By Suzanne Maxx ©
The social & environmental movement (“The Global Movement”) is gaining momentum from voices growing louder and right now it’s the Youth Movement’s time. As the youth around the world rise today March 15th, I am thankful for sixteen-year-old Swedish Greta Thunberg’s bold voice, courage and stand for our future– demanding action for the global climate crisis, and leading the next generation of activists. Fridays for Future School Strike for Climate, became replicated by youth around the world, who agreed with the logic, why go to school and learn science, if the adults leading the government would not only just ignore science, but choose to deny the science applied to policy? Youth are making the choice to protect their future and generations to come, by cutting classes for the day and instead they take part in demonstrating and demand action on climate change. Hear it from their own voices in this article about their motivating story and more from Greta’s Ted Talk here. On the eve of the climate strike she tweeted; “Tomorrow we school strike for the climate in 1769 places in 112 countries around the world. And counting. Everyone is welcome. Everyone is needed. Let’s change history. And let’s never stop for as long as it takes. #fridaysforfuture #schoolstrike4climate #climatestrike

Global Youth Climate Strike at Columbus Circle
The Youth movement rising is naturally programmed with a generation that seems to prioritize the well-being of the planet, and they also come in wired to embrace technology, science, biodiversity, and nature. With the inner ability to respond to the urgency, the youth are not just adding their voice to the conversation of nature and humanity’s perceived extinction crisis; the youth have built a movement that is gaining momentum. The youth movement’s motivation is clear; it’s their future, and they want a planet to call home.
The big story is only beginning. Greta Thunberg’s recent Noble Peace Prize nomination comes as no surprise, after all, it’s been centuries since a teen, would be positioned to make history leading a revolution, and she just may do that– with a little teamwork.
All are welcome to attend the Climate Strike, adults included; check out the website for more details here. Find a location near you here. Follow on Twitter to see the ongoing movement through Greta’s eyes here
Meet the youth leaders, who are organizing the USA national movement for the Youth Climate Strike School Strike for climate and are teaming up globally for this potentially historic event.
With the climate crisis, youth are confronted with a future that their generation may not get a chance to see, living here on planet earth, unless we all make different choices.
This is the moment not only for world leaders to adopt bold progressive climate policy, commit to 100% renewable energy, but to really hear and take into heart all children’s future. It is a time not just for governments alone but for all sectors of life to get into action and do everything possible for rapid transformation for the next generation. The burden lives within each and every one of us to grow this movement and act.
I’ve watched the Youth Movement over the years, but last Fall 2018 they started to grow and gain momentum in the organization. With the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Meghan Markel as UN Youth Ambassadors, and the United Nations hosting a myriad of youth events (more on that in an upcoming article) Certain celebrities, VIP, and leaders have contributed inside that framework. But what Greta did was organic and core and the very spark needed to ignite the movement lit up by her commitment.
The Youth, Women, Indigenous Peoples, The Asian/Pacific Islanders, and a multitude of people, are all voices that need to be heard. The global climate crisis is a reality which can no longer be ignored; it’s time for all people to find a role.
The Youth Movement began for me too, as a grade school student, and I have grown up inside the global social environmental movement with the journey to make the World Team project, and with the nonprofit World Team Now, I founded, along with many other NGO’s in the climate movement since 1989. In grade school, I wrote a letter to the President of the USA, because of my deep concern about the environment, and wanted to know what would happen when I grew up? I actually got a letter back which inspired me to believe that I too with one voice, could make a difference. More is written about the journey in World Team Now’s prior blogs, and in addition this is a differentblog here (and soon to be published in a book). That action was the beginning of many youth projects and events covered around the world.

Global Youth Climate Strike at Columbus Circle