Tag: renewable energy (Page 5 of 6)

Season for Change- Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe

Seasons for Change

Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site Office

During seasons of change ushered in by catastrophic events the song made for  World Team,  gives hope.  World Team Now took action and approached the US government with a coalition to support energy policy.

Silence, contemplation and inner retreat has helped to reflect on the past seasons of catastrophic events; first with the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill and again this year with the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s radiation (here is a visual story);

The metaphor of Groundhog Day, with the concept of “seeing the shadow” as how it relates to the coming of the Spring season, and it’s cycle of renewal, an opportunity for new growth! Dedicated to the environmental and social issues–to raise consciousness through the World Team project, these events are unfathomable to comprehend especially as our World Team concept began in Japan.  Appreciation of our clean air, water and earth’s precious resources is key along with food, shelter, sleep and love.  Prayers go out to our friends and extended family in Japan and in the Ivory Coast that are challenged now.

The situation now at  Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant is best understood from a broad perspective and a scientific one, so please click on the below links to keep up to date with the radiation, and for concerns about the nuclear catastrophe.  The Agencies list the facts of the situation, and are worth to check on daily.  The Media Coverage listed are the news outlets that are intelligently and consistently publishing solid stories. The Articles are one’s we have read and found to be of significant value.  The Blogs we selected are credible scientific sources that post accurate information before the traditional media outlets can, because they are the experts.  Traditional media coverage is slower with presenting the news, because they need to check and validate the facts with experts.

International Atomic Energy Ageency (IAEA)
All Things Nuclear Archive of Events
Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF)

Media Coverage:
NHKNYTimesKyodonews,  CNN, and NPR

Status of the Nuclear Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
Energy Secretary Chu Says Reactor Core is Damaged
Do you live In A Nuclear Danger Zone?
Fukushima vs. Three Mile Island vs. Chernobyl
Preventing the Next Nuclear Meltdown
Dangers of Radiation for Workers at Fukushima Daiichi
Radiation Threatened Japan Accuses Fukushima of Information Void
In the Event of A Nuclear Meltdown, Well, Go West?
Japan Extended Reactors Life Despite Warning
Nuclear Watchdog Report Highlights: US Near Misses
Japan Disaster Puts Spotlight on 4 Decade Old Excelon Nuclear Power Plant
Renewables or Nuclear: Maybe we Do Have to Choose?
Nuclear Industry Shielded From Big Disaster Costs
Preventing Nuclear Meltdown:Assessing Regulatory Failure in Japan and USA


The known 5 stages of grieving in the process of loss are valuable to understand as they help to shed light towards catastrophe and death. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross applies below to any form of catastrophic loss (job, income, freedom), as well many tragedies and disasters. The stages, known in its abbreviated form DABDA, include:

  1. Denial
  2. Anger
  3. Bargaining
  4. Depression
  5. Acceptance

Dr.  Ernest Sternglass changed my understanding of the power of nuclear energy in an interview I did with him more than 15 years ago about the cumulative effects of low level radiation.  He was is brilliant man who shared about his meeting with Albert Einstein.  He explained that Albert was near the end of his life about the same age difference as between Sternglass and I.  Sternglass described Einstein as a” broken man” who was guilt ridden with the effect of his contribution to science that helped usher in the nuclear error (or era).

The prayer offered by Dr. Masaru Emoto has a powerful intent to change  the property of the radioactive water, see below for his suggested words.  Try praying it in a way that communicates truth and pure intent for you;

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer.  Please forgive us.  We thank you, and we love you.”

If his goals are realized healing an awakening would occur for Japan waters and our sea that connects all of us  around the world.  What is there to loose with prayer? Only if it works, globally we would have to re-shape and change our perception of consciousness to see the power of both science and prayer.

California-State Leadership

It is wonderful to see and hear these words from Jerry Brown, who is now California’s Governor;

“And I see a California once again leading on renewable energy, leading on education.  We are all God’s children and while I understand politics, I will always carry with me my sense of that missionary zeal to transform the world — that’s always been my calling.  That’s what it’s all about — the vision.

