Tag: United Nations (Page 2 of 2)

Act Locally, Act Globally – Think of Us All As Part of One


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Change seems to be accelerating. Change, not just with our climate, but also with the “systems” humanity has created, spurred by Globalization.  Whether that be the legal system, political system, financial system, health care system, or educational system— the systems in place to provide the world’s basic needs.  Have we learned to scale our systems to meet Globalization’s challenges? Humanity can learn  from how nature scales to support the whole—  Biomimicry of man-made systems seems key to the stewardship of our earth and for an organically sustainable future.   

Global transformation is in the works, and is needed within all systems including those within our one global governing body – the United Nations. Friday ended the two week climate talks in Bonn, Germany. The disappointment was all too familiar as it seemed like yesterday, but it was a year ago when World Team Now produced the event as part of the UNFCC’s Rio+20, and also an event at The People’s Summit.  We went down to Rio once again with great expectations for more progress than what was able to be achieved inside the United Nations’ RIO+20 conference’s time. So now, it is distressing that there was a huge snag caused by foot dragging by Russia in a key entity, the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI). At least there was some progress in the overarching 2015 international climate action agreement. Why wait until disaster? We clearly need more projects that influence public perception. “To see is to believe” for most, so we need more examples to inspire the masses to embrace change.

At World Team Now, we are growing, and eager to see the change that happens once our non-profit World Team Now can be supported by our World Team multi-media platform, and broadcast.  Our World Team project too needs to be demonstrated to be fully understood, and to that end our development of our pilot project continues.  While we are working to have this World Team model up in full scale, we have been occupied with events.  In California, for example what we did in Malibu with Earth Day (photo album here), with our “Ride & Drive”, and “The Circle-Up  Around Renewable Energy”.  We owe a shout-out to all of those who showed up to participate or volunteer, and for the support of Nissan of Thousand Oaks, and Edwards/Wildman.  We hope to be sharing some of the edited footage soon at WTN’s upcoming event September 26 and 27.   Another example is what World Team Now is doing in NY to support ACORE’s Renewable Energy Financing Forum (REFF)-Wall Street. Join us and get 20% off registration by using this code “SPT20WTN”. REFF is the perfect activity, included with more than 20 Energy Industry Events for New York City’s Energy Week, June 24th-28th.

Please save the dates for World Team Now’s upcoming annual event in Malibu September 27th & 28th, 2013. Watch World Team Now’s Event’s page for more details about the timing.

Speaking of timing, two great renewable energy demonstration projects born in Switzerland also have “New York” as a destination.  PlanetSolar, is the world’s largest solar boat, and it includes an interesting research component with the project it just arrived in New York.  The soaring approach to change done state by state has value. The Solar Impulse is a renewable energy demonstration project with great potential. You can take flight and  follow in real time on their final segment of the “Across America” trip, and join the history in the making as they land in New York early July.

Planet Solar is in New York

PlanetSolar reaches New York, the second american stopover of its 2013 campaign

The two states where World Team Now is based are proudly taking leadership positions in the environmental transformation needed to address climate change— let’s hear it for California and New York, especially Mayor Bloomberg’s action plan to address the affects of climate change .  The water situation and the issue of drought is rapidly becoming more serious, due to climate change.  Often, to execute solutions at a scale needed to address the affects of climate change, bonds are created.  California is taking the lead with creating a Water Bond.  World Team Now was present when Senator Fran Pavley, Chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee, hosted the Hearing; “Encouraging Regional Water Solutions: Implications for a Statewide Water Bond” at Pepperdine University.  Californians are set to vote on the $11.1 billion water bond in November, 2014.

More action needs to be able to take place on a state level and even city level, which gives more weight to the “Think globally, act locally” mantra—  but not to preclude think global act global actions which are needed as well— the local can catalyze the global.    It is a huge victory to finally permanently close the troubled San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant in California, not just for the immediate risk of radiation, but also in respect of the long term issue of what to do with the radioactive rods which are byproducts of nuclear reactors. With no safe disposal protocol for these rods, even closed plants will continue to pose risks to the public and our planet forever The pressure is on for Southern California Edison to strive towards truly renewable energy— the kind with no radioactive byproducts to threaten public safety. It is time for us citizens to spearhead energy independence, be active in supplying a diversity of local renewable energy resources (supporting grid stability as a benefit), and to learn how to responsibly use energy.

But it is time for the whole of us in society to consider “Act locally, Act globally- Think of us all as part of ONE”.


Rio +20

Rio +20 by Suzanne Maxx

Rio +20 the United Nation’s Conference on Sustainable Development June 20-22 climaxed around the solstice time, where it is the longest day of light from the USA perspective, and yet here in Brazil it most appropriately  grew to the darkest day, in more ways than the literal shortness of sunlight. About 50 thousand people came here to Rio De Janero from different parts of the world for the United Nations’ Rio+20. Many here seem to strive to shine the light of hope for our world leaders for this environmental conference to take powerful action for our future with enforceable binding global environmental policy. The conference’s theme titled, “The Future We Want,,”  became grew dark by the lack of action with an agreement for change.

