Tag: Radiation (Page 2 of 2)

Non-sense: the nuclear path

It’s impossible to engineer for  “Black Swans” *  from Fukushima we are reminded that the risk of nuclear energy is too great whether analyzed from a public health, safety, or security perspective. Obama’s budget proposal for 2011 would add $36 billion in new federal loan guarantees to $18.5 billion already budgeted but not spent – for a total of $54.5 billion. The new $8.3 billion in federal loan guarantees will go toward the construction and operation of a pair of reactors in Burke County, Ga., by the Southern Co. Federal loan guarantees are needed to spur construction of new reactors because of the huge expense. This puts the US taxpayer at risk given the industry’s record of cost overruns and loan defaults. The argument about the cost causes bi-partisan combustion, but regardless the cost conversation is mute and overridden by the underlying risk. World Team Now ‘s stand is that is time to pause to reflect upon and consider giving this kind of funding/subsidies and loan guarantees to the renewable energy sector instead. This could jump start tidal energy, and geothermal energy or build out an infrastructure for new transmission sources. Keep in mind the fission spectrum from radiation released in a nuclear power plant has a longer life than the radiation release from a nuclear bomb.  It would be wise to re-examine the action of the Health Ministry that raised the legal limit of radiation on March 15 to 250 millisieverts, when 100 millisieverts per year was the maxim prior to the Fukushima crisis – and that amount was already controversial.  There is much to consider now, regarding the nuclear situation: Our children & Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s effect on people:

Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant threatened:

USA Hanford Nuclear Power Plant (photos):

USA PA. PPL Susquehanna nuclear power plant shut down:

USA MA. Plymouth Rock Rally this week end:

Controversy about radiation in Fukushima units 1-4:

In the South of France, nuclear catastrophe reviewed:

Suggestion by MIT is being taken seriously:

Mass extinction, US west coast contamination, and other perspectives:

Bird shuts down Ukraine reactor:

Elementary Commercial video on the basics of the beginning of the melt down:

Radiation bioaccumulation:

This requires a sense of humor:

USA to bring back building of nuclear power plants:

*”Black Swans” are perfect storm disasters that engineers  can’t reasonably design to cost-wise and can occur at rates that take engineers by surprise (“fat tails”) .

Living Terror


Photo Courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office

“Don’t bother me with your conscientious scruples, the thing is superb physics!” –Enrico Fermi’s quote is analyzed byJeffrey Lewis from Wonk Arms Control .  Jeffrey continues to inspire and captures the depth necessary to contemplate where we are in humanity with intelligent information about issues of significance.   It is terrifying to realize that each nuclear power plant with stock piles of stored radioactive rods has the potential to have the  similar results as a nuclear bomb.  We are facing that now with Fukushima. What could distract us more from the reality of Fukushima’s nuclear radiation spreading than the death of Osama Bin Laden?  Not much.  News is not only fickle and biased towards being new, and the first with the catchiest headlines hooking us with stories that superficially appease society’s limited attention span, and like junk food, fulfill an immediate gratification cycle.  When will global significance have the relevant place with depth, media coverage and public information deserved?  The situation is approached with depth from a philosophical and spiritual perspective in this article, “Energy and Our Future with Earth“. Below are some topics and links that hopefully help to better understand “the situation” that many believe to be over, regarding the radiation at Fukushima, Japan.  Radiation is a real challenge as we can not see the effect it has or it’s presence. When it comes to our resources like water, air and our earth why is this not #1 for us all?  If we don’t have these resources, we can’t survive, so why is this not a priority?  Maybe the responsibility is too difficult to embrace—perhaps it’s like the “Titanic,” we realize (even if unconsciously) that we might as well have a party while we are sinking—if it is going to sink anyway.  That is the only way empathy can be given to humanity’s lack of willingness to be educated on this serious environmental situation.  Yes, it is difficult to look at this, but awakening to the truth is a way transformation and lasting change can occur. Fukushima is far from over;

Fukushima meltdown confirmed by experts around the world confirming gov’ts wrong (video interviews):
Here is the IAEA’s report for today:
Video proves there is still water in storage pools:
Concrete emitting 900, 000 msl per hr;
Radioactive water release hits new heights;
Just the fact on reactors:
Domestic nuclear situation:
Ethics & discovery of nuclear fission quotes:

Earth’s Day? Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill/ Fukushima Nuclear Radiation

 It’s Earth Month (EPA’s is celebrating) and this Friday, April 22nd is Earth Day.  At the one year mark of the Deep Water Horizon  Oil Spill –I remember the grief process that caused devastation, the loss of our resources, the harm done to the ocean, the air, the  biodiversity and all of us in the surrounding habitat. Last year I became inactive and silent.  This year, we hadn’t yet recovered when three more disasters in Japan have left radiation spreading from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. I have taken baby steps this time, to write this blog, to join Facebook and Twittter and producing a small  local event; please join us.  Please share this link!  http://www.worldteamnow.org/energy-future-earth.html   

Local Event to Raise Awareness during Global Catastrophy

It is for the article on “Energy and Our Future with Earth” click here.  