In 1992 I was invited to go with Jerry Brown who was then running for President to the Earth Summit Global Forum and on the journey I discovered a soul that was committed to a path of transformation.  This is our vision for World Team, and how exciting to see it be the platform for California now.

Climate Change- Action for Renewable Energy Policy

By Suzanne Maxx ©

Although Anthropogenic Climate Change is hard to pronounce, it is an even greater challenge to present the information so more people can really understand.

The fact that average citizens still misunderstand this topic was demonstrated to me when I was walking in Malmo, Sweden for the train to Copenhagen, Denmark to the U.N.’s COP15. I met a middle-aged Texan who was travelling on business, while he helped me navigate my luggage through the snow, he said laughing loudly:

“It’s hard to believe there are these people in Copenhagen for a conference on global warming when there is record cold and snow fall, how silly! We had a snowball fight yesterday, and I kept thinking how could they be so foolish?”

This was one of the moments that I was feeling embarrassed about Americans’ lack of illumination on this subject. I tried to explain that it is the name, “Global Warming” that confuses people– Climate Change/Global Warming presents in extreme weather conditions.  I wish I could have explained it to the Texan in Sweden as well as Al Gore did in the New York Times Op-Ed piece this past Sunday –and with as much patience.

Even if one doesn’t comprehend the science of Global Warming, what is hard to understand is how people can actually think that we can pollute our air, or our water, or land, without consequences.   We live here and the earth is alive. It is our home.

To learn more about where we are with these issues check out “State of the Planet” 2010. I have been to this annual event over the past few years and it continues to be quite cutting edge: informative, plus this year they are actually going global.  It is hosted by Columbia University’s Earth Institute, directed by Jeff Sachs to connect voices globally to meet the challenge on Climate Change and Economic Recovery.

EPA’s endangerment findings confirm that we now have massive amounts of scientific evidence validating that; “Green House Gases (GHG) are harmful to our health”.  How can our future and our children’s future not be a priority?  How can we better value our basic resources?  We must realize that pollution doesn’t just disappear.

The peaceful warrior cry of the environmental movement is urging us to take action now since each of us has a role and can do something for our world and the future of humanity.  The creation of strong climate/energy policy on both a national and international level is needed”

World Team Now is teaming up with many of our Clean Energy Week friends, and rallying together to ask you to call your Senators today (and for the next 72 hours) to express the importance of getting some solid “energy legislature” passed in Congress this year.  This is a critical time to get Clean Energy Legislature in the USA.  We are joining a powerful Clean Energy Campaign along with our allies, 1Sky and Alliance for Climate Protection and others…

Once we have solid legislation here in the USA that enables us to take responsibility for our actions, we may have a chance at gaining respect from the international community.  From this position we will increase our chances of gaining cooperation on a global climate policy prior to 2012 when the Kyoto Protocol expires.  Please act now and if you don’t know how to reach your Senators’ office click here.

Again, that daunting question, “How can humanity live in better balance with its resources?

We at World Team Now are focused on demonstrating clean energy solutions and raising public awareness.  Show trust in our democratic process and take action so that the kind of clean energy solutions we spoke about on World Team Now’s Renewable Energy Interactive Teleconference, as part of Clean Energy Week can become both accessible and affordable.

Call your Senators and support not just World Team Now, but also our global environmental movement.  This helps to create green jobs, better ecology for our local environment, and a cleaner earth.  Ask for some solid Clean Energy Policy in order to make solar, wind, tidal, and geothermal more accessible.  This in turn will eventually make it more affordable.  Between now and Earth Day’s 40th Anniversary, April 22nd –let’s have more to celebrate!

350 Climate Policy Rollin’ Forward

By Suzanne Maxx ©


CPDSA and World Team Now will team up to organize a human zero,  “O”,  made up of in-line and roller skaters in New York City’s Central Park.  Saturday, the 17th from 4:00-5:00 we plan to be part of a global action for the upcoming U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December, and to make a zero, “O” on skates, to get back to 350 CO2 emissions levels.  We will be on wheels, that are a “clean” form of transportation.  It will be shot from above, and when we start moving, rolling along, it will symbolize the movement we need to have with world leaders to ratify an international Climate Treaty, and for the Energy Bill stuck in the Senate. CPDSA and World Team Now will team up with 350.org, Spectral Q., for a human montage to post on Unite Now part of the global Climate Action Day-October 24th .

