Tag: World Team (Page 3 of 5)

The Climate Movement’s Moment ©

By Suzanne Maxx


Outside COP21 with the flags of the United Nations.

LE BOURGET, FRANCE.   Fortunately here at COP21 there is no longer the question of if climate change is happening, check out this slide show.  It now is a question of how quickly we all can act to meet the challenge, and when we will have strong global policy. COP21 was supposed to end yesterday, but true to the history and form of the complexity of these agreements, it is still in process.


Photo of Suzanne Maxx by Albert Boulanger for World Team Now at Climate Generations Area

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) holds annual meetings of the delegates Conference of the Parties (COP) and each year it grows older, left without a process to manage the world’s actions, climate change’s impact on our world increases.  COP has come of age at 21 here in Paris, now it is truly like a 21 year old— legal but not yet quite responsible— perhaps an appropriate metaphor for the upcoming results of the much-anticipated Paris Convention/Accord.

The bottom-up approach to each country choosing what they are capable of contributing seems to be working with the “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions” (INDCs) all countries submissions are public here. COP21 had a jump start, and with the delivery of so many INDCs, COP21 was set on a fast track to global transformation, which lit the fire of possibility to “dream the impossible dream.”

On the opening day of the COP21 when the family photo of world leaders was taken, and Mission Innovation was announced, all eyes saw the possibility of transformational global policy. Clean Energy Innovation R & D will be doubled by 20 major economies with the help of the private sector.  Billionaire Bill Gates at the helm of an impressive Breakthrough Energy Coalition that reads like a “who’s who” of game changers helps Mission Innovation.With so many world leaders in Paris for the beginning of

With so many world leaders in Paris for the beginning of COP21 the stage of this conference was set to change the game. In 2015, there were multiple preparatory conferences all producing a draft of the policy. The regular meetings increased the chance that all could agree here in Paris, and we would have global environmental policy.  Historically, the leaders would arrive at the end of the COPs after a few weeks where their representatives would try to negotiate a deal.  This year’s COP was different, not just because all world leaders agreed to come at the beginning of the COP, having worked out what they are able to contribute on their own, but were standing for the success of finally attaining climate policy. To have these world leaders in the same place after the vulnerable attacks here in Paris demonstrates a commitment to the statement: “There is no darkness that can overcome the light.”

Photo Credit: Photo by Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectra

A Message of Freedom and 100% Renewable Energy from Paris. Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol © Yann Arthus-Bertrand  / Spectral Q

The people, NGOs, and corporations also set up a powerful approaches to action, including a massive march planned for the Global Climate Movement. However, many Paris events were canceled, including the climate marches after the terrorist attacks, and subsequent state of emergency.  Fortunately, the Global Climate Movement adapted with action around the world. We used our bodies as a font in the Eiffel Tower aerial art piece,  that 300  of us or so took part in, led by artist John Quigley and Dancing without Boarders,  This event miraculously prevailed and has become the iconic image of COP21, gracing the cover of many  publications. Other powerful events in Paris for this COP21 time frame were pulled off successfully augmenting the action over at Le Bourget’s COP21 conferences like “Earth to Paris,” and the “Energy for Tomorrow Conference’’ hosted by the International New York Times.  The Green Zone public “Climate Generation Area” allowed all people to be involved in the action, and there were some solid panels like “Energy Matters,” sponsored by the International Energy Agency.

Global Emissions Target of 1.5 degrees Celsius is what’s needed by at least 2020— it was needed yesterday — so ideally with a pre-2020 five year review and calibration. The target date may end up being 2050; this is one of the points of conflict in the negotiation.  Will this be a realistic target that sets us on a trajectory that honors what we know to be true about climate change, and how it affects not only human health, but also the balance of all species on earth? The other sensitive point is: when will the energy transition occur?  We would like to see 100% renewable energy by at least 2050. A firm date of when to phase out of fossil fuel is at the root of this controversial debate.  The majority of countries now agree that 100% cut of fossil fuel will happen, but by when— is the question.