When you view the first images of the Fukushima nuclear power plant’s explosion of the Japanese coverage  or the German coverage, it is understandable why it did not get wide visibility in traditional media outlets, as it would have cause public panic. How many people realize that these explosions at the nuclear power plant included the classic mushroom cloud?  It is also important for us to have the courage to look at the reality of the tragic situation, authentically with courage.  If the dark part of humanity can be embraced we have a chance at moving on to the Light.  This process is a path to true lasting change, looking deeply inside ourselves and within our world, and asking; “Is this what I choose?”

What is surprising is that I have heard this response when Fukushima is mentioned, “I thought that was done?”  No, like the Deep Horizon Water Oil Spill we really all need to watch this situation closely as it affects that status of not only Japan as a country but all of homes, the earth.

The story through videos;

Live coverage of Tsunami arising http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk1ESJ78zWs&feature=related

Live coverage of Tsunami hitting Sendai CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rj-8Lhgv3nk

The crippling first images of Fukushima nuclear power plant’s destruction

Mushroom Cloud Reactor #3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsJT88jX2SA&feature=related

The explanation of what happened at the nuclear power plant CNN http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdbitRlbLDc&feature=player_embedded

The present situation thoroughly explained from a scientific perspective by nuclear expert Arnold Gunderson. We recommend viewing the past entries too, for a detailed understanding of what is happening see these sites.

Lewis Arms Control


Japan Atomic Industrial Forum

Tokyo Electric Power Company Tepco.co.jp

Season for Change- Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

Seasons for Change

Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office

During seasons of change ushered in by catastrophic events the song made for  World Team,  gives hope.  World Team Now took action and approached the US government with a coalition to support energy policy.

Silence, contemplation and inner retreat has helped to reflect on the past seasons of catastrophic events; first with the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill and again this year with the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s radiation (here is a visual story);

The metaphor of Groundhog Day, with the concept of “seeing the shadow” as how it relates to the coming of the Spring season, and it’s cycle of renewal, an opportunity for new growth! Dedicated to the environmental and social issues–to raise consciousness through the World Team project, these events are unfathomable to comprehend especially as our World Team concept began in Japan.  Appreciation of our clean air, water and earth’s precious resources is key along with food, shelter, sleep and love.  Prayers go out to our friends and extended family in Japan and in the Ivory Coast that are challenged now.

The situation now at  Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is best understood from a broad perspective and a scientific one, so please click on the below links to keep up to date with the radiation, and for concerns about the nuclear catastrophe.  The Agencies list the facts of the situation, and are worth to check on daily.  The Media Coverage listed are the news outlets that are intelligently and consistently publishing solid stories. The Articles are one’s we have read and found to be of significant value.  The Blogs we selected are credible scientific sources that post accurate information before the traditional media outlets can, because they are the experts.  Traditional media coverage is slower with presenting the news, because they need to check and validate the facts with experts.

International Atomic Energy Ageency (IAEA)
All Things Nuclear Archive of Events
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

Media Coverage:
NHKNYTimesKyodonews,  CNN, and NPR

Status of the Nuclear Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
Energy Secretary Chu Says Reactor Core is Damaged
Do you live In A Nuclear Danger Zone?
Fukushima vs. Three Mile Island vs. Chernobyl
Preventing the Next Nuclear Meltdown
Dangers of Radiation for Workers at Fukushima Daiichi
Radiation Threatened Japan Accuses Fukushima of Information Void
In the Event of A Nuclear Meltdown, Well, Go West?
Japan Extended Reactors Life Despite Warning
Nuclear Watchdog Report Highlights: US Near Misses
Japan Disaster Puts Spotlight on 4 Decade Old Excelon Nuclear Power Plant
Renewables or Nuclear: Maybe we Do Have to Choose?
Nuclear Industry Shielded From Big Disaster Costs
Preventing Nuclear Meltdown:Assessing Regulatory Failure in Japan and USA


The known 5 stages of grieving in the process of loss are valuable to understand as they help to shed light towards catastrophe and death. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross applies below to any form of catastrophic loss (job, income, freedom), as well many tragedies and disasters. The stages, known in its abbreviated form DABDA, include:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Dr.  Ernest Sternglass changed my understanding of the power of nuclear energy in an interview I did with him more than 15 years ago about the cumulative effects of low level radiation.  He was is brilliant man who shared about his meeting with Albert Einstein.  He explained that Albert was near the end of his life about the same age difference as between Sternglass and I.  Sternglass described Einstein as a” broken man” who was guilt ridden with the effect of his contribution to science that helped usher in the nuclear error (or era).

