Join World Team Now for Earth Day, and find something just for you. Around the World Team Project Earth Day is every day. It is a constant process to re-evaluate giving of your T.ime, Energy, A.ction, and M.oney- to live in better balance with our resources.
“Energy” being a conscious life force of wellness in mind, body, and spirit. The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. “Energy” in our world meaning; available power– how we actually power our way of living in this electronic age. The “cradle to cradle” use of physical form is a path of consciousness.
There are global and local events happening focused around this time which has expanded from an Earth Day to an Earth month…Here are some things that are happening now:
At The City of Malibu, today right NOW hosts a “Mega Re-cycling Event”
World Team Now is teaming up for a local event in Malibu tomorrow;
In New York on Sunday the 21st, there will be a live panel discussion with climate scientist Dr. James Hansen, founder Bill McKibben and student activists Jacklyn Gil and Sophie Lasoff. The panel will be live-streamed to the hundreds of other screenings around the country, and with the goal to pack the house.

Here are some more New York Earth Day events we think you might enjoy! Add your picture to “The Face of Climate Change“.
Check out a one of EPA’s podcast’s here to take action on-line action. Or if you just feel like staying home and to watch a “little” of the big picture consider Go 100% Renewable’s International Conference.
You can find an Earth Day event anywhere in the world here!
Let’s make Earth Day, Every Day!
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