Penguins 20151210_155503

Courtesy of Climate Generations Area COP21

The forests and oceans breathe for our planet— they are more than our lungs.  Together they are teeming with the bio-diversity— the flora, fauna, and all necessary for our human species. survival.  We are waiting for the text of the final document to have language about the commitment to zero de-forestation globally.  Our oceans need protection from acidification, and warming temperatures—this is imperative to take into account, and have specific measurable results in mind, along with global emission targets.  We need to have goals for our oceans, islands, and responsibly embrace policy that is accountable for not only our air, but also the land, waters, and people. Global policy that allows all people to belong to the earth is needed, especially when whole nations, island states like Tuvalu are being annihilated by our collective use of resources. Justice is needed to balance the poor Small Islands and Least Developed Countries who are most affected by the results of climate change, with richer nations sourcing the problem.

Fossil Fuel subsidies are going to be phased out globally— much to both the dismay and celebration of many people and industries.  Why subsidize the most profitable global industry anyway?  Old paradigms can be hard for some to let go, yet our future depends on embracing this renewable energy transition, and also how fast we can move on a large scale. More than a trillion dollars a year— just think of how quickly we could change the energy game with those same subsidies going to renewable energy or into the Green Climate Fund. The 100 billion annual contribution to the Green Climate Fund would become a reality.

Naturally, it will be better to have an ambitious framework with a big enough vision for growth and change.  There needs to be checks and balances in place — most likely discussed in more detail next year at Morocco COP22.  An independent agency will need to be formed organically to both check and enforce agreed upon targets, much like the International Atomic Energy Agency reports to the Security Council.

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Wind energy captured by these faux trees –outside COP21 Paris–sustainable device for biodiversity

The long term key will be the enforceable, critical language added, and systems put in place to realize the outcome of the global goals. It will take time to work out the logistics of how we live into these objectives collectively.  That is why this is a convention with the goals to have a framework to build out over time, so it reflects the truth of what we are collectively committed to achieving. Transparent, enforceable global policy with mechanisms, systems, and a structure that we all— all nations and all people— can live into after COP21.  This will take more time than allotted at COP21— that is why this is a process.  This process can direct global markets, as well as steer the re-prioritization of our collective values— this is where change can take root. Here is a copy of the yesterday’s draft doc, and some of the key sticking points . It may take years to realize the “how,” but at this point, what is important is that we agree to common global goals and objectives that will set us in a direction to live into our future.

World Team is Casting

by Suzanne Maxx 

wt-casting-3Our World Team project has started casting!  The journey is getting exciting and we have so many interesting candidates that we decided to have an election and a race for candidacy— where you will be able to vote for your favorite person who you want to see on World Team.

What is World Team?

World Team is a social and environmental experiment to see if we can “be the change we want to see” in the world.

World Team is a real time streaming journey, a multi-media project, plus a broadcast series that is interactive with global participation.

This is more than a reality-based television series that actually showcases people demonstrating transformation of the world. The team will takes on global environmental and social issues of consequence.

306290_353043494741860_1571098981_nWhat we are creating is a global conversation through a multi-media platform that connects people, projects and the world. What we’re selling is a consciousness about change. We do that by showcasing socially and environmentally responsible projects that demonstrate how people can work together and play to transform the world.

Be part of a global multimedia project that goes into action on both social and environmental challenges. Join the team doing real projects in a community with renewable energy. 

 Ask yourself the following questions:

Do you care about the future of our planet?

Have you ever been frustrated by no action to address environmental concerns and want to do more, because you feel you have no tangible or measurable effect beyond signing a petition, donating money or making conscious choices in your own behavior or purchases?

imagine-wtMuch of TV today is reality based, with a focus on making-over people, homes, restaurants, well, almost everything. What makes this programming entertaining are the individuals who choose to participate.  Individuals often have self-serving reasons for participating: money, fame, a lucrative contract— we are looking for people who can, and are able to give of their T.ime, E.nergy. A.ction and help us raise M.oney.  This is all part of our emergent media platform.  The rewards for being a team member come in T.E.A.M.

What are we looking for?

