Tag: #WorldTeamNow (Page 3 of 5)

In Fiji, Earth Day is Everyday!

Photo courtesy of Dive4Life Fiji

In Fiji living close to nature, in and with the ocean – Earth Day is truly every day.  Living in wonder with each breath, I am perpetually amazed at witnessing the natural systems and experiencing island life, as we begin to build the World Team project. Under the ocean is a majestic world that amazes and captivates with each breath. Floating on the surface, a meditative ritual, that allows contemplation of the sea life teeming below the surface. To remember we have one common home – this Planet Earth and make our own conscious choices of how to use our resources of T.ime, E.nergy A.ction and M.oney (TEAM).

Dive4Life Pool Padi Scuba Diving Instruction Koro Sun Savusavu, Fiji

Even in “paradise”, I am reminded when I see plastic along the shore on an uninhabited island that each person’s choice, wherever we are in the world, matters. Each action counts. Are you willing to get involved? We are building a TEAM, it is growing but we need you, and that special something you only have.   We will show how each person’s gifts are unique and as we build the framework of TEAM, remember each of our lives can touch and move others, as the Earth moves us all. As the environmental community gathers for Earth Day in the USA and EarthX Texas, we all would like to be in several places at once, but virtually, we can be.  Happy Earth Day!  

Savasi Island Fiji Photo by Suzanne Maxx


The Climate Movement’s Moment ©

By Suzanne Maxx


Outside COP21 with the flags of the United Nations.

LE BOURGET, FRANCE.   Fortunately here at COP21 there is no longer the question of if climate change is happening, check out this slide show.  It now is a question of how quickly we all can act to meet the challenge, and when we will have strong global policy. COP21 was supposed to end yesterday, but true to the history and form of the complexity of these agreements, it is still in process.


Photo of Suzanne Maxx by Albert Boulanger for World Team Now at Climate Generations Area

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) holds annual meetings of the delegates Conference of the Parties (COP) and each year it grows older, left without a process to manage the world’s actions, climate change’s impact on our world increases.  COP has come of age at 21 here in Paris, now it is truly like a 21 year old— legal but not yet quite responsible— perhaps an appropriate metaphor for the upcoming results of the much-anticipated Paris Convention/Accord.

The bottom-up approach to each country choosing what they are capable of contributing seems to be working with the “Intended Nationally Determined Contributions” (INDCs) all countries submissions are public here. COP21 had a jump start, and with the delivery of so many INDCs, COP21 was set on a fast track to global transformation, which lit the fire of possibility to “dream the impossible dream.”

On the opening day of the COP21 when the family photo of world leaders was taken, and Mission Innovation was announced, all eyes saw the possibility of transformational global policy. Clean Energy Innovation R & D will be doubled by 20 major economies with the help of the private sector.  Billionaire Bill Gates at the helm of an impressive Breakthrough Energy Coalition that reads like a “who’s who” of game changers helps Mission Innovation.With so many world leaders in Paris for the beginning of

With so many world leaders in Paris for the beginning of COP21 the stage of this conference was set to change the game. In 2015, there were multiple preparatory conferences all producing a draft of the policy. The regular meetings increased the chance that all could agree here in Paris, and we would have global environmental policy.  Historically, the leaders would arrive at the end of the COPs after a few weeks where their representatives would try to negotiate a deal.  This year’s COP was different, not just because all world leaders agreed to come at the beginning of the COP, having worked out what they are able to contribute on their own, but were standing for the success of finally attaining climate policy. To have these world leaders in the same place after the vulnerable attacks here in Paris demonstrates a commitment to the statement: “There is no darkness that can overcome the light.”

Photo Credit: Photo by Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Spectra

A Message of Freedom and 100% Renewable Energy from Paris. Eiffel Tower Peace Symbol © Yann Arthus-Bertrand  / Spectral Q

The people, NGOs, and corporations also set up a powerful approaches to action, including a massive march planned for the Global Climate Movement. However, many Paris events were canceled, including the climate marches after the terrorist attacks, and subsequent state of emergency.  Fortunately, the Global Climate Movement adapted with action around the world. We used our bodies as a font in the Eiffel Tower aerial art piece,  that 300  of us or so took part in, led by artist John Quigley and Dancing without Boarders,  This event miraculously prevailed and has become the iconic image of COP21, gracing the cover of many  publications. Other powerful events in Paris for this COP21 time frame were pulled off successfully augmenting the action over at Le Bourget’s COP21 conferences like “Earth to Paris,” and the “Energy for Tomorrow Conference’’ hosted by the International New York Times.  The Green Zone public “Climate Generation Area” allowed all people to be involved in the action, and there were some solid panels like “Energy Matters,” sponsored by the International Energy Agency.

