Month: May 2011

New “Sign” of Radiation

IAEA's New Warning Sign for Ionizing Radiation

It may be better to not “know” what is happening now.  We have meltdowns in all three of Fukushima’s Power Plants’ reactors, plus number four’s elevated floor storage pool is in jeopardy of collapsing from inside of what remains of the building.

Aftershocks continue in Japan.  It is amazing how many people knew about “The Rapture” and how few know that there is a very real radioactive catastrophe still unfolding in Fukushima, Japan that affects us all, and our world. It is not just the air we breathe; it is the food we eat, the water we drink, and our whole bio-diverse interconnected system to consider. Radioactive particles are being found in the USA and continue to be a concern for all of us around the world.  Learn more about the danger, click here to watch video on radioactive particles.

Meltdown through containment vessels in three nuclear reactors via a global media perspective;

The radiation exposure seems minimal; 3 millisieverts in 20 minutes is what is being reported that workers are exposed to who entered the No.#3 reactor at Fukushima.  The wording below reduces the severity of the amount of radiation exposure, comparing ten minutes with the amount of radiation for the entire year, instead of an hour, (which the amount is greater than) and using words like “less than”.  Can the media distract public fear?

“The two TEPCO employees that entered the No. #3 reactor building on Wednesday evening were exposed to less than 3 millisieverts of radiation during their 10-minute stay, compared with the government-set limit of 250 millisieverts per worker per year.”

These workers are continuing to go onsite…What is not mentioned (see below), or in the many articles that concern the amount of radiation exposure, is that the radiation dose is cumulative.  This is a high dose of radiation for 20 minutes.

The media, government and corporate officials’ approach to minimize the severity and calm the public perception of the situation in the long run does not serve anyone, especially the public.  People deserve the opportunity to make responsible decisions regarding their own health and livelihood, and be informed from authority that is endowed with trust.

If the reactor’s pressure vessels are damaged, as we now know is the case in No.#1, and looks to be the case recently proven also in No. #2 and No.#3 reactors, this remains unchartered territory.  This is  a critical situation with unknown outcomes that will continue for at least several months more.  If you are wondering how TEPCO in good conscious can now make the statement; “We don’t think it will develop into a worse situation,”  take into consideration that this comes from a company who was brought to court about the back-up safety systems of their nuclear power plants, and failed to make the safety changes when warned prior. Unfortunately none of this is comforting.

One thing all can agree on is that this situation is constantly changing so check out the IAEA’s Facebook page for up to the minute status of the continuing nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, the IAEA team is there now to review. They also are now using a new sign to communicate a radio active area,  to reduce deaths and serious injuries from exposure to radioactive sources. Have you seen this yet?  “It is a supplementary warning to the trefoil, which has no intuitive meaning and little recognition beyond those educated in its significance,” said staff report from the IAEA. A study about the old sign showed the symbol did not clearly communicate to the public any inherit danger.

Fukushima can’t be stopped at this point, but we can take a look at what we continue to have at stake, in each country with nuclear power.  Germany recently, and today we congratulate Switzerland for the decision to phase out nuclear power now entirely– for renewable energy.

Many countries have begun a review of their nuclear power plants. The EU protested yesterday the proposed review of nuclear to exclude the possibility of safety if terrorist attack,  in the assessment.  There seems to be agreement on the concern here from both the English and the Irish, but some controversy about Sellafield; an Irish media outlet says it will be excluded in the review, while an English media outlet says it will be included ?

Here in the USA right now, the NRC is reviewing all power plants with a report expected to be complete mid July.  World Team Now is focused on these potentially “fatal 4” power plants in largely populated coastal areas;

  1. Indian Point, NY
  2. Oyster Creek, NJ
  3. San Onofre, CA
  4. Diablo Canyon, CA

The Nuclear Power Licensing Reform Act of 2011  reflect our concern about these plants. We can make different choices –with the best method to solve a catastrophe; avoid one.  Defense: close antiquated nuclear power plants.  Offense: open up renewable energy sources on a large scale.  It is a step that Japan is now considering 20% renewable energy by 2020. We need both defense and offense for humanity’s game of life. The points from Arnold Gunderson of Fairewinds in this presentation; “The Implications of the Fukushima Accident on the World’s Operating Reactors” brings home some considerations about the nuclear power.

