Tag: Energy (Page 1 of 2)

Fukushima’s Radiation-3 Months & Still Counting

"Solar Impulse" Soaring Innovation with Renewable Energy

If you continue to read about the dark reality of the situation of Fukushima, at least make it to the end of the post to focus on something positive, that gives hope, like the solar airplane; Solar Impulse in flight.  Who would have ever thought it was possible?

Fukushima still continues to spew radiation; this is projected to be ongoing for at least another year before the water temperatures drop below boiling since it is now confirmed that at three of the reactors had “meltdowns”. More about the situation continues to be revealed. TEPCO has re-calculated the amount of initial radiation released in the first week of Fukushima.  As a result there is serious concern about the effect of “Hot particles,” also known as “Fuel fleas” to human health. Hot particles when ingested through food we eat, breathed in, or drank through water/milk, or on skin; cause cancer. Watch Fairwinds Arnie Gunderson’s video on “Hot Particles” to better understand what hot particles are, and how they may affect us. Click here to see the interview by CNN’s John King about the re-calculation of radiation released.   Parents are concerned the amount of radiation their children are receiving as far away as Tokyo. Evidence of the Fukushima radiation (which may include hot particles) is found predominantly throughout Japan, but also around the world including Hawaii, along the West Coast  in 13 cities in the USA, and  Ireland.

Remains of building #4 reactor and radioactive storage pool that holds spent nuclear fuel photo released by TEPCO

There is the question of the #4 fuel pool’s storage instability, this is a critical situation with the looming threat of the pool’s structural integrity in addition to keeping the rods from overheating without a cooling system. Work was done to re-enforce the troubled fuel pool which is elevated several floors above the ground level in what remains of the building (see video from a month ago).  Plutonium discovered outside Fukushima does not ease the severity of the situation. The radiation from Fukushima continues to stream at high levels into the air, water, and earth.  Disposal of radioactive water will continue to be an issue, and radioactive sewage is now a reality too. Not only are the lungs of people in danger but also radiation is affecting the lungs of our planet flora and fauna.

It is out of the ordinary in the Japanese culture to protest, but this past weekend was the three months from the date it all began, March 11th and people had enough, so they took to the streets in protest of nuclear power. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-I3Sz49j0U&feature=player_detailpage]Fukushima protests have gone as far as Germany too.   People shouted “Fukushima Warned”—pull the plug on all nuclear power plants,” and they also yelled “Fukushima, Chernobyl, too much is too much!”  German’s protests where the largest anti-nuclear protest in history with tens of thousands of people. Riot control is now in force for the upcoming annual TEPCO board meeting, June 28th .

TEPCO’s situation remains a challenge (see daily status). Fukushima did not happen without warning.  Japan’s rolling blackouts does affect the economy. Decisions made during the crisis created suspicion and mistrust within the Japanese Government itself and between the USA and Japan and remains precarious on all fronts. Adult suicide rates have grown and nearby school children will begin to wear a dosimeter at all times to accurately measure the amount of radiation they receive. Dosimeters will be for children 4-15 yrs. old and under 3yrs. at the parents’ request to help measure monthly radiation exposure.  But the program will not begin until September, and cannot measure hot particles ingested.

It has been suggested that Fukushima be a repository for nuclear waste, even though it is on the “ring of fire”—a study is being done now to consider making this site a permanent graveyard a nuclear repository.

Governments from 30 nuclear countries called for stress tests after Fukushima and international nuclear policy is being discussed. Japan admits to being unprepared for a nuclear disaster even though they were warned—whether that is even possible to prepare for a nuclear disaster, when there is so many potentially fatal factors, is now being rightfully questioned.  Many countries are willing to learn from Japan’s experience as people all around the world are standing up to their governments and saying “no more nukes”.  Italy’s funny and creative video campaign “Freedom of Choice” brought people out to vote on nuclear power. Italy now joins Switzerland, Germany, and voted in a referendum on Monday against the use of nuclear power.

As nuclear power becomes less of an option it affects the controversial uranium minihttp://resourcetelevision.tumblr.com/post/6249855066/remember-fukushima-3-months-ago-a-disaster-likeng in Australia and the USA’s Grand Canyon where companies have applied for a license to begin mining, as well as in other parts of the world where uranium mining exists now.

France who has been the global leader in nuclear energy is now being pressured by the people to reconsider this source of energy too. The big question remains with USA and China, as both continue to hold up the issues of global importance now, as they are doing in Bonn, Germany on the road to Rio+20.