Global Emissions Target of 1.5 degrees Celsius is what’s needed by at least 2020— it was needed yesterday — so ideally with a pre-2020 five year review and calibration. The target date may end up being 2050; this is one of the points of conflict in the negotiation.  Will this be a realistic target that sets us on a trajectory that honors what we know to be true about climate change, and how it affects not only human health, but also the balance of all species on earth? The other sensitive point is: when will the energy transition occur?  We would like to see 100% renewable energy by at least 2050. A firm date of when to phase out of fossil fuel is at the root of this controversial debate.  The majority of countries now agree that 100% cut of fossil fuel will happen, but by when— is the question.

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Courtesy of Climate Generations Area COP21

The forests and oceans breathe for our planet— they are more than our lungs.  Together they are teeming with the bio-diversity— the flora, fauna, and all necessary for our human species. survival.  We are waiting for the text of the final document to have language about the commitment to zero de-forestation globally.  Our oceans need protection from acidification, and warming temperatures—this is imperative to take into account, and have specific measurable results in mind, along with global emission targets.  We need to have goals for our oceans, islands, and responsibly embrace policy that is accountable for not only our air, but also the land, waters, and people. Global policy that allows all people to belong to the earth is needed, especially when whole nations, island states like Tuvalu are being annihilated by our collective use of resources. Justice is needed to balance the poor Small Islands and Least Developed Countries who are most affected by the results of climate change, with richer nations sourcing the problem.

Fossil Fuel subsidies are going to be phased out globally— much to both the dismay and celebration of many people and industries.  Why subsidize the most profitable global industry anyway?  Old paradigms can be hard for some to let go, yet our future depends on embracing this renewable energy transition, and also how fast we can move on a large scale. More than a trillion dollars a year— just think of how quickly we could change the energy game with those same subsidies going to renewable energy or into the Green Climate Fund. The 100 billion annual contribution to the Green Climate Fund would become a reality.

Naturally, it will be better to have an ambitious framework with a big enough vision for growth and change.  There needs to be checks and balances in place — most likely discussed in more detail next year at Morocco COP22.  An independent agency will need to be formed organically to both check and enforce agreed upon targets, much like the International Atomic Energy Agency reports to the Security Council.

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Wind energy captured by these faux trees –outside COP21 Paris–sustainable device for biodiversity

The long term key will be the enforceable, critical language added, and systems put in place to realize the outcome of the global goals. It will take time to work out the logistics of how we live into these objectives collectively.  That is why this is a convention with the goals to have a framework to build out over time, so it reflects the truth of what we are collectively committed to achieving. Transparent, enforceable global policy with mechanisms, systems, and a structure that we all— all nations and all people— can live into after COP21.  This will take more time than allotted at COP21— that is why this is a process.  This process can direct global markets, as well as steer the re-prioritization of our collective values— this is where change can take root. Here is a copy of the yesterday’s draft doc, and some of the key sticking points . It may take years to realize the “how,” but at this point, what is important is that we agree to common global goals and objectives that will set us in a direction to live into our future.


By Suzanne Maxx



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Living love in each breath today as a few thousand of us gathered in Central Park, New York to share YokoOno’s vision of an aerial art piece;  “Imagine Peace”.  It was a glorious day that was packed full of fun.  Our bodies were the font of the peace sign in honor of John Lennon’s 75th Birthday coming up on Friday, October 9th.

A few of us from our World Team project basked in the aligned vision of possibility for humanity living peacefully with all of creation, visualizing, singing; “and the world will live as one”.  We have just begun to live this into reality with our World Team  http://www.worldteam.tv , I keep saying ‘it feels like we are being towed into a tidal wave’.

School children’s exuberating voices, and a festive scene inspired the next generation to live into the words of the song “Imagine”.  Laughter, cartwheels, and all singing along with more enthusiasm I have ever heard in unison from a prayer, makes one’s soul sing. Appreciate the works of LennonBus,org bringing the gift of music to youth.

This sound was a welcomed break from the serious discussions and issues facing our world now and last week at the U.N., with the Sustainable Development Goals, REV New York, and Climate Week. Sunglasses and T shirts thankfully replaced suits.  Youth now stood in the place of seated leaders with country placards- who were paving the way for the COP21 in Paris, where we are all hoping we have a significant global agreement later this year.  These children here are the next generation, our future leaders, and their joy is contagious.  The smiles, harmony and cooperation of all, ignite a spark of hope.best kids 20151006_124111

The sunshine, on this glorious warm fall day, left hearts open, as did the Beatles and all of John Lennon’s songs plus radio broadcast 104.3 live. We appreciate the love that transcends time that Yoko Ono holds, and augments through her art. Yoko said, “Imagine a dolphin dancing in the sky. Let it dance with joy. Think of yourself at the bottom of the ocean watching.”  Us Sarah Lawrence alumni are rare indeed, with the degree comes an  inspiration to make our lives a work of living art– a constant creative education.  I am thankful to share an Alma Mater with Yoko Ono, thankful she envisioned this event—but the “Guinness World Record”—loss was predictable, as it is not exactly aligned with the spirit of a love that can be measured— is ineffable, immeasurable, and eternal…angel20151006_125625

What a fabulous day!