Twelve Extraordinary Individuals 

wt-people2,People from around the world who each come from a different culture and region of the world, to create a microcosm of the human race. Team members have diverse backgrounds, talents, and skills. They share a love of sports, and each brings an expertise that is essential for the team to succeed in its mission.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.      -Margaret Mead

Team members come from North America, South/Central America, Southern Africa, Northern Africa, Middle East, Northern Europe, Europe, Mediterranean, Eastern Block, North Asia, South Asia, Australia/ Oceania.

Candidate’s Qualifying Criteria

Requirements: Must be willing to travel 90 days at a time away from home, and have a passport.  We ask only people that are single or have grown children apply.  If there are pets in your household we ask that you are not the sole person responsible for them, if you are candidate.

Language: Fluent English, and one other language minimum.  The ideal candidate has at least two other languages.  Candidates have excellent diction and on camera presence.

Age: 21 – 65 years old. (We will make acceptations for the extraordinary candidates.)

Interests: Passionate about the world, humanitarian and environmental issues, volunteering, serving, and understands the urgency of the crossroads facing humanity.

Athletic Ability preferred: former Olympian, or exceptional skill and talent in a particular sport or activity: Karate, Pole-Vaulting, Skating, Skiing, Horseback Riding, Soccer, Scuba Diving, Kayaking, Mountain Climbing, Sky Diving, Kite Surfing, Dancing).  We will also consider anyone with a disability. In other words, we are looking for people who appreciate and greatly value the ability of their body, and have worked on their bodies and physical skills.

Profession or Vocation: Leading groups, teams with commitment to service, think; Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther-King, Gandhi, Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa— people who are emerging icons because of their commitment, wisdom, and passion for our collective resources.  These individuals are known in their communities because of what they have done, and what they are trying to do is greater than “self” interest, or any kind of personal gain.  Genuinely altruistic individuals and unstoppable forces who are determined to use their life for the highest good possible. Also a person might be someone who is pioneering in science and technology, but contributes by serving a societal need with their gifts of knowledge and wisdom.

Culture/Spiritual Ties: These individuals are active and knowledgeable about cultural heritage, active with family, and have a very strong commitment to their spiritual beliefs— these can be based in one or more religions, as long they are steeped in their country’s traditions.  Ideally they are well versed in their own countries heritage, for example, Israeli/Judaism, Italian/Catholic, Saudi Arabian/Muslin— they at least have extremely strong roots, and they have a strong sense of their heritage.  

One of the ways you can become a candidate is to log onto the casting website, and fill out as much information as you can, so we can get to know you virtually.  Please create a user name and login here; http://casting.worldteam.tv

“Reality, if rightly interpreted, is grander than fiction.”

Thomas Carlyle (1795 – 1881) Scottish essayist, historian

2015: A Year of Global Transformation

I think we all can agree that the time for change is here, now, and ripe! Next year, as the clock turns to 2016, may we look back on 2015 and realize we were able to take advantage of the freedom to play in the peaceful transformation of our world, and we indeed chose to take action and use our highest capabilities to imagine a better way forward.

Ready, set, CHARGE! Back when Electric Vehicle public chargers were just coming out in California, World Team Now helped the City of Malibu lead the EV charge. Screen the premiere of the edited footage of our “CHARGE”:

Jumping into the future we wish to look back and label 2015, as a year of “global transformation” –where our media platform; “World Team” became a tool to give all people the freedom and ability to play in the peaceful transformation of our world.  World Team Now’s mission, vision and goals were better fulfilled. Beyond the division of language and culture all people began to see the possibility of our World Team project.

In 2015 we teamed up to support our partner organizations and campaigns, in the environmental movement focusing on #Action2015, and honoring the clock’s time here on earth sounding, TckTckTck, the science behind 350.org made sense, and through Avaaz, our voices sung in harmony reaching more people, as we all teamed up for stewardship of our planet. A year everybody embraced change— to live in better balance with our resources.

2015 was a year world leaders reached an agreement to take action with global policy, better serving our environment with respect for nature, and humanity. Pope Francis’s Environmental Encyclical connecting faith and science helped  to move all people to better understanding and into climate action.