Right now, in the USA,  the decision to extend a nuclear power plant’s license lives at the Federal Government level and each state government, like it or not, now has to accept the federal decision made on their behalf—but that may soon change. State vs. federal is going at it, for example, in Vermont and Massachusetts where they have started to fight this battle in court to take back their power. As a result, Vermont Yankee may have their recent nuclear plant operation renewal revoked, as it is highly controversial that it was even extended.   It is one of the oldest reactors and has the same reactor model as Fukushima, and has been cited for safety failures numerous times. The operating company, Entergy (a large contributor to President Obama’s campaign), is now in a lawsuit with the state of Vermont; this may get more interesting. Massachusetts is filling suit too, and brings to question whether California and New York will take action next and what the USA & China will do regarding this so-called “nuclear renaissance”. There is concern that no entity will be able to prepare for the terrorist threat involving nuclear plants .

We need an international framework and policy structured for nuclear as well as other environmental catastrophes, and mechanisms to approach them when they affect the entire world. This is idealistic but in times like this, we need a little idealism.

Embracing the reality of this entire nuclear situation is not easy.   A reminder to consider the bigger perspective—read “Energy and the Future of our Earth” here.

"Liquid Solar Robot" on mission to collect data

Let’s focus on hope by trying to find something positive like this new helpful technology “Liquid Robots” that may help monitor the oceans’ with their solar powered ocean robots that could accurately measure contaminates.  Or remember the Solar Eagle aerial art we made last year as to raise awareness of the U.N. Climate Conference in Cancun.  Let’s think about the Solar Impulse that actually took flight again and landed yesterday in Paris! World Team Now is focused on renewable energy,  and finding  innovative solutions. It takes a team and we need all the help we can get, so please join us!  We appreciate the support and welcome your comments.

Time for Global Climate Action

We may end up with a Climate Event in every country in the world, by Global Climate Action Day, this Saturday the 24th of October, thanks to the team work, lead by Bill Mc Gibbens and 350.org. Our participation at World Team Now started local this year, with events on both coasts in our home communities — New York, and California.

World Team Now (WTN)has teamed up with others to make our happen 3,5, & 0 happen: 350.org, SpectralQ, Unite Now, Central Park Dance Skaters Association (CPDSA), Crazy Legs, The Salvation Army in Brooklyn, and Our Lady of Malibu School. It’s exciting to align with people from all over the world demonstrating their passion for our future.

Posted on 350’s website is one extraordinary event after another.


Bill Mc Gibbens and Suzanne Maxx

Bill McKibben & WTN's Founder Suzanne Maxx

Bill McKibben 350’s founder says, “It is the single most widespread day of political action that the earth has ever seen.” Here are some highlights from around the world:

  • A Global 350 Mosaic: Organizers in Sydney and Beijing are forming giant human 3’s, while activists in London and Delhi make huge 5’s, and citizens in Copenhagen and Quito form enormous 0’s, together making a global 350, a symbol of the need for all of us to work together.
  • In Kenya, 350 Maasai children will perform a jumping dance, highlighting that for their pastoral lifestyle, climate change is already underfoot.
  • Across China, over 200 events are planned at iconic locations like wind-turbine farms, coastal cities, and at melting glaciers.

If you don’t want to see for yourself now, Saturday afternoon you will be able to view on a gigantic screen in Times Square and broadcast around the world. Like the Ball dropping to begin the New Year, this time the world will begin to count down the day to U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen (COP15) and hopefully we all will be reminded we have to really pay attention to time, and living in balance with our environment.

Here is a sneak preview of one of our images we shot in Central Park last Saturday 17th “Rollin the “O”  .

Rolllin the O

Skaters for World Team Now in Central Park New York, USA

One image from this shoot with photographer Fred George will be put in a montage made by SpectralQ. Normally we have several hundred people there for the skate circle in the park and we were happy that there were a few that came out  to skate, despite what NYC skaters consider to be bad weather.  This was our first Aerial art piece and made us really appreciate artists like John Quigley of Spectral Q.  Skaters’ love to inspire others to get rolling, so we had fun out there! But we wanted to continue with our aerial art attempt on skates so we did an impromptu piece  at the Salvation Army in Brooklyn, NY.