Breaking Global Climate Action

by Suzanne Maxx

The movement for global transformation, is building around the world.  Everyone is needed— as it’s our common future, in our one common home, so we all are being called to take action.

Join  an aerial art piece in Washington DC 4:00-6:00 AM, meeting at  7th and Jefferson.  This human font Aerial Art masterpiece will be created by artist John Quigley of Spectral Q and is sponsored by the Franciscan Action Network, with Earth Day on the Mall— as Pope Francis addresses the US Congress at 10:00 AM you can watch the speech with a transcript  here. A schedule of the pope’s visit to the US is here.

NYC Barbara's roof top sunset20150923_193258We’ll be  in New York to “Light the Way”, “Under One Sky” in the evening across the street from the United Nations at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza 47th and 1st Avenue 4:30-5:30 a multi-faith Festival of Prayer and Music. You can participate wherever you are in the world tomorrow check to see if there is an event near you here.

Wherever you are you can watch New York’s leading conference, Reforming the Energy Vision, live. Tune in Thursday September 24 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET. Click here to see the live panel presentations.World Team Now’s renewable energy microgrid continues, but that is for another blog.  Here is a valuable article Power to the People

UN 2014 edit 20140922_132518Tomorrow, the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), has the Sustainability Summit through September 25th, you can watch it all on UN.TV here live.  We are optimistic that all world leaders will sign on to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals.  The deadline if adopted will be 2030, and although we need it to happen sooner, the first step is to tell everybody about the goals—spread the word to 7 billion in 7 days is the 1st goal.

Watch this fabulous video

Learn more about the 17 goals we like this video here.

Click for Global Goals herewww.globalgoals.org

See what Steven Hawkins has to say about the Global Goals here:


Global transformation does take everyone… So we need you. The Global Goals are something we all can get behind as a critical “to do list” to sustain our future.  What is your favorite goal?

Join the Global Citizens’ Festival and Concert: Great Lawn, Central Park, NYC Saturday the 26th https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/festival/2015/

It certainly helps that a team of individuals each with a big following are taking action, augmenting the efforts of the United Nations. Bill McGibben leader of the divest from fossil fuel movement and invest in renewable energy has specific measurable results to date over 2.6 trillion dollars of victory.  Leonardo Di Caprio made the news when he divested his organizations funds yesterday celebrity power in the movement helps, but what will change the game is all of us together. Although creative master minds like Richard Curtis can orchestrate global game changing efforts on many fronts.

What we are creating is a global conversation through a multi-media platform that connects people, projects and the world.  What we’re building a consciousness about change.  And we can do that by showcasing socially and environmentally responsible projects that demonstrate how people can work together and play to transform the world.

UN takes on “Climate Neutrality” check out what you can do right now in your home or business to offset; Check out this resourceful website Climate Neutral Now.  For more read the Press Release

IRENA puts out Global Atlas for renewable energy in your pocket, real time planning for solar, wind, geothermal, tidal and more!  We are so eager to test this one out with World Team. They have launched a contest;

Participation is easy.

  1. Download the Global Atlas pocket app (from Google play, Blackberry world, ITunes, Windows Phone stores)
  2. Open the app, navigate to the Main Menu search
  3. Add a layer of a renewable energy technology of your choice
  4. Share the map on Twitter
  5. Hashtag your country or region, the energy source, and add to the existing text in the share window. (Example: Mapping renewable energy potential around the world through @IRENA’s #GlobalAtlas #solar #mycountry

If you are in NYC this is Climate Week, check out the events here.

Here are some great articles, campaigns, events and related links we aggregated:

If you are wondering about the seriousness of the climate situation, and the timing of action– here is another article Why Waterworld Will Exist

On the Defense:  One way to change up the game; Youth under the age of 21 sue the state and federal governments for not taking action on Climate Change read more here;

For John Lennon’s Birthday in October; Yoko Ono is hosting one of the largest aerial art pieces in history.”Imagine Peace: GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® attempt Largest human peace sign”.  See you there? RSVP

 Want to go to COP21? Win a Trip to Paris?  Read more about  how your musical gift can get you there!

Remember World Team is Casting— read more here 

World Team’s Universal Declaration

by Suzanne Maxx

Our World Team project’s Universal Declaration are words shared for everyone on this International Peace Day!

WT Declaration Color Page2

The Universal Declaration is for both our World Team media platform (now casting), and our Non-profit World Team Now;

The 70th Session on the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is underway. Great speeches that also touched on the 7oth Anniversary of the Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombs–calling for nuclear disarmament.  If you missed the UNGA live than you can watch some great speeches from Dr. Jane Goodall, Michael Douglas, Herbie Hancock, and many others here; watch now.


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