2015 events built the foundation for change in our structures; with actual buildings in “Getting to Zero”- National Forum, and uniting the nations in, Paris France at UNFCCC’s COP21 for climate action, resulting in global policy, that did justice to our planet’s situation.

Projects like Planet Solar, and the all solar airplane; Solar Impulse 2 succeeded in the around their world flight; and these projects also inspired many about the possibilities of renewable energy, like solar in 2015.  The 10 Island Challenge, moved vulnerable island nations as examples of being powerfully responsible flexible and adaptive.  All of this inspired us to take responsibility and really consider the triple bottom line— people and planet, along with profit.

2015 was a year we made a different choice as to what industries received subsidies, cut industries and projects that didn’t serve the collective stewardship of all people and for our world’s sustainability. Instead we chose to prioritized our collective resources for renewable energy. We were indeed “happy” inside ourselves, and our outer world reflected this happiness within ALL.

We imagined a better path forward in 2015, took action, and it became our reality. Are you willing to imagine, act, and team-up to make this possibility real?

May we all charge forward to live with love and stewardship for all species and our planet! We can imagine better possibilities of ways to live! Let’s team up for change in 2015 and realize our dreams!

As we look back at the year prior, and imagine the possibilities for the year 2015, we can let it inform us now.  We wish you a wonderful year that is prosperous, healthy, and where love lives present.

Spotlight on Renewable Energy U.N.’s IPCC Report

The spotlight is on renewable energy as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases a new breakthrough report that moves us closer to World Team’s vision for our future.  This report supports this unprecedented era with our earth and energy for transformation. The report on renewable energy announced in Abu Dhabi by the UN supported IPCC shows that a rapid transition is already underway as renewable energy technologies grow quickly.  It solidifies that renewable energy has enormous potential and still remains largely untapped.

World Team Now is about renewable energy demonstration projects around the world by global teams.  We plan to demonstrate how renewable energy can meet 100% of the world’s energy needs.  Our goal is to demonstrate the rapid transition from unsustainable sources of energy such as; coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear to these ideal renewable energy sources gifted to us:

World Team Now focuses on how these specific renewable energies sources can “team up” together to supply 100% of our energy needs with projects like solar desalinization, electric vehicle charging from renewable energy sources and net metering.

–       According to the IPCC report, renewable energy capacity grew in 2009 despite global financial challenges: wind by over 30%, hydropower by 3%; grid-connected photovoltaics by over 50%, geothermal by 4%, solar water/heating by over 20%, and ethanol and biodiesel by 10% and 9% respectively.

The electricity produced from these renewable energy sources combined with the transformation of building and transportation sectors, the storage and transmission of energy, and the emergent smart grid hold the key.

Click here to read the full story…

We want to rally to encourage all leaders in a position of influence to support renewable energy policy, and to read the IPCC member countries report’s Summary for Policymakers that shows what can be done and how to do it effectively, and inspires immediate action for the low-carbon transition. The report includes over 160 scenarios on six renewable energy technologies reviewed by global team of technological experts and scientists who underline the significant future role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and powering sustainable development.

We can solve the climate change crisis and have our economies grow simultaneously. Reminder of the “eco” or ecology and economy, Germany, Denmark, China, Brazil are the new leaders with thriving, vibrant economies geared up for the future. Projected investments in renewables are expected to create at least 20 million jobs in the sector – more than today’s fossil fuel industry.

The volume of newly installed renewable energy capacity in 2010 was almost the same as old-energy – the tipping point is predicted within a couple of years. 2010 was also the second year in a row where investment in renewables outstripped those going to new fossil fuel plants. This is not a specialist niche market – renewables are where the future lies, and the opportunities for growth and innovation are there now.

Private investors and businesses are going green. Major fund managers are diverting vast amounts of capital to projects in countries where governments are showing clean energy and climate leadership. The leaders in the clean energy race all have one thing in common: strong national policies. There is huge opportunity at this time, and with global policy frameworks, we do have the changes to transform our world.