The prayer offered by Dr. Masaru Emoto has a powerful intent to change  the property of the radioactive water, see below for his suggested words.  Try praying it in a way that communicates truth and pure intent for you;

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer.  Please forgive us.  We thank you, and we love you.”

If his goals are realized healing an awakening would occur for Japan waters and our sea that connects all of us  around the world.  What is there to loose with prayer? Only if it works, globally we would have to re-shape and change our perception of consciousness to see the power of both science and prayer.

It’s Time to End Reliance on Nuclear Power

World Team Now board members joined a coalition to give  President Obama, members of his Administration, and all members of the U.S. Congress a letter regarding the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan.  The letter was initiated by the Sustainable Energy Network comprised of 146 safe energy advocate organizations and businesses.

Operation Upshot-Knothole, BADGER Event

Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office



March 25, 2011

President Barack Obama
The White House
Washington, DC 20500

Dear President Obama:

We, the 146 undersigned safe energy advocates, have been speaking out about the risks and dangers posed by nuclear power for years – for many of us, since before the 1986 Chornobyl* and 1979 Three Mile Island accidents as well as the hundreds of other radioactive releases, unplanned shut-downs, and other mishaps that have continuously plagued both the U.S. and the international nuclear industries since their founding.

While nuclear power’s unacceptable safety, environmental, public health, economic, and national security risks should have been self-evident long before now, the latest unfolding nuclear disaster in Japan once again underscores the following:  

Nuclear plants can never be designed to withstand all potential “acts of God.”

Nuclear plants can never be designed to withstand all instances of “human error.”

Nuclear plants can never be designed to withstand all types of “mechanical malfunction.”

Nuclear plants can never be designed to withstand all forms of “terrorist attack.”

There is no such thing as “safe” nuclear power.

There is no such thing as “clean” nuclear power.

There is no such thing as “cheap” nuclear power.

Consequently, the Price-Anderson cap on liability in the event of an accident should be repealed, all proposed governmental financial and regulatory incentives for new nuclear plant construction – including loan guarantees, accelerated licensing, and inclusion in a “clean energy standard” – should be rejected, and no new reactors should be built.

Existing nuclear reactors should be phased out as rapidly as possible, beginning with the oldest and/or most unsafe, and no presently-licensed reactors should have their operating lives extended.

Safety standards for existing reactors should be substantially tightened while they continue to operate and federal nuclear funding should be redirected to the orderly phase-out of those reactors as well as the safe decommissioning of closed reactors and disposal of radioactive waste.

National energy policy and funding should be refocused on greatly improved energy efficiency and the rapid deployment of renewable energy sources which are far cleaner, safer, and cheaper than nuclear power.


This letter was signed by World Team Now Board Members; Albert Boulanger, Director of Technical Strategy; Walter Andrews  Director of Energy and the Environment and Suzanne Maxx Founder,President, Exec. Director.

To see the press release, the letter with signatories, and the  list of  initial recipients- click here.  A copy of the letter also went to media outlets and these governmental representatives;

cc.      Steven Chu, Secretary – U.S. Department of Energy

            Ken Salazar, Secretary – U.S. Department of Interior

           Gregory Jaczko, Chairman – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

           Kristine Svinicki, Commissioner – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

            George Apostolakis, Commissioner – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

            William Magwood, Commissioner – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

            William Ostendorff, Commissioner – U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

            Lisa Jackson, Administrator – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

            Jon Wellinghoff, Chairman – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

            Philip Moeller, Commissioner – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

            Marc Spitzer, Commissioner – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

            John Norris, Commissioner – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

            Cheryl LaFleur, Commissioner – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

            John Holdren, Director White House Office of Science & Technology

           Nancy Sutley, Chair – White House Council on Environmental Quality

            Peter B. Lyons, DOE Acting Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy

 * Chernobyl  is the correct Ukrainian spelling of what many of us know as “Chernobyl,” the Russian spelling.  Since the nuclear accident site is in Ukraine and the official spelling in that country is “Chornobyl,” that is what we opted for here, as it is the most authentic.    

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