Our “movement” will symbolize the environmental movement and demonstrate the importance of the Energy Bill moving through the USA Congress, and encourage world leaders attending the upcoming international COP15 UN conference to move to create a global Climate treaty. We will team up to make the “O” for SpectralQ’s 350 human montage, .  The other 3 and the 5 will be made in cities like Copenhagen and Kyoto.  Scientists say that 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere is the safe limit for humanity. Skating is a zero emissions form of transportation, we are more than a stand, we are a movement, for net zero buildings,  Zero emissions, for meeting the 350 emissions target, plus national international Climate Action, and for a World Team Now.


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The Flow of Tidal Energy

By Suzanne Maxx ©Picture9.gif

The world is moving so fast now, it seems by the time you read these words, there is something new and more important, and World Team Now is growing faster than we can keep up with it.   The vision for World Team began 20 years ago September.  The Anniversary present is, the present awareness now, as humanity is embracing “Going Green”.

Our environmental movement is picking up speed, globally.  New and alternative energy, technology and public policy are emergent.  It’s exciting to watch alternative sources of energy, coming from the Earth, Air, Fire, and Water as Heat/Coolant Geothermal, Wind, Solar and especially, Tidal Energy— to take the limelight.

World Team Now is excited about our partnership with Tidal Today for the  3rd International Tidal Energy Summit.  Tidal Energy’s Day is near! Find out how to overcome technical, financial, consenting, and infrastructure challenges to ensure tidal energy can deliver on 2020 renewable targets.

Since our human bodies and our world are mostly water, it seems that the developing Tidal Energy will play a significant role in the natural renewable energy mix.   You will have a chance to be on the pulse of the energy movement by joining the team of tidal pioneers in London to learn about Tidal Energy, and see new emergent technologies and systems, from their innovation to implementation. The entire industry will benefit from this event as governments pays attention to challenges and investors eagerly eye up which opportunities will make the most economic sense. This is a unique opportunity to find out first hand, click here to register now.

If you are serious about doing business in tidal energy plus getting valuable strategies and insights to streamline the development process join the highest concentration of tidal developers all in one room, this event is the place to network and do business with tidal energy pioneers.

Hear from global pioneers including Marine Current Turbines, Open Hydro, Verdant Power, Atlantis Resources Corporation, Voith Hydro and many more at: 3rd International Tidal Energy Summit, London, November 17-18th. We hope to help bring Tidal Energy forward to the public.

Since our human bodies and our world are mostly water, it seems that the developing Tidal Energy will play a significant role in the natural renewable energy mix.   You will have a chance to be on the pulse of the energy movement by joining the team of tidal pioneers in London to learn about Tidal Energy, and see new emergent technologies and systems, from their innovation to implementation. The entire industry will benefit from this event as governments pays attention to challenges and investors eagerly eye up which opportunities will make the most economic sense. This is a unique opportunity to find out first hand, click here to register now. Developers in the wave and tidal industry have been invited to bid for GBP 22 million of government funding. The Marine Renewables Proving Fund, announced by the government in July, will allow for the commercial development of marine energy.  It’s time to go with the flow….

Other “sister” Conferences our partners at Tidal Today are producing this year, in the alternative renewable energy sector, include:

  • Offshore Great Lakes Oct 21-22
  • Solar Investment and Finance USA Summit Nov 12-13
  • Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Summit Nov 4-5
  • Offshore Wind Installation Nov 11-12
  • 3rd CSP Spain Nov 11-12
  • Wind Operations and Maintenance Nov 17-18
  • 3rd Tidal Energy Nov 17-18
  • Thin Film USA Dec 1-2
  • Printed Electronics (OLED Lighting) Dec 1-2
  • Balance of Plants and Balance of Systems Dec 1-2
  • Solar Investment and Finance Europe Dec 2-3
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