More Radioactive Water into the Ocean:

The levels of radiation from Fukushima now:

Japan’s Fall: TEPCO:

TEPCO’s recent press releases:

Fukushima PP for IAEA Nice, France:

The business of TEPCO:

The IAEA’s new appropriate sign for ionizing radiation, last week, and for present status check out IAEA’s Facebook page, (see the comments section for real time frustration):

Fairewinds videos to understand the nuclear situation, radiation and fallout:

New USA nuclear power plants delayed, prior to license

Japanese/Swiss move to renewable energy;

Take action on these potential accidents waiting to happen, “The Fatal 4”;

Action towards change- through education about the situation, is our goal.  About the “sign” of radiation, there is no sign– until it is too late.

Innovation Takes Flight, Destruction on Heals

The rate of bold innovation and landmark actions for society’s transformation is quickening in direct proportion with the challenges presented for humanity’s future with our earth as both social and environmental challenges present.  As the shadow of nuclear rods melted, and other outmoded sources of energy by products wash ashore, the Solar Impulse takes flight, and human powered helicopters are tested.

The Solar Impulse breaks new ground being the 1st to fly a solar airplane internationally, from Switzerland to Belgium.  Pilot Andre’ Borschberg shared this dream at U.N.‘s COP15, Copenhagen in 2009 and today his dream is a reality, met with success.  A human powered helicopter also took flight for the first time today.  We need more groundbreaking possibilities in the face of the reality in Japan that the reactor damage is worse than expected.  The radioactive rods may have melted entirely.  In the USA the study ordered to review the status of the nuclear power plants in the USA comes back with dismal results only 1/3 of the way through the evaluation. With the aviation sector growing towards alternative energy, plus this past weeks’ progress with the IPCC report summary on renewable energy we may end up with a solution that will support escaping our energy problem.

Could this be perceived as a race for an exit strategy, or for innovation to transform our world?  The weight of these paths are symptoms, as is the recent eruption of violence of the long standing “social issue” between Palestine and Israel that permeate our lives — it would be much easier to choose a form of distraction, and focus our attention on something else.

Spotlight on Renewable Energy U.N.’s IPCC Report

The spotlight is on renewable energy as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases a new breakthrough report that moves us closer to World Team’s vision for our future.  This report supports this unprecedented era with our earth and energy for transformation. The report on renewable energy announced in Abu Dhabi by the UN supported IPCC shows that a rapid transition is already underway as renewable energy technologies grow quickly.  It solidifies that renewable energy has enormous potential and still remains largely untapped.

World Team Now is about renewable energy demonstration projects around the world by global teams.  We plan to demonstrate how renewable energy can meet 100% of the world’s energy needs.  Our goal is to demonstrate the rapid transition from unsustainable sources of energy such as; coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear to these ideal renewable energy sources gifted to us:

World Team Now focuses on how these specific renewable energies sources can “team up” together to supply 100% of our energy needs with projects like solar desalinization, electric vehicle charging from renewable energy sources and net metering.

–       According to the IPCC report, renewable energy capacity grew in 2009 despite global financial challenges: wind by over 30%, hydropower by 3%; grid-connected photovoltaics by over 50%, geothermal by 4%, solar water/heating by over 20%, and ethanol and biodiesel by 10% and 9% respectively.

The electricity produced from these renewable energy sources combined with the transformation of building and transportation sectors, the storage and transmission of energy, and the emergent smart grid hold the key.

Click here to read the full story…

We want to rally to encourage all leaders in a position of influence to support renewable energy policy, and to read the IPCC member countries report’s Summary for Policymakers that shows what can be done and how to do it effectively, and inspires immediate action for the low-carbon transition. The report includes over 160 scenarios on six renewable energy technologies reviewed by global team of technological experts and scientists who underline the significant future role in cutting greenhouse gas emissions and powering sustainable development.

We can solve the climate change crisis and have our economies grow simultaneously. Reminder of the “eco” or ecology and economy, Germany, Denmark, China, Brazil are the new leaders with thriving, vibrant economies geared up for the future. Projected investments in renewables are expected to create at least 20 million jobs in the sector – more than today’s fossil fuel industry.

The volume of newly installed renewable energy capacity in 2010 was almost the same as old-energy – the tipping point is predicted within a couple of years. 2010 was also the second year in a row where investment in renewables outstripped those going to new fossil fuel plants. This is not a specialist niche market – renewables are where the future lies, and the opportunities for growth and innovation are there now.

Private investors and businesses are going green. Major fund managers are diverting vast amounts of capital to projects in countries where governments are showing clean energy and climate leadership. The leaders in the clean energy race all have one thing in common: strong national policies. There is huge opportunity at this time, and with global policy frameworks, we do have the changes to transform our world.

