Tag: #InternationalWomensDay

Wisdom for Peace

© By Suzanne Maxx

Especially knowing today that if women ruled the world, and had the freedom of choice, war would be impossible.

We, as women, embody a creative nature and by nature the care and love of one another is organic.  We nurture love to grow, within and throughout, the best we can in all.   This is true where the Divine feminine can grow.

Last week’s “Ash Wednesday,” began a season, with the kind of tide I can appreciate rising.  Unlike the sea level rising and the stresses on the ocean/atmosphere hurricane and cyclone season.

Thankfully, Ash Wednesday was not like 2020’s when I looked up from the music, singing in a choir, to end up in the ER with ashes in my eyes.

In 2022, when I began writing to fill the blank pages of a brand new gifted journal, it would become my #69 handwritten book, with a beautiful cover of a 3D color Owl.  In the morning, I began to fill up the journal with not just my mind’s ideas, but also the spontaneity of inspired heart and soul of what became a great gift; I have come to appreciate the “present” as upon contemplation and reflection it calls forth the vision, to the future. This Wednesday was no exception.

I stretched out my body,  held in the air, my limbs kissing the tree limbs holding my weight under the canopy of a great pine tree whose wispy green needles’ tent hid me entirely under its branches. Our eyes locked gazing into one another’s core essence for what felt like an eternity, I could feel Owl’s wisdom penetrating beyond gender, species, boundaries, and borders.

We both seemed to echo “Words of wisdom beyond sound or writing!”

The kind of silent reverence, equality respect, and curiosity exchanged, as I too was lying  bowing underneath on trees bough, communing in the shared safety of nature’s grip away from the development of the world,  at least for a few moments, the noise of the city was gone. In my mind, I answer Owl’s query of “WHO?”

“If not US, then Who?  Who will defend nature, or at least find peaceful harmony?”

I hear beyond the whisper of words, the soundless syllables, and the owl’s wise plea.

True to the owl totem, the dark of the night is when the work gets done, not in daylight. Thus the miraculous encounter. The Owls eyes were wide open in the light, and willing to meet my eyes!

Even though now night, maybe somewhere in the world, it is still International Women’s Day.  Or maybe Women’s Day is every day, for every species?

#InternationalWomensDay, #Owl, #OwlTotem, #InterspeciesCommunication, #BeyondGender, #BeyondBoundaries, #TransformationTide, #WorldTeamNow, #WoldTeamProject, #UNCLOS #Writing #NaturesLove

Retreat to Spring Forward

by Suzanne Maxx ©

December 15th, 2019 I went on a Writer’s Retreat, after years of the World Team journey it was time to get still and go within, and better listen before I could speak. Shortly thereafter the world would do more than, “retreat” but lockdown. Now the World Team® project’s goal is beginning to be achieved, we are just beginning to use media to tell-a-vision and bring people together virtually for social and environmental transformation. We still have a long way to go with focused action but thank you in advance for your patience.   I may not be responsive in the coming months, to complete what was set out to do pre-COVID19 with the writing for the World Team vision.

While spring has sprung in the northern hemisphere, it’s not just a “March” it is becoming a sprint, springing into hyper-warp speed not only for “recovery,” but also for transformation.

Coming through an OCEAN of awareness, with collective voice rising for justice, through the tide of the; #ClimateCrises,  #COVID19Pandemic, #EconomicCrisis, #BlackLivesMatter, #Elections, #SacredPeopleSacredEarth,  #InternationalWomensDay. Coming into this week with #FridaysfortheFuture, #Equinox,#WorldWaterDay #InternationalHappinessDay, #InternationalForestsDay,#BioDiversity&Forrest, and now we are in the midst of #MonacoOceanWeek… building to more news on “EarthDay!  Blinded by the transformation tide, perhaps past the #DecadeoftheOcean or the SDGs, reaching for the UN’s #GlobalGoals on “time” #30×30 by year #2030.

We, humans, are meaning-making machines,  trying to fix concepts that could go from being one “day,” to every day –week or month to do more than “build back,” but to renew.  And the focused energy of our collective intent in time is key.

Atlantic Ocean USA

For the love of the Ocean and all above let’s make these more than a day, week, month, let’s make it our priority.  A priority that breathes through, and into the fabric of society beyond time, and into our world’s systems.  Perhaps after this Health crisis, and the myriad of crises we together have realized more about well-being, freedom, and nature, to be better motivated for both personal and collective action…

The love for nature grows. I have experienced reciprocity with the interactions I’ve had with some wild friends. These wild friends have kept me inspired to learn more about biodiversity, their species, from their repeated visits together, while here on this island, writing.

The Great Blue Heron I named, “Beauty”

If you would like to travel virtually to and for the ocean now, join in for Monaco’s Ocean week; https://fondationsanctadevota.mc/projets/monaco-projet-scolaire/ We appreciate the work that Team World Corps/World Team Now’s first Honorary President, HRH Prince Albert II is doing and has done with The Prince Albert II Foundation and the team of entities that are focused on the future of the Ocean. Another special shout out to the proposed game-changing global approach to Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), from the Varda Group, who have worked tirelessly on the “Because the Ocean,” and “The Future We Want” campaigns. They have supported World Team Now’s efforts at Rio+20 and proven over time that team works. Their consulting knowledge of Fisheries, Law of the Sea, and dedication to the ocean proves to be significant. Altogether, with each one of us, it can happen beyond one vision.


Thanks for holding the vision that we together can be like a true #WorldTeamNow, as we prepare.

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