Skaters for World Team Now at the Salvation Army in Brooklyn, NY after Crazy Legs “O”

Tomorrow World Team Now and Our Lady of Malibu School are joining together for an Aerial Art Piece lead by Spectral Q.  Students will make the 350, and it coincidences with two other events.  They will be wearing red because it is the “Just say NO to drugs week” as well.  Also two years ago during the Malibu fires, our Lady of Malibu School’s computer building had burnt down and tomorrow is also the launch of the new computer room opening.  When we pitched the idea to Our Lady of Malibu School’s principal Edie O’Brien, with our Solar Roof project at the Sunset Restaurant, we had the idea to start a Solar Roof Campaign for the school and Mrs. O’Brien loved it.  World Team Now is making the first donation for the Solar Roof Campaign at our Lady of Malibu School.

And if you haven’t found an event to join yet, you can find one here,

Or  hopefully by seeing some of our ideas you will be inspired to create your own event, it’s not too late.  No 350 is too small.

A global campaign of action based on sound scientific evidence is something that is all inclusive, so let’s join!

It takes a team!

350 Climate Policy Rollin’ Forward

By Suzanne Maxx ©


CPDSA and World Team Now will team up to organize a human zero,  “O”,  made up of in-line and roller skaters in New York City’s Central Park.  Saturday, the 17th from 4:00-5:00 we plan to be part of a global action for the upcoming U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December, and to make a zero, “O” on skates, to get back to 350 CO2 emissions levels.  We will be on wheels, that are a “clean” form of transportation.  It will be shot from above, and when we start moving, rolling along, it will symbolize the movement we need to have with world leaders to ratify an international Climate Treaty, and for the Energy Bill stuck in the Senate. CPDSA and World Team Now will team up with 350.org, Spectral Q., for a human montage to post on Unite Now part of the global Climate Action Day-October 24th .

Our “movement” will symbolize the environmental movement and demonstrate the importance of the Energy Bill moving through the USA Congress, and encourage world leaders attending the upcoming international COP15 UN conference to move to create a global Climate treaty. We will team up to make the “O” for SpectralQ’s 350 human montage, .  The other 3 and the 5 will be made in cities like Copenhagen and Kyoto.  Scientists say that 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere is the safe limit for humanity. Skating is a zero emissions form of transportation, we are more than a stand, we are a movement, for net zero buildings,  Zero emissions, for meeting the 350 emissions target, plus national international Climate Action, and for a World Team Now.


3347453775_d45f9301a8_o (1)

Copenhagen”Off Sets” –The Big Picture Game

Courtesy of NASA

Courtesy of NASA

Copenhagen Cont’d. 

Think Global: Act Local Act for ALL

by Suzanne Maxx

We put the countdown to Copenhagen’s Climate Conference up on World Team Now’s website with exactly how much time we have left, because of the mounting pressure to have some specific measurable results in Copenhagen (UNFCCC).  The importance of raising awareness about this critical global treaty for our world is palpable — especially now before the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012 as per the road map created in Bali, approved by the 2007 UN Climate Change Conference.  There are several events designed to increase the chances of Copenhagen’s success from the UN’s framework; one announced at G20 by President Obama.  The USA will host a “Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate” in a preparatory session with 16 major economies, April 27th & 28th in Washington DC. to help facilitate a U.N. agreement on global warming according to The White House, inviting both “developed” and “developing” counties. The U. N. scheduled events leading up to Copenhagen, the first round was March 29th –April 8th, the others are June 1st-12th and then August 10th-14th all of these in Bonn, Germany; September 28th-October 9th in Bangkok and last November 2nd-6th with the location to be confirmed.  In addition to these events Media Mogul turned Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi will host a conference in La Maddalena, Italy in July, riding G8. These events intend to strengthen communications, and step up points of agreement such as deforestation and clear-cutting of tropical rainforests, global levels we can cut carbon emissions that will at least create sustainability, a deadline date, and a plan for enforceability, all so the Summit in Copenhagen we will end up with a global treaty with targets that are reasonable.  So far the areas of agreement are around clear-cutting our trees and rainforests, the precious lungs of our planet — the logging and burning of which accounts for a fifth of CO2 pollution. When I flew over these sites of deforestation I wept with the pain of bearing witness to a massacre.

