It’s Earth Month (EPA’s is celebrating) and this Friday, April 22nd is Earth Day.  At the one year mark of the Deep Water Horizon  Oil Spill –I remember the grief process that caused devastation, the loss of our resources, the harm done to the ocean, the air, the  biodiversity and all of us in the surrounding habitat. Last year I became inactive and silent.  This year, we hadn’t yet recovered when three more disasters in Japan have left radiation spreading from Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. I have taken baby steps this time, to write this blog, to join Facebook and Twittter and producing a small  local event; please join us.  Please share this link!   

Local Event to Raise Awareness during Global Catastrophy

It is for the article on “Energy and Our Future with Earth” click here.  

When you view the first images of the Fukushima nuclear power plant’s explosion of the Japanese coverage  or the German coverage, it is understandable why it did not get wide visibility in traditional media outlets, as it would have cause public panic. How many people realize that these explosions at the nuclear power plant included the classic mushroom cloud?  It is also important for us to have the courage to look at the reality of the tragic situation, authentically with courage.  If the dark part of humanity can be embraced we have a chance at moving on to the Light.  This process is a path to true lasting change, looking deeply inside ourselves and within our world, and asking; “Is this what I choose?”

What is surprising is that I have heard this response when Fukushima is mentioned, “I thought that was done?”  No, like the Deep Horizon Water Oil Spill we really all need to watch this situation closely as it affects that status of not only Japan as a country but all of homes, the earth.

The story through videos;

Live coverage of Tsunami arising

Live coverage of Tsunami hitting Sendai CNN

The crippling first images of Fukushima nuclear power plant’s destruction

Mushroom Cloud Reactor #3

The explanation of what happened at the nuclear power plant CNN

The present situation thoroughly explained from a scientific perspective by nuclear expert Arnold Gunderson. We recommend viewing the past entries too, for a detailed understanding of what is happening see these sites.

Lewis Arms Control

Japan Atomic Industrial Forum

Tokyo Electric Power Company