The five minute speeches from each country’s world leader one by one acknowledged the urgency to overcome the darkness and address together economic growth, social development and environmental justice. Each put in their own words a common concern for our future and the common desire to take action towards change. Each leader seemed to share the concern about the state of the world, and the importance of environmental sustainability. At least the text agreed upon understood that water, energy, food security work together in unity. Each leader communicated the value of our natural resources. As US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton said, “We also know that future is not guaranteed, because the resources that we all depend upon – fresh water, thriving oceans, arable land, a stable climate – are under increasing pressure. And that is why, in the 21st century, the only viable development is sustainable development. The only way to deliver lasting progress for everyone is by preserving our resources and protecting our common environment”.  But what happened?

Are the systems we have created to govern change failed us or is the change taking place a subtle shift of power from the governments, inspiring a movement from within all people?  Within all structures we have set up for humanity—truly we could not expect one entity; the United Nations to provide the answer. All of humanity needs to rise to the importance of the challenge facing us at this critical time for our resources here on earth.

The action taken here, (or lack of) at  the  Rio+20 Summit in the end has left many, some governments and specifically the civil society in the dark— focused on the failure and disappointment of expectations for success, with the theme renamed, “The Future We Bought”… Unfortunately this sentiment provoked some extreme behavior that actually disrupted the UN process when sound interference was claimed to have prevented leaders to hear, and said to have been caused by NGO’s in protest.

A big distinction from the last time I was here in 1992 for the Earth Summit/ Global Forum is the beginning of integration of the civil society, and for that matter— all sectors. Back then it was like a collective fire of the spirit– a gathering of seemingly kindred souls all optimistic about the possibility of change and from that inspiration several pieces of global policy emerged for our environment eventually treaties on global warming, deserts and biodiversity— the first in the history of our world.

The concept of a World Team grew here in Rio +20 regardless of the outcome we can perceive, as there at least was an effort for teamwork with as Secretary Clinton explained this is what is needed now to approach the challenge:

“Officials from every level— from state, county, local, municipalities— together along with industry leaders and developers to find creative ways to generate sustainable economic growth. Governments, yes; let’s do our part. Let’s do more than our part. Let’s pave the way for more clean energy investments, take on the entrenched political and economic interests that stand in the way of clean energy, technology, and sources being used in nations around the world. Let’s use the private sector, particularly the consumer goods companies, as they have agreed to do, to make sure they have sustainable supply chains, the right kind of packaging and marketing that puts the least amount of burden on the earth we share. Let’s bring in the nonprofits, the civil society organizations, faith groups, individuals, all of us.”

What did come out of Rio +20 was a roadmap for sustainable development goals, under that there is an agreement made about preserving the ocean. By 2015 there will be an attempt for much needed policy for the High Seas.

Antonio Garcia Allut, represents the world wide small scale fishing community, he is the President of the Lonxanet Foundation for Artisanal Fishing. The fisheries are one of the areas progress was made here at Rio+20. He explains, “It is a step, but execution is the key”. Farmed Fisheries subsidies were cut and unfortunately the much needed attention to the trillion dollars of fossil fuel subsidies were left out entirely.

The outcome of Rio+20 is that 9 major groups participated. 692 registered countries. Commitments valued at 513 billion US dollars, were made— that is something. Leading Fortune 500 companies, universities, volunteer actions, and individual actions were also made. More than 100 developing nations are involved in the commitments. Mohamed Waheed, president of the Maldives, pledged in Rio to convert his entire nation, a string of islands in the Indian Ocean, into a protected area to conserve coral reefs, fish, turtles and sharks. The Maldives plans to be a marine reserve country. Waheed explained, “We have created our first biosphere reserve in one atoll and we will continue the program throughout the country.” 50 countries and 86 corporations, including and others agreed to a declaration supporting natural capital accounting, a measure of wealth that goes beyond GDP by including the value of natural assets such as soils, watersheds and fisheries. Eight multilateral banks will invest more than $175 billion over the next decade to promote more sustainable public transportation and cycling.

Carbon War room claimed 50%, reducing Aruba off fossil fuels by 2020. They committed to renovating buildings, and offered up 1 billion dollars in energy investments in buildings within the next 15 years.

The United Nations systems did come together to register commitments. Sustainable energy for all commitments, corporate sustainability summit commitments, yet all of these commitments— may be too little too late.

United Nations-Specific Measurable Results?


By Suzanne Maxx ©

The UN is back in session, and the world looks for “Specific Measurable Results”  towards global transformation.

Yves de Boer, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, has said the key to the success of the Copenhagen conference – also known as COP15 – will be how much industrialized countries (Defined as “Developed”) are willing to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases and how much India and China (Defined as “Developing”) are willing to limit the growth of their emissions.

Perhaps there is a better way to define a country? To work with countries of our world within the framework of the words the UN has labeled as “Developed,” “Developing, and Least Developed”, has an orientation of values that may not be in the best interest of humanity’s future on this planet earth.

Kofi Annan, former Secretary General of the United Nations, defined a developed country as follows. “A developed country is one that allows all its citizens to enjoy a free and healthy life in a safe environment.”

Perceptions of freedom, safety and health can be relative.  It is important to consider that presently there is no established convention for the designation of “developed” and “developing” countries or areas in the United Nations system.

Do these words, defining how each country can play in the world game restrict our world?   Is there a better way to define countries that will inspire better co-operation, a more level playing field, so all countries can approach global treaties truly looking out for the benefit of humanity?  If we are going to use defining words, perhaps there could be an established convention for designation?  World Team Now seeks alternative definitions.

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