We especially want to acknowledge the work of World Wildlife Foundation with their report that also reaches for 100% renewables like World Team Now, and the Energy [R]evolution campaign from Green Peace with their video and their work with the IPCC.  Our mission at World Team Now is to use teamwork to help build the environmental movement and each of the partners in the Tck, Tck, Tck campaign hold a key to our future.  We honor how each organization from different parts of the world can make the concept of a “World Team” work. The IPCC report confirms the fact that with infrastructure, technology, and policy we can re-invent our world.

Non-sense: the nuclear path

It’s impossible to engineer for  “Black Swans” *  from Fukushima we are reminded that the risk of nuclear energy is too great whether analyzed from a public health, safety, or security perspective. Obama’s budget proposal for 2011 would add $36 billion in new federal loan guarantees to $18.5 billion already budgeted but not spent – for a total of $54.5 billion. The new $8.3 billion in federal loan guarantees will go toward the construction and operation of a pair of reactors in Burke County, Ga., by the Southern Co. Federal loan guarantees are needed to spur construction of new reactors because of the huge expense. This puts the US taxpayer at risk given the industry’s record of cost overruns and loan defaults. The argument about the cost causes bi-partisan combustion, but regardless the cost conversation is mute and overridden by the underlying risk. World Team Now ‘s stand is that is time to pause to reflect upon and consider giving this kind of funding/subsidies and loan guarantees to the renewable energy sector instead. This could jump start tidal energy, and geothermal energy or build out an infrastructure for new transmission sources. Keep in mind the fission spectrum from radiation released in a nuclear power plant has a longer life than the radiation release from a nuclear bomb.  It would be wise to re-examine the action of the Health Ministry that raised the legal limit of radiation on March 15 to 250 millisieverts, when 100 millisieverts per year was the maxim prior to the Fukushima crisis – and that amount was already controversial.  There is much to consider now, regarding the nuclear situation: Our children & Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s effect on people:

Sellafield Nuclear Power Plant threatened:

USA Hanford Nuclear Power Plant (photos):

USA PA. PPL Susquehanna nuclear power plant shut down:

USA MA. Plymouth Rock Rally this week end:

Controversy about radiation in Fukushima units 1-4:

In the South of France, nuclear catastrophe reviewed:

Suggestion by MIT is being taken seriously:

Mass extinction, US west coast contamination, and other perspectives:

Bird shuts down Ukraine reactor:

Elementary Commercial video on the basics of the beginning of the melt down:

Radiation bioaccumulation:

This requires a sense of humor:

USA to bring back building of nuclear power plants:

*”Black Swans” are perfect storm disasters that engineers  can’t reasonably design to cost-wise and can occur at rates that take engineers by surprise (“fat tails”) .

Living Terror


Photo Courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office

“Don’t bother me with your conscientious scruples, the thing is superb physics!” –Enrico Fermi’s quote is analyzed byJeffrey Lewis from Wonk Arms Control .  Jeffrey continues to inspire and captures the depth necessary to contemplate where we are in humanity with intelligent information about issues of significance.   It is terrifying to realize that each nuclear power plant with stock piles of stored radioactive rods has the potential to have the  similar results as a nuclear bomb.  We are facing that now with Fukushima. What could distract us more from the reality of Fukushima’s nuclear radiation spreading than the death of Osama Bin Laden?  Not much.  News is not only fickle and biased towards being new, and the first with the catchiest headlines hooking us with stories that superficially appease society’s limited attention span, and like junk food, fulfill an immediate gratification cycle.  When will global significance have the relevant place with depth, media coverage and public information deserved?  The situation is approached with depth from a philosophical and spiritual perspective in this article, “Energy and Our Future with Earth“. Below are some topics and links that hopefully help to better understand “the situation” that many believe to be over, regarding the radiation at Fukushima, Japan.  Radiation is a real challenge as we can not see the effect it has or it’s presence. When it comes to our resources like water, air and our earth why is this not #1 for us all?  If we don’t have these resources, we can’t survive, so why is this not a priority?  Maybe the responsibility is too difficult to embrace—perhaps it’s like the “Titanic,” we realize (even if unconsciously) that we might as well have a party while we are sinking—if it is going to sink anyway.  That is the only way empathy can be given to humanity’s lack of willingness to be educated on this serious environmental situation.  Yes, it is difficult to look at this, but awakening to the truth is a way transformation and lasting change can occur. Fukushima is far from over;

Fukushima meltdown confirmed by experts around the world confirming gov’ts wrong (video interviews):
Here is the IAEA’s report for today:
Video proves there is still water in storage pools:
Concrete emitting 900, 000 msl per hr;
Radioactive water release hits new heights;
Just the fact on reactors:
Domestic nuclear situation:
Ethics & discovery of nuclear fission quotes:

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