We especially want to acknowledge the work of World Wildlife Foundation with their report that also reaches for 100% renewables like World Team Now, and the Energy [R]evolution campaign from Green Peace with their video and their work with the IPCC.  Our mission at World Team Now is to use teamwork to help build the environmental movement and each of the partners in the Tck, Tck, Tck campaign hold a key to our future.  We honor how each organization from different parts of the world can make the concept of a “World Team” work. The IPCC report confirms the fact that with infrastructure, technology, and policy we can re-invent our world.

Season for Change- Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

Seasons for Change

Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office

During seasons of change ushered in by catastrophic events the song made for  World Team,  gives hope.  World Team Now took action and approached the US government with a coalition to support energy policy.

Silence, contemplation and inner retreat has helped to reflect on the past seasons of catastrophic events; first with the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill and again this year with the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s radiation (here is a visual story);

The metaphor of Groundhog Day, with the concept of “seeing the shadow” as how it relates to the coming of the Spring season, and it’s cycle of renewal, an opportunity for new growth! Dedicated to the environmental and social issues–to raise consciousness through the World Team project, these events are unfathomable to comprehend especially as our World Team concept began in Japan.  Appreciation of our clean air, water and earth’s precious resources is key along with food, shelter, sleep and love.  Prayers go out to our friends and extended family in Japan and in the Ivory Coast that are challenged now.

The situation now at  Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is best understood from a broad perspective and a scientific one, so please click on the below links to keep up to date with the radiation, and for concerns about the nuclear catastrophe.  The Agencies list the facts of the situation, and are worth to check on daily.  The Media Coverage listed are the news outlets that are intelligently and consistently publishing solid stories. The Articles are one’s we have read and found to be of significant value.  The Blogs we selected are credible scientific sources that post accurate information before the traditional media outlets can, because they are the experts.  Traditional media coverage is slower with presenting the news, because they need to check and validate the facts with experts.

International Atomic Energy Ageency (IAEA)
All Things Nuclear Archive of Events
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

Media Coverage:
NHKNYTimesKyodonews,  CNN, and NPR

Status of the Nuclear Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
Energy Secretary Chu Says Reactor Core is Damaged
Do you live In A Nuclear Danger Zone?
Fukushima vs. Three Mile Island vs. Chernobyl
Preventing the Next Nuclear Meltdown
Dangers of Radiation for Workers at Fukushima Daiichi
Radiation Threatened Japan Accuses Fukushima of Information Void
In the Event of A Nuclear Meltdown, Well, Go West?
Japan Extended Reactors Life Despite Warning
Nuclear Watchdog Report Highlights: US Near Misses
Japan Disaster Puts Spotlight on 4 Decade Old Excelon Nuclear Power Plant
Renewables or Nuclear: Maybe we Do Have to Choose?
Nuclear Industry Shielded From Big Disaster Costs
Preventing Nuclear Meltdown:Assessing Regulatory Failure in Japan and USA


The known 5 stages of grieving in the process of loss are valuable to understand as they help to shed light towards catastrophe and death. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross applies below to any form of catastrophic loss (job, income, freedom), as well many tragedies and disasters. The stages, known in its abbreviated form DABDA, include:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Dr.  Ernest Sternglass changed my understanding of the power of nuclear energy in an interview I did with him more than 15 years ago about the cumulative effects of low level radiation.  He was is brilliant man who shared about his meeting with Albert Einstein.  He explained that Albert was near the end of his life about the same age difference as between Sternglass and I.  Sternglass described Einstein as a” broken man” who was guilt ridden with the effect of his contribution to science that helped usher in the nuclear error (or era).

The prayer offered by Dr. Masaru Emoto has a powerful intent to change  the property of the radioactive water, see below for his suggested words.  Try praying it in a way that communicates truth and pure intent for you;

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer.  Please forgive us.  We thank you, and we love you.”

If his goals are realized healing an awakening would occur for Japan waters and our sea that connects all of us  around the world.  What is there to loose with prayer? Only if it works, globally we would have to re-shape and change our perception of consciousness to see the power of both science and prayer.

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