There is a need for a leadership position here amongst all the countries that are members of the UN that demand “the lead by example” model of accountability. With the help of some behind the scenes experts and people who have spend years in the financial world designing a market made of “carbon offsets”, or the cost of pollution, like the UK & USA team, Blood and Gore-they have a first movers advantage as does the USA now with “green” opportunity.  I am not sure if China’s push for a global currency reserve should be dismissed easily. This is one of the first times in my life since beginning World Team in 1989, which I have not been embarrassed about being born in the United States, since embarking on this mission.  Obama’s stand for change shows he is willing to pick up where Gore left off with regards to the environment, and to carve out an action plan by 2012 on the premise of the Carbon offset game that would auction the U.S.’ emission trading credits and cut back to 1990 emission levels by 2020. The Dec 7-18 conference will map out what is next for the future with an emission reduction plan, and hopefully spell out a game of carbon credits, wherein the caps-and-trade are offsets and will become a global market with commodities that will re-value and transform our monetary system, but with new legislation, if all goes according to plan.

In time for the events that happened in Bonn this March and perhaps going by the “big picture” plan, Chairman Henry A. Waxman of the Energy and Commerce Committee and Chairman Edward J. Markey of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee drafted clean energy legislation for the USA. The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES) is a comprehensive approach to America’s energy policy that charts a new course towards a clean energy economy.  According to Waxman, “The American Clean Energy and Security Act” will create millions of new clean energy jobs, save consumers hundreds of billions of dollars in energy costs, enhance America’s energy independence, and cut global warming pollution and for more detailed information visit the Committee on Energy and Commerce’s site,

The stakes are high, it is our future and if you still don’t believe all the scientists who have proven that our planet is warming by human activities, NASA‘s look and this new report from the National Snow and Ice Data Center shows the decade-long trend of shrinking sea ice cover is continuing at a surprisingly fast rate. New evidence from satellite observations shows ice caps thinning as well. Researchers from the Snow and Ice Center report the largest cover this winter was 278-thousand square miles less than the average largest cover for 1979 to 2000, making this winter’s maximum ice extent the fifth-lowest on record. They explain, “Arctic sea ice works like an air conditioner for the global climate system. It naturally cools air and water masses, plays a key role in ocean circulation, and reflects solar radiation back into space. Scientists believe ice cover to be an important measure of the health of the Arctic.  Look at the vanishing ice to bear witness to the change of our earth.

If you are wondering what you can do about all of this besides trying to understand it, join World Team Now, and allow the synergy of team to move us all into a responsible future, and join us in celebrating Earth Day,

Growing Up With EPA

By Suzanne Maxx

“To the hard working men and women of the EPA it is a new day, it’s a new day,” proclaimed Michelle Obama.  “The Obama EPA is on the job.  It’s a new day!” she exclaimed, “and the truth is we can’t wait one more minute with the recently signed Recovery Package”, and she continued to inspire with her speech.   The First Lady describes her first most important job as being a “Mom”.   I asked my Mom to watch this as she had worked at the EPA for many years and had left the federal government during another adminstration:


Video of Michelle Obama to EPA

She was moved to tears, and regained hope…  It is a relief to know that energy and the environment are being championed with bold new policies and decisions, and for the affirmation that science will be at the heart of environmental policy.

Michelle’s prioritization about the importance of the environment for this administration, left few dry eyes in the audience, now coming out from the dark into a bright light, and very eager to see. It is comforting to actually hear, “You have partners in the White House who believe and support you,” those words are powerful, coming from the First Lady and a Mom.

As a child growing up our normal dinner table conversations about PCB’s, super fund clean up sites, hazardous wastes, water contamination, aquifers, floods, hurriacanes, and other natural and man-made disasters were the side effects of two parents passionate about their work in public service for the then fledgling US Federal Government Agencies: The Environmental Protection Agency  (EPA), and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  They both met working together at the Army Corps of Engineers.  My Mom remained at EPA working as an environmental scientist for Region 2 in water supply for almost two decades.

Tom Maynard, my Step- Father worked at HUD as an urban planner, and the start-up, FEMA.  His presence is deeply missed now since is passing.   Tom served as a board member for World Team Now, our non-profit then named, Team World Corps.  His respected skills as an urban planner and in his later years as a private consultant, allowed him to win many government grants, and he had planned to attain grants for us.  He received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Colorado chapter of the American Planning Association posthumously.   With all the opportunities, and challenges World Team faces with our green building projects now, Tom is deeply missed.

This is the foundation our non-profit organization World Team Now is founded on, and I’m thankful for these two parents who I admire and respect for their choices respectively to serve the public, and my chance to grow up, and be exposed to this environment.



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