Category: World Team (Page 4 of 4)

2015: A Year of Global Transformation

I think we all can agree that the time for change is here, now, and ripe! Next year, as the clock turns to 2016, may we look back on 2015 and realize we were able to take advantage of the freedom to play in the peaceful transformation of our world, and we indeed chose to take action and use our highest capabilities to imagine a better way forward.

Ready, set, CHARGE! Back when Electric Vehicle public chargers were just coming out in California, World Team Now helped the City of Malibu lead the EV charge. Screen the premiere of the edited footage of our “CHARGE”:

Jumping into the future we wish to look back and label 2015, as a year of “global transformation” –where our media platform; “World Team” became a tool to give all people the freedom and ability to play in the peaceful transformation of our world.  World Team Now’s mission, vision and goals were better fulfilled. Beyond the division of language and culture all people began to see the possibility of our World Team project.

In 2015 we teamed up to support our partner organizations and campaigns, in the environmental movement focusing on #Action2015, and honoring the clock’s time here on earth sounding, TckTckTck, the science behind made sense, and through Avaaz, our voices sung in harmony reaching more people, as we all teamed up for stewardship of our planet. A year everybody embraced change— to live in better balance with our resources.

2015 was a year world leaders reached an agreement to take action with global policy, better serving our environment with respect for nature, and humanity. Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical connecting faith and science helped  to move all people to better understanding and into climate action.

2015 events built the foundation for change in our structures; with actual buildings in “Getting to Zero”- National Forum, and uniting the nations in, Paris France at UNFCCC’s COP21 for climate action, resulting in global policy, that did justice to our planet’s situation.

Projects like Planet Solar, and the all solar airplane; Solar Impulse 2 succeeded in the around their world flight; and these projects also inspired many about the possibilities of renewable energy, like solar in 2015.  The 10 Island Challenge, moved vulnerable island nations as examples of being powerfully responsible flexible and adaptive.  All of this inspired us to take responsibility and really consider the triple bottom line— people and planet, along with profit.

2015 was a year we made a different choice as to what industries received subsidies, cut industries and projects that didn’t serve the collective stewardship of all people and for our world’s sustainability. Instead we chose to prioritized our collective resources for renewable energy. We were indeed “happy” inside ourselves, and our outer world reflected this happiness within ALL.

We imagined a better path forward in 2015, took action, and it became our reality. Are you willing to imagine, act, and team-up to make this possibility real?

May we all charge forward to live with love and stewardship for all species and our planet! We can imagine better possibilities of ways to live! Let’s team up for change in 2015 and realize our dreams!

As we look back at the year prior, and imagine the possibilities for the year 2015, we can let it inform us now.  We wish you a wonderful year that is prosperous, healthy, and where love lives present.

‘Twas the Night Before…


We know times are changing when a department store’s holiday window decorations moves the Christmas story to outer space. We found humor here — a contrast for levity

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through each house, Renewable energy was chosen, with a click of a mouse; The last of Hanukkah candles burned ever so bright, Winter Solstice, darkness, a time awaiting the light; A year of change began causing everyone to look, At our earth, our resources, to revise our world’s book; How we live with another, beyond every divide, Caused question, unrest, not a peaceful tide; We knew from all stories that salvation was near, Could we reflect, go beyond, and eliminate our fear? 20141215_205329Electrons were net positive, zero energy from the grid, we had to use, All energy sourced from wind, sun, earth, and water — a menu, you’d choose; Governance, politics, law, countries, religion, cultural- which had all caused a divide, We lived into the possibility to re-imagine, to live in harmony, letting peace abide; The real war was realized in a willingness to change, Old structures, transformed — now stewardship remained;20141215_205142 Teaming-up all us people, everyone together in action now, A tool, our platform, World Team could be a way how; Every structure, system, convention, protocol to regulate how we lived here on earth, Was re-thought, renewed, re-purposed, and transformed to better live for our planet’s re-birth;20141215_205304 Paris 2015 promised global policy all countries made the choice, All nations for stewardship considering the planet and giving all people a voice; With global partners like TckTckTck , Action 2015, Avaaz, and more campaigns teaming-up, T.ime, E.nergy, A.ction and M.oney our TEAM to balance with winning’s greater than the World Cup; 20141215_205208 We could choose planet over profit for us people, a future to endorse, World Team helped to choose clean energy, consider our environment, and create a new course; All people realized the possibility of a World Team, woven together in all hearts, A platform, of oneness for all, where change could go past fits and starts; We looked back on the conventions, protocols, and the effort to define the way to unite all Nations, Explored going to Mars, living on others planet, leaving earth behind, was more than temptations; 20141215_205244Each person chose to think first of the other, the whole, our planet, our water, air, real food and our earth, With a willingness to change even before buying, consuming, and choosing what might be for their own individual worth; We could sing “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me” We could read from the Bible, Torah, Koran, Gita; and say “let love be…” 20141215_205432Can the spirit within, and upon us manifest devotion to action, and a change of life? A world where law was just, enforcement was not forced, and public servants served the people beyond all strife; All people spoke their native language and were truly understood A world beyond language where hearts ruled, and we realized they could; We remembered we are the power, Divine Love is our source, When we choose to all work together, we can make a strong force; We envisioned a future beyond all of our history,20141215_205413 In the gift of the present we gained reverence for life’s ultimate mystery.

  © By Suzanne Maxx 2014  

Nelson Mandela’s Heroic Leadership

nelson-mandelaNelson Mandela’s leadership is so admirable, and his life’s journey— heroic, and inspirational. When describing the acronym in World T.EA.M. Madiba, (Nelson Mandela’s clan name) was one of the people I used as an example for explaining A.ction. It was his choice to act for freedom at all costs, that set him apart from others.   Madiba was willing to use his life force for a greater truth then oneself only, or his own immediate family – a rare quality. Madiba gave of his T.ime, E.nergy, A.ction and M.oney. Madiba will live on in us with respect for redefining true freedom.  This is a freedom that lives in our hearts, an actual freedom standing courageously with reverence for the end to apartheid, and for a virtuous freedom that would embrace forgiveness.  This kind of forgiveness has self-sacrifice within it, and allows peace to reign within. His humility shined a light that was so bright it would elevate him to not just lead a movement, but as a former prisoner, lead a country. He stood for truth and persevered, living true to the virtues of a real life hero, an icon and living saint;

“I ‘m not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying,” President Obama recalled him saying.

Coaches2.qxdMadiba personally inspired World Team, with his stand for both social and environmental justice. We had planned Madiba would be a coach when we were up and running with the World Team media platform.  I could be stopped by the people who have crossed, who we had planned to be part of World Team, but instead they inspire, and as learned from Madiba, dreams, can be realized.  I pray that at least a little of the light that you were able to shine on the world will come through our actions for change.  Madiba, we are left here knowing that we have much work to do, by your example– to flesh out your vision for a free, equal, and just world, that lives in reverence of our natural resources; and one another.



In advance of Nelson Mandela’s funeral service on Sunday in Qunu, South Africa, these respected leaders His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Reverend Mpho Tutu, the first female Irish president, Mary Robinson, and Sir Richard Branson came together for a digital eulogy and shared using Google+ Hangouts.

President Obama’s speech at Madiba’s Memorial was indeed one of those moment where he communicated  the spirit and virtues that were written within USA’s original constitution,  upholding the premise of freedom.


MandelaSSPX0114 We are blessed that his legacy will live on in our hearts, with so many books and charities he had supported. Around the world  tribute, and honor continues to pour out in honor of Madiba, Nelson Mandela– to a life given in service,  that change our world!


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