and ethical principles through Groundhog Day’s stages of awareness that reflect upon life’s spiritual journey. Dig deeper and you’ll see hints of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ principles on death and dying–All played out in a comedic way in the movie Groundhog Day.
May this Groundhog Day dynamic repeat until we have reached 100% renewable energy globally. Power to the People shows, we can participate in renewable energy power generation. Our energy’s source of power can be in balance with our resources. Let’s do it, and REPEAT! “Groundhog Day” is true for us too, “Living Into A World Team”! Let’s play to transform ourselves and our world.
I think we all can agree that the time for change is here, now, and ripe! Next year, as the clock turns to 2016, may we look back on 2015 and realize we were able to take advantage of the freedom to play in the peaceful transformation of our world, and we indeed chose to take action and use our highest capabilities to imagine a better way forward.
Ready, set, CHARGE! Back when Electric Vehicle public chargers were just coming out in California, World Team Now helped the City of Malibu lead the EV charge. Screen the premiere of the edited footage of our “CHARGE”:
Jumping into the future we wish to look back and label 2015, as a year of “global transformation” –where our media platform; “World Team” became a tool to give all people the freedom and ability to play in the peaceful transformation of our world. World Team Now’s mission, vision and goals were better fulfilled. Beyond the division of language and culture all people began to see the possibility of our World Team project.
In 2015 we teamed up to support our partner organizations and campaigns, in the environmental movement focusing on #Action2015, and honoring the clock’s time here on earth sounding, TckTckTck, the science behind made sense, and through Avaaz, our voices sung in harmony reaching more people, as we all teamed up for stewardship of our planet. A year everybody embraced change— to live in better balance with our resources.
2015 was a year world leaders reached an agreement to take action with global policy, better serving our environment with respect for nature, and humanity. Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical connecting faith and science helped to move all people to better understanding and into climate action.
2015 events built the foundation for change in our structures; with actual buildings in “Getting to Zero”- National Forum, and uniting the nations in, Paris France at UNFCCC’s COP21 for climate action, resulting in global policy, that did justice to our planet’s situation.
Projects like Planet Solar, and the all solar airplane; Solar Impulse 2 succeeded in the around their world flight; and these projects also inspired many about the possibilities of renewable energy, like solar in 2015. The 10 Island Challenge, moved vulnerable island nations as examples of being powerfully responsible flexible and adaptive. All of this inspired us to take responsibility and really consider the triple bottom line— people and planet, along with profit.
2015 was a year we made a different choice as to what industries received subsidies, cut industries and projects that didn’t serve the collective stewardship of all people and for our world’s sustainability. Instead we chose to prioritized our collective resources for renewable energy. We were indeed “happy” inside ourselves, and our outer world reflected this happiness within ALL.
We imagined a better path forward in 2015, took action, and it became our reality. Are you willing to imagine, act, and team-up to make this possibility real?
May we all charge forward to live with love and stewardship for all species and our planet! We can imagine better possibilities of ways to live! Let’s team up for change in 2015 and realize our dreams!
As we look back at the year prior, and imagine the possibilities for the year 2015, we can let it inform us now. We wish you a wonderful year that is prosperous, healthy, and where love lives present.