Tag: humanity

350 Climate Policy Rollin’ Forward

By Suzanne Maxx ©


CPDSA and World Team Now will team up to organize a human zero,  “O”,  made up of in-line and roller skaters in New York City’s Central Park.  Saturday, the 17th from 4:00-5:00 we plan to be part of a global action for the upcoming U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December, and to make a zero, “O” on skates, to get back to 350 CO2 emissions levels.  We will be on wheels, that are a “clean” form of transportation.  It will be shot from above, and when we start moving, rolling along, it will symbolize the movement we need to have with world leaders to ratify an international Climate Treaty, and for the Energy Bill stuck in the Senate. CPDSA and World Team Now will team up with 350.org, Spectral Q., for a human montage to post on Unite Now part of the global Climate Action Day-October 24th .

Our “movement” will symbolize the environmental movement and demonstrate the importance of the Energy Bill moving through the USA Congress, and encourage world leaders attending the upcoming international COP15 UN conference to move to create a global Climate treaty. We will team up to make the “O” for SpectralQ’s 350 human montage, .  The other 3 and the 5 will be made in cities like Copenhagen and Kyoto.  Scientists say that 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere is the safe limit for humanity. Skating is a zero emissions form of transportation, we are more than a stand, we are a movement, for net zero buildings,  Zero emissions, for meeting the 350 emissions target, plus national international Climate Action, and for a World Team Now.


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The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) & 危機; pinyin: wēijī

By Suzanne Maxx

President Obama signed The Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law on February 17th since then the billions of dollars allocated to revive our economy, and create opportunity for transformation, bring to question: is money enough for a solution? With the inherit dysfunction of traditional large US banks and corporations failing, industry is being forced to morph in a new direction.  We are ready for innovative technology, alternative vehicles, re-structure infrastructure, and a smart grid.  It is time to give up the addictive dependency on fossil fuel and the quest for more money.  Maybe now we can invest in renewable energy and be more responsiblity of our resources.

The ARRA presents the opportunity with of infusion of “green” jobs and for funding too many of the projects that could sustain humanity. There are many possibilities open to not only World Team Now, but each of us individually with the ARRA. It attempts to call attention to that question that is emerging collectively: Will humanity be able to live in balance with our resources and one another?

The website, Recovery.gov, is the main vehicle to provide information, about grants, biz /contract opportunities, loans, benefits, and view the time line. This gives us the chance to participate in the oversight, proving transparency to move policy into action with specific measurable results. Here you can watch, interact, or simply to learn more click here . The ARRA calls to mind the following word:

危機; pinyin: wēijī;

The Chinese word 危機; pinyin: wēijī; may better speak to the world’s view of the USA’s ARRA… The compounded Chinese word “crisis” is composed of two characters: One represents “danger”, and the other represents “opportunity” or more accurately translated to “crucial point”.

Eco-onomy/cology Movement

Leadership “Yes, WE Can…”
We , humanity are at a cross roads, and now the many plans emerging from The environmental movement in the USA are finally being considered, and taken seriously by our new President of the USA, Barack Obama. Hard to believe it was just one month ago today that he was sworn into office as the 44th President of the USA.

The first monday morning President Obama’s first full work week in office, he took a stand for renewable energy (solar, wind, geothermal), green jobs, plug in electric vehicles (PEV’s) and was able to communicate the integrated correlation between where we are environmentally, with where we are in the global ECOmony.  He signed docs before the press, and started his week with action. He froze all policies pending from the past administration.

After President’s Day, less than one month in office, President Obama made the largest investment in clean energy and green jobs in our history of the USA with his signature on the previously reviewed 787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is now legislature..

Thank you to all at World Team Now who believe these issues around energy and transformation are important.  We are benefiting from your time, energy, and money with our actions and events. Our example is heard at a level where change can begin,  with small actions like our net metering project, and larger ones now in government with policy.  If governments can change why can’t we the people of the world unite together and  work together for change?

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan offesr possibilities for our alternative and renewable energies to emerge into mainstream, with programs to support change and inspire innovation now.

Closely tied in content to the stimulus package, for economic recovery and environmental transformation, is the RETECH event. Towards the bottom of the page along with UN’s NGO Committee, and the The U.S. Green Building Council, World Team Now joins this prestigious team of “Supporting Partners” for RETECH.   This is the one of  the 1st major US conference’s and convention following the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. ACORE’s RETECH in Las Vegas, Nevada teases out many of the core topics we at World Team Now are focused on in energy, with not only solar thermal farms, and nano-technology, but also tidal; and wave. This is a chance to learn more about net metering, the smart grid, EV’s, LED lighting and more through a large fun event, that seeks solutions form being on.  This is the place to be on the cutting edge of renewable energy and technology, which may translate to “green” for you, in many ways. Join in this coming week February 25th-27th in